Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1458: Battle with You

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Chapter 1458: Battle With You

"Hmm ..."


But when the dragon seal seal and the war halberd collided together, all the sparks came out.

At the same time, a figure flew upside down.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Mo Wentian's mouth.

"Boss ..."

"Boss ..."

"Emperor ..."


Watching Mo Wentian fly out, Xiao Yan and others' faces were full of worry.

Exclaimed, everyone flashed and appeared beside Mo Wentian.

"No problem!"

Mo Wentian wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was indifferent.

That look, as if at this moment he really did not suffer any harm.

"Boy, your cultivation is beyond the perfection of the King of Heaven. I didn't expect you to stop me!"

"It seems that the beast owner is right, your kid's strength is not measured by your cultivation!"

Suddenly, a figure stepped forward and approached Mo Wentian.

The cold eyes in the eyes flashed endlessly, and there was a cold chill in the voice.

"Is the owner right?"

"Who are you?"

"Why are you shooting at me?"

Looking at the figure in front of him, Mo Wentian's brow frowned, and the look in his eyes was even more puzzled.

"The emperor ... the emperor, he ... he is the patriarch of the Youlong!"

The figure in front of him had not yet answered, but Mo Wentian and the dimness beside him, opened the mouth first.

"The Patriarch of the Youlong?"

"So you are the patriarch of the Youlong!"

"Bendi has been waiting for you for a long time, but you are really here!"

Listening to the words of You You and You Ming, Mo Wentian was not surprised at all, as if he had already guessed the identity of this person.

Just when Mo Wentian looked at the figure in front of him, the cold mang in his eyes flickered endlessly.

"Boss, be careful!"

"This person is the patriarch of the Youlong clan. It seems that he came for You Qinyu's affairs, and today he will certainly not let you go!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Xiao aside, there was a touch of light in his eyes, quickly reminded softly.

Although Xiao Yan can't see the realm of the cultivation of You Zhan in front of him, from the breath of You Zhan, Xiao Yuan can perceive that the You Zhan in front of him must not be simple.

The purpose of this person's coming must be to seek revenge from Mo Wentian.

"Will you let me go?"

"Since he's here, Bendi doesn't need him to let me go, but Bendi won't let him go!"

With a grin, Mo Wentian's voice grew colder.

Listening to this voice, people's body could not help shrinking.

"Yes, boy, this patriarch is the patriarch of the Youlong tribe, you fight!"

And at this moment, the figure approached Mo Wentian more and more.

Finally, he stopped just a mile away from Mo Wentian, looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of You Zhan, full of disdain.

From the perspective of You Zhan, although Mo Wentian was blocking his blow just now, originally you thought that it was Mo Wu Tian's own power, but he had just investigated and found that it was not Mo Wu Tian at all Power, but the power of the Dragon Seal.

As for Mo Wentian in front of him, Xiu Wei is not in the perfect condition of the King of Kings. From the perspective of You Zhan, although Mo Wentian's strength is good at present, Xiu Wei is really bad.

In front of him, Mo Wentian was not his opponent at all.

Thinking about this, at this moment, in the heart of Youzhan, there was still some hate for iron.

If You Qinyu works hard, the strength is not raised by medicinal power. If you ask Mo Tian in front of you, You Qinyu will not be killed at all!

"Squeak ..."

At this moment, the fist of You You clenched involuntarily, and the bones creaked.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the killing intention in those eyes was unabashed.

"Old miscellaneous pieces, your little miscellaneous pieces have been beheaded by the emperor!"

"I am waiting for you for a long time just to see you together. It is too late for you to come here, but it's okay. I will send you on the road soon!"

His eyes narrowed, Mo Wentian looked at the battle in front of him, showing no sign of weakness, and the killing in his eyes was terrible.

The battle in front of you, although the strength is very good, according to Mo Wentian's combined strength now, Mo Wentian does not necessarily kill him.

But for no reason, Mo Wentian had a kind of self-confidence in his heart.

In front of you, he will surely beheaded!

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

"You just lost a battle just now!"

"And in that blow, the patriarch used only 30% of the power. You cannot stop the 30% of the patriarch's power. You also want to kill the patriarch. Are you sure you are not funny?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, You Zhan even laughed wildly. In the words, the irony was extremely ridiculous.


"Old miscellaneous, just now you used 30% of the power, but this Emperor just did not use any power!"

Looking at Youzhan, Mo Wentian's look was indifferent.

In those eyes, there was no fluctuation at all. It looked as if nothing could attract his emotional fluctuations.

"No power is brought out?"

"This is impossible!"

"How can you not use any power, boy, I think you are pretending to be relaxed, in fact, you have used all the power, right?"

Regarding Mo Wentian's words, how could you believe in Youzhan's heart.

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi is too lazy to talk to you!"

"Since you so desperately want to die, the Emperor will come to perfect you!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's expression seemed cold, his face cold.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.

However, for a few breaths, the breath of Mo Wentian has soared to the peak of the emperor.

"Boy, you really hide the repair!"

Watching Mo Wentian's breath had reached the peak of the emperor, the eyes of Youzhan shrank suddenly, and his face was overcast.

"Hidden cultivation?"

"Old miscellaneous, widen your dog's eyes to see clearly, Xiu Bendi did not hide, but this is the power displayed by Bendi!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's mouth, can not help but raise a touch of radian.

But watching Youzhan, Mo Wentian's face sneered.

"Boy, it seems my Yu'er died in your hands, not so wronged!"

"But even then, you killed my Yuer, you have to pay for his life!"

"Not only you, but the people behind you, will be buried for my Yuer!"

In the eyes of Youzhan, the intention of killing rose suddenly.

A terrible and overwhelming power, centered on the quiet battle, spread out towards the surroundings.

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