Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1625: Blood hunter

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Chapter 1625 Blood Hunting Tiger

"Since it is a fantasy, there must be a way to crack it, otherwise people who have entered this dark abyss will not be trapped here!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and a flash of cold mang flashed in Mo Wentian's eyes.

"Boy, it's not that simple!"

"Danger of death here, you have to be careful!"

"Stabilize your mind, don't let this death hurt your mind!"

The old man of Shenzhu looked at Mo Wentian, and the bright light flashed in his eyes.

"Senior Pearl, why is the death gas here so heavy?"

"It's weird here!"

Mo Wentian took a deep breath and asked Shen Shen.


"Of course this place is weird, boy, the death air of the dark abyss is not the ordinary death air!"

"You're right, I heard that very few people who enter this dark abyss can go out!"

"Most of the warriors have died here, can you say that it is not weird here?"

In the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu, a touch of cold mang flashed, which lowered the voice.

"Tianhu and Xiaoyu did not enter this dark abyss with me. It seems that they were separated when they entered the passage!"

"I don't know how they are doing now?"

It seemed that something was remembered, and Mo Wentian's eyes were filled with anxiety.

This dark abyss is so terrible and weird. At this moment, Xiao Xun and Tian Hu didn't come.

Otherwise, if Xiaoxiong and Tianhu are here, I am afraid that they will suffer minor injuries.

"Boy, this channel is divided immediately, and anyone who enters the channel will be divided into different places!"

"It's not your sister-in-law and Sky Fox that your kid should worry about now, but you were just injured by the breath of death!"

"You must recover the injury as soon as possible. This death breath, you must also force it out, otherwise the death breath will enter your body, and your injury will only get worse!"

The voice of the old **** bead sounded again.

"Restoring injuries?"

Mo Wentian gave a slight meal, then nodded.

Now that he has been separated from Xiaoyao Tianhu, and he is trapped in this dark abyss, he has no choice. Next, he can only follow the fate of heaven.

What's more, Mo Wentian's heart was prepared for the worst and fell into this dark abyss.

For Xiao Yan and Tian Hu, Mo Wentian thought that the warrior who came in together, except Tianji, was the only one.

Couldn't say why, Mo Wentian didn't worry at all that the old man would be bad for Xiaoyi and Tianhu.

Mo Wentian had a strong feeling in his heart that the old man was not the enemy.

"Also ask seniors to protect me!"

A low voice sounded, and Mo Wentian sat down cross-legged.

"God Eater!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian directly displayed the God of Devouring God.

At the same time, Mo Wentian threw a lot of elixir into his mouth.

For a moment, countless auras gathered around Mo Wentian.

The surrounding aura, mixed with the breath of death, was restored to cultivation here, and the speed of Mo Wentian dropped a lot.

"Roar ..."

As Mo Wentian recovered his injury, a roar came behind him.

With this roar, Mo Wentian just felt a mighty and boundless force, rushing towards himself.

"Boy, be careful!"

"There are monsters!"

God Shenzhu's eyes narrowed, he quickly reminded.

"Are there monsters?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes suddenly opened.

Without thinking about it, Mo Wentian unfolded his figure and the figure disappeared directly into place.


Just as Mo Wentian had just left, a scarlet tiger hunter with a whole body fluttered at the place where Mo Wentian was.

The stone on the ground was smashed by this blood hunting tiger instantly.

"Woohoo ..."

Looking at the blood hunting tiger, Mo Wentian's mouth could not help but take a breath.

"The emperor has successfully hunted the tiger!"

Mo Wentian looked at the blood hunting tiger, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The emperor's blood hunting tiger was in perfect condition, but Mo Wentian was fearless, but this blood hunting tiger was a social monster.

Mo Wentian was afraid that after this blood hunting tiger was beheaded, countless blood hunting tigers would come.

Mo Wentian's strength, to kill a blood hunting tiger, there is no slight difficulty, but if countless blood hunting tigers come, Mo Wentian can not be confident to be able to kill all.

"Human, come to my dark abyss, just don't want to go out alive!"

The sound of angry drinking sounded, and the eyes of the blood hunting tiger seemed to have been stained with blood. The scarlet was extremely incomparable.

"Don't want to go out alive?"

"Little sick cat, don't you think you can kill this emperor?"

The voice of Mo Wentian was extremely indifferent.

Although this blood hunter was beheaded, it is likely to attract more blood hunters.

But the **** tiger's arrogant words just angered Mo Wentian completely.

Suddenly, Mo Wentian's breath quickly rose up. Mo Wentian looked at the blood hunting tiger, and did not hide his killing intention.

"Boy, you have to kill this blood hunter, but be prepared!"

And just as Mo Wentian was about to make a move, the reminder of the old God Pearl came again.

"Senior Pearl, rest assured!"

"Blood hunting tiger, I can still solve it!"

Mo Wentian grinned at the old man of Shenzhu, and said indifferently.

After speaking, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and the Devouring Sword appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

"Bite your sword!"

"Break the world!"

Angrily, Mo Wentian directly cast a sword to break the world, and beheaded towards the blood hunting tiger.

The terrible sword intention also shrouded towards the blood hunting tiger.

"Human, you're looking for death!"

The violent sound sounded, and the blood hunting tiger opened his mouth and swooped directly towards Mo Wentian.

That look, it seems that I want to swallow the whole thing.

"Hmm ..."


But the next moment, in the void, a violent collision came.

The blood hunting tiger's body flew upside down.

The blood hunting tiger's body hit the ground, and the stone beneath him instantly shattered, and the ground sank into it.


Blood spit out from the blood hunting tiger's mouth.

"Humans, aren't you in the early days of the Emperor?"

"Your cultivation, why is it so strong?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the blood hunting tiger's eyes were full of impressiveness.

Mo Wentian's cultivation is the original state of the Emperor, but the power that Mo Yitian Yijian exhibited just now is stronger than that of the Emperor.

This makes the blood hunting tiger's heart not shocked?

"Repair so strong?"

"The ants, the strength of the Emperor, is not what you can imagine!"


The cold voice sounded again.

Mo Wentian stepped forward and came directly to the blood hunting tiger.

Without any hesitation, Mo Wentian Yijian stabbed directly into the blood hunting tiger's chest.

"Huh ..."

With a moan, the blood hunting tiger hadn't returned to God, and Mo Wentian's Devouring Heavenly Sword had passed through his chest.

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