Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1213: Jiusu holy grass

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Chapter 1213: Nine-beard Sage

"What a terrible breath!"

"The power to swallow the tiger is really terrible!"

"Master, we can't bear it anymore!"


That terrible breath came, behind Mo Wutian, Lu Yi and other five-clawed cheetahs looked at Mo Wutian, his voice trembling.

"Back away!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian turned his head and saw that the faces of the five-clawed cheetahs were so pale that they seemed to be terribly coerced.

Mo Wentian flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, master!"


Respectfully replied, Lu Yi took the rest of the five-clawed thunder leopard and retreated in an instant.

And in situ, there was only Mo Wentian alone.

"Poor demon ape!"

Mo Wentian looked at the two figures in the void and shook his head.

In Mo Wentian's heart, Mo Wentian had an intuition that this demon ape was not a competitor.

And this demon ape will die in the hands of this devouring tiger.

A total of fifty apes, the lowest repaired, also reached the early state of the emperor.

It's a pity that all of them were devoured by God!

What's more, these gods devour their lives by engulfing others.

"Can't let this **** swallow the tiger, devour the demon ape!"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian thought of it, and there was a cold coldness in his eyes.

The nine must be holy grass, Mo Wentian must be taken away, but if this **** swallowed up the emperor's mid-range state, his cultivation must be stronger than now.

For Mo Wentian, this is definitely a harmless thing.

Mo Wentian will never let this **** swallow up the demon ape.

"Roar ..."

"Hmm ..."

A roar of howls sounded in the void, and the remaining **** swallows and magic apes instantly struck together.

The battle in the void is about to start.

The billowing power spread even more instantly.

At this moment, those five-clawed thunder leopards that had receded hundreds of feet, terrible coercion struck, and they only felt the whole body and bowed down.

"It's terrible, it's terrible!"

"Does the owner really want to take down the Jiusu Holy Grass?"

"I think the breath of this **** swallows the emperor, the breath is really too strong, and he is still a devouring beast. If he devours this monster ape emperor, his cultivation must rise again!"

"Although the master's strength is good, but compared to this devastating emperor ..."


Feeling the terrible breath hitting, the five-clawed thunder leopard outside Baizhang talked instantly.

They had a look of fear in their eyes, and their bodies shuddered even more.

If Mo Wentian was in front of them at this moment, or if Mo Wentian had imprinted their soul on them, I am afraid they have already traveled thousands of miles.


Just then, in the void, a violent collision came.

I saw two figures and flew out in an instant.

Thousands of feet of two swords flew backwards, and the whole valley shook instantly.

"Diggle, can you just do that?"

The demon ape looked at God swallowing tigers, eyes full of sneer.

"Little monkey, how dare you say that the emperor is the same?"

"This is what you forced me to do, no wonder I am!"

It was said that above the giant brain, the huge king character flashed a cold mang.

At the same time, in the eyes of the devouring tiger, it is even more wanton.

The billowing power came out of him.

"Tiger King howls!"

The next moment, God swallowed without hesitation, and roared instantly.

With the roar of God Swallowing Tiger, the terrible sound wave, centered on God Swallowing Tiger, spread instantly.

Throughout the valley, countless monsters watching the battle in the dark, fleeing wildly.

At the same time, the entire valley shook instantly.

"What a terrible soundwave, run away!"

"I feel my mind is shattered by this terrible sound wave!"

"Hurry out of here, we can't take these sacred grasses!"


There was a sound of unspeakable fear, and countless figures fled wildly.

"Useless stuff!"

Mo Wentian, who looked at this scene, was full of contempt.

His body was still in place, with no movement at all. It seemed that the terrible sound waves that were swallowed by God did not affect him at all.

"Magic apes!"

The next moment, a cold voice came.

I saw the thousands of feet of demon ape, the magic of billowing.

But between a few breaths, the entire valley instantly darkened, and the terrible magic gas was extremely turbulent.

"God swallowed and killed you, Jiusu Holy Grass is my demon ape family!"

The chilling voice sounded again.

The breath of the demon ape rose suddenly.

His palms quickly printed one by one, and with these one by one, in the void, countless magical energies came toward him.

The billowing magical qis formed one by one in the instant of the void, and the magic qi above the palms was even more terrible.

Without the slightest hesitation, the countless devil's palms in the void were swallowed towards God.


Suddenly, the sound of the two figures flying backwards resounded.

"The magic of this demon ape is so strong!"

"It seems that I underestimated this ape!"

Watching the two figures flew upside down again, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a very cold cold mang.

I didn't ask God to think that this demon ape could not be the opponent of this god, but I didn't expect that after two rounds, the demon ape not only blocked it, but also wounded the god.

This really surprised Mo Wentian, which made Mo Wentian's heart startled.

"The strength of the Emperor Monkey King and the Devourer King is so terrible!"

"Who will win among them?"

"I think it is still the God of the Tigers and the Emperor of the Tigers. The emperor of the Gods of the Tigers is better than the Lord of the Monkey Kings and his terrible devouring power must be the God of the Tigers!"

"I don't think so, the magic of this demon emperor is so terrible. Maybe the demon emperor can really kill this **** to swallow the king!"


A violent sound came, and countless monsters in the distance talked instantly.

"God swallowed, so are you!"

"Just let it out if you have any tricks, this Jiusu Holy Grass must be my demon emperor!"

At this moment, the Emperor Monkey got up from the ground, wiping the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and his face was dark.

"Jiusu Holy Grass is yours?"

"I think you are dreaming!"

Listening to the arrogant words of the Emperor Monkey King, the anger rose instantly in the eyes of the emperor.

The breath on my body suddenly surged.

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