Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1499: Beastmaster's Wrath

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Chapter 1499: The Wrath Of The Beast Master

And his Tianji Mountains, originally his Tianji Mountains, are stronger than the overall strength of the outside world.

But now, the three major ancient races and monster races have all been conquered by Mo Wentian.

Almost all his forces have become Mo Wentian, how does this keep him from getting angry?

Recalling this piece by piece, in Tianji's eyes, the intention of killing rose again.

At the same time, the breath on his body quickly skyrocketed, and a terrible power spread even more.

"This kid has won the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, and should not have left Tianji Mountain!"

"Yes, that power!"

"With this seat, don't try to leave alive!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something. In the eyes of Tianji, a faint radiant light rose instantly.

That power is not something he can control or counteract.

If he can compete with that power, he will not be imprisoned in this heavenly mountain for 100,000 years.

He couldn't compete with that power. From the point of view, Mo Wentian couldn't even compete.

Thinking about it this way, the corner of Tianji's mouth even raised a wicked smile.

"Restoring injuries first!"

"When my injury recovers, it will be the kid's death!"

The cold voice sounded, and in the eyes of Tianji, the eyes were extremely cold.

Immediately, without any hesitation, the sky flickered and disappeared.

In the Tianji Mountains, Tianji hates Mo Wentian.

And outside the Tianji Mountains, among the orcs, a figure, sitting on the Lord's seat, was extremely embarrassed.

The breath on him was even more volatile.

"Ahem ..."

In the corners of his mouth, blood leaked out.

This person is the beast owner of the orcs who escaped from the heavenly mountains.


"Mo Wentian, don't let me meet you, let me meet you next time, I must swallow you alive!"

The chill and boundless voice sounded, and in the eyes of the beast owner, the killing intention was terrible.

"This ... what's going on? Master Beastmaster returned from the heavenly mountains and entered the hall!"

"Master Beastmaster seems very angry!"

"Who the **** is so bold, annoying Master Beast Lord?"

"Isn't the Lord Beastmaster going to Tianji Mountain to capture the Dragon Dragon Sky Map? The Lord Lord Beast returned from Tianji Mountain Mountain, it seems that he did not bring anything, and the Lord Beast Lord is so angry, must not have taken the Dragon Dragon Heaven Map?"

"The Dragon Dragon Sky Map, the Lord Beast Master has not been taken down, nor has the Lord Lord Beast Master. Is anyone stronger than the Lord Beast Master, and has taken the Dragon Sky Master?"


The sound of the angry beast of the beast owner sounded, among the beasts, countless warriors, they instantly talked.

Their bodies moved quickly towards the principle orc hall.

They seemed to be afraid of the anger of the beast owner's wrath, spreading them to the general.

"Boy, I'm not just killing you, but also your Kingdom of Devourers, I will destroy it!"

And just then, a loud drinking sound sounded again.


Then came a crackling sound.

The beast owner was so angry that he smashed the chair next to him with one palm.

The violent sound came, among the orcs, the numerous orc disciples, again talking.

"The Lord Beastmaster is so angry, it seems that the dragon is in the sky, the Lord Beastmaster hasn't really won it!"

"Yes, according to the character of the Beastmaster, if the Dragon's Dragon Sky Map is taken down, this is a happy thing. Will the Beastmaster become angry?"

"Who the hell? He took the Dragon Dragon Sky Map?"

"In the entire ancient relics, in addition to the owner of Nianji Mountain Range, who would be the opponent of the Beast Lord Master, but the owner of Nianji Mountain Range is useless holding the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, and he will not fight for it. Master, who can compete with the Beast Master? "

"I heard my brother-in-law's brother-in-law's brother-in-law's older aunt's brother said that the Dragon Dragon Sky Map had been taken away by the emperor Mowen Tian, ​​the Devourer of Heaven!"

"This ... how is this possible? The emperor who eats the kingdom of heaven is really good, but he is definitely not our opponent to the Beast Lord!"


Suddenly, countless warriors made a noise.

Especially when someone said it was Mo Wentian who took the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, countless orc disciples were full of incredible eyes.

They didn't believe it at all. On the day of Mo Wentian's successful cultivation, he could compete with the beast owner, and he would also take away the dragon-dragon sky map.

But what they didn't know was that Mo Wentian's cultivation was improved in the Tianji Mountains.

Mo Wentian's strength can not be measured by cultivation.

As the many orc disciples outside the hall discussed, the door inside the hall opened.

I saw a figure coming out of the hall.

"Meet Lord Beastmaster!"

"Meet Lord Beastmaster!"


Seeing the beast owner's figure appeared, countless orc disciples knelt down towards the beast owner.

Although their minds were already very puzzled, was the Shenlongtongtiantu really taken away by Mowentian as rumored.

But looking at the beast owner in front of them, they just put away the curiosity in their hearts.

"Listen to me!"

"All orc disciples, set off to eat the kingdom of heaven!"

"It will devour the kingdom of heaven and God, destroy this seat!"

The beast owner looked at the numerous orc disciples under him, and said coldly.

"Destroyed the Kingdom of the Gods of Heaven? Is it true that the Lord of the Beasts, as rumored, was taken away by the Lord of the Kingdom of Gods?"

"Master Beast Lord said so, it seems the rumors are true!"

"Even if this Dragon Dragon Sky Map was taken away by Mo Wentian, not to mention he was lucky, he took this Dragon Dragon Sky Map, but his Kingdom of Sky Devourer is about to be finished!"

"Fighting with the Beast Lord, you're just seeking your own way!"


With the words of the beast owner, countless warriors, once again discussed.

At this moment, looking at the beast owner in front of them, the attitude of these orcish disciples has changed. The power on them and the breath on them have skyrocketed.

"Everyone in the Kingdom of Devourers, except Sky Fox, the rest will not stay!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, the beast owner said again.

"Yes, Lord Beastmaster!"

"Yes, Lord Beastmaster!"


After hearing the words, countless orc disciples quickly agreed, and their looks were extremely respectful.

The power on them was suddenly violent.

"Boy, you won the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, and this one won the Sky Fox, this is not a loss!"

Nana whispered in his mouth, and in the eyes of the beast owner, the slightest light flashed.

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