Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1461: Dragon tail, gone?

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Chapter 1461 Dragon Tail, Gone?

Mo Wentian looked at Youzhan, his face was full of cold arrogance.

"Boy, fine!"

"Slay your body, this patriarch doesn't need to take all of the Dragon Dragon Halberd, my fire lion is enough!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, You Zhan's eyes were full of cold eyes.

At the same time, the power of a fire lion on the halberd of the dragon in his hand was violent.

After that, there was no hesitation in the battle, and with a wave of your hand, the fire lion on the dragon's halberd exploded directly towards Mo Wentian.

"Boss, be careful!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yan reminded quickly.

"Old miscellaneous, this little trick also wants to kill the emperor?"

"go to hell!"

His eyes narrowed, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, and he disappeared directly into place.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian appeared in the immediate vicinity of the Fire Lion.

I don't know when, Tian Tian Sword appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

Holding the Devouring Sword, Mo Wentian shot directly and fell towards the head of the Fire Lion.

"Roar ..."

At the moment Mo Wentian's sword fell, all screams rang out instantly.

The next moment, in the void, the fire lion's body was extremely distorted, and a striking crack appeared on his head.

"Buzz ..."

And at this moment, in the hands of Youzhan, the fiery lion, the fire lion appeared, there have been cracks.

As if the next moment, it will be broken.


"how can that be?"

Looking at the Youlong War Halberd in your hand, and then looking at the fire lion suffering in the void, Youzhan's eyes are full of incredible.

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi said, it is not enough to kill Ben by this garbage!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian shot again and fell towards the fire lion.


Just as Mo Wentian Yijian fell, the fire lion's head broke and fell to the ground, arousing dust from the ground.

Immediately following was the body of the Fire Lion, which also fell to the ground.

At the same time, one end of the Yulong War Halberd broke instantly.

The original complete Dragon War Halberd is now only half of it.

"Boy, you ..."

"How can you be so strong?"

"What sword are you holding? How could this sword be so powerful?"

After a long pause, Yuzhan returned to God.

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of You Zhan, it was difficult to hide a bit of shock.

If you had been disdainful and indifferent to Mo Wentian at the beginning, now you have a huge change in Mo Youtian.

What's more, at this moment, in the heart of Youzhan, there was a bad feeling.

"Old miscellaneous, this Emperor's sword is called the Devouring Sword of Heaven!"

"Bendi doesn't know what level it is, but Bendi knows that its might seems to be good!"

Grinning, Mo Wentian said indifferently.

"Boy, no matter what sword you have, this patriarch of the sword has already taken notice of it, and your seal of the seal, this patriarch has taken notice of it!"

"When the patriarch slays you, then the seal and sword are all patriarchs!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. In the eyes of Youzhan, a cold cold mang flashed, and his face was harsh.

"Old miscellaneous, are you afraid of dreaming!"

"Don't dare to stun things of Bendi!"

"The Emperor originally intended to leave you as a dog, but you dare to carry the Emperor's things, and you will have only one in the end!"


After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's look suddenly froze.

Looking at Youzhan, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a terrible sense of murder.

Having said that, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly printed countless seals in his hands.

Along with this seal, the Dragon Seal Xi went directly to suppress the battle.

On the seal of the Dragon Seal, a mysterious pattern of gods was lit up instantly.

At the same time, the power on the Seal of the Dragon Seal suddenly rose sharply.

"Boy, the dead is you!"

"Youlong transformation: Youlong twine!"

With an angry drink, the figure of Youzhan flashed, and turned into a peerless Youlong.

The dragon rises to the void, and the power on his body is terrible.

Immediately, the quiet battle circled in the void, and then entangled directly towards Mo Wentian.

At this moment, among the dragon family, watching the peerless Youlong appearing in the void, countless disciples, eyes are full of impressive colors.

"It's really the patriarch, the patriarch is back!"

"Master Patriarch is back now, it's too late!"

"It seems that the patriarch is fighting the monarch. The monarch's strength is terrible and boundless. I think the patriarch may not be the opponent of the monarch!"

"The strength of the patriarch is comparable to that of the emperor, and asking the emperor's cultivation is only a condition of the emperor's perfection. I ask the emperor, after all, he can't fight it!"


Countless disciples of the Youlong clan talked instantly.

Looking at the battle in the void, they wanted to take a closer look, but before they approached, the terrible power had already struck.

The lower-level martial artist, only felt a salty and sweet taste spread in his mouth, and his face was instantly pale without any trace of blood.

And when the outside world was talking about it, the battle was going on in full swing in front of the Chamber of Secrets.

"Old miscellaneous pieces, like to entangle. Today, the emperor will let you take a good entanglement!"

Watching the faint battle that was twirling towards himself, Mo Wentian's eyes were slightly stunned, and the Tianshen Sword in his hand shivered violently.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and his hand waved, and the Dragon Seal Xi directly greeted him towards the battle.

At the same time, Mo Wentian was holding the Heavenly Devouring Sword and greeted him towards the battle.

"not good!"

"The power on the seal is strengthened again!"

With the suppression of the Dragon Seal and the Dragon Seal, Yu You only felt a big mountain and came towards himself. He seemed to be unable to bear it.

When he was shocked, a figure appeared quietly at his dragon tail.

"Old miscellaneous, how about cyanosis?"

"Your dragon tail is gone!"

Mo Wentianxie laughed, and a sword fell directly toward the tail of the battle.


"Do not……"

"Roar ..."


Screams rang out instantly.

The Yulong's body in the battle is hovering wildly in the void.

It's just the quiet battle at the moment. The difference is that as his body circled, drops of blood dripped down.

An intense and **** smell spread instantly.

The sound of Youzhan also spread to the ears of the Youlong disciples who let them stay outside the Youlong clan.

"This is the voice of the patriarch!"

"Ma'am, what's wrong?"

"The patriarch seems to be injured. Look at his dragon tail. It seems to be gone?"

"The dragon tail is gone? We the dragon family, the most powerful one is this dragon tail. This dragon tail is gone. The strength of the clan leader is about to drop!"


Each figure looked at the distant void, eyes full of worry.

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