Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 914 The second sky burial coffin

Everyone was stunned on the spot.

Su Chen stared at the sky-burial coffin in his hand. He knew very well what it meant if the sky-burial coffin fluctuated.

Su Hao himself is the reincarnation of the Lord of the Holy Domain. Back then, the Lord of Nine Infants was in the Holy Domain and cut off his body, divided it into nine parts, and turned into nine clones and got involved in the cracks in space.

The reincarnation of Jiuying is Su Hao.

Su Hao's first avatar was in the space underneath the Totem Ancient Tomb of the Totem Ancient Clan. It was the avatar of the Nine Infants that he killed and took away the first Sky Burial Coffin. .??.

According to Su Chen's guess, if nothing unexpected happens, Su Hao's second clone should be in Emperor Burial Peak now.

His eyes were very cold, Su Chen valued the burial coffin very much.

Because there is a nine-infant clone buried in each sky-burial coffin. There are nine sky-burial coffins, which means there are nine nine-infant clones.

According to Su Chen's guess, Su Hao's soul should still be in Tianhuang Continent, so he must be one step faster than Su Hao.

Before Su Hao can enter the Tomb of the Gods, he must kill all the Nine Infant clones in Tianhuang Continent, including the Tomb of the Gods.

Only by killing all nine Nine Infant clones can the reincarnation of the Nine Infant Master be cut off. At that time, only Su Hao's soul will be left, which is nothing to fear.

This is only the second Nine Infants clone. Su Chen's eyes are very firm. No matter what, he will kill it smoothly and cut off the fusion of the clones.

"Boss, what's going on?"

"Su Hao's clone is here."

Of course Xiaopang knew who Su Hao was, and he also knew about the grudge between Su Hao and the boss. He said, "Boss, I can't sense the aura of the Sky Burial Coffin."

Nodding, Su Chen understood what Xiaopang meant. It seemed that Xiaopang had already sensed it, and even Xiaopang couldn't sense it. He had already stated that the Sky Burial Coffin must be self-sealed, and no one could sense the Sky Burial Coffin. s position.


br\u003e Others are definitely unable to do it, but he can definitely lock it, because Su Chen has full confidence that with the help of the Sky Burial Coffin in his hand, he can 100% lock the second Sky Burial Coffin.

The Devouring Blood Wheel condensed above the head, and the Chaos Devouring Technique began to operate in the body. The devouring power continued to pour into the Sky Burial Coffin.

Su Chen's meaning is very simple, that is, he needs to use the Sky Burial Coffin to sense the location of the second Sky Burial Coffin, and he has full confidence that he can 100% sense the specific location of the Sky Burial Coffin.

at this time.

Waves of aura came out of the burial coffin, like a huge spider web, quickly rolling out in all directions, while Su Chen quietly sensed it.

He could only succeed and was not allowed to fail, because Su Chen knew very well what the consequences would be if he failed. After all, once Su Hao entered the Tomb of the Gods and merged with the clone of the Nine Infants in the second sky-burial coffin, he would At that time, he couldn't suppress Su Hao at all.

It's a headache. There are nine clones of the Nine Infant Master. It is not easy for him to kill the nine clones one by one. After all, he has only killed one Nine Infant clone until now. Now he just found The second nine-infant clone.

Thinking that there were still seven Nine Infant clones behind him, but they had not been successfully found, Su Chen's eyes became a little solemn. According to his guess, whether the remaining seven Nine Infant clones were in the Tianhuang Continent and the Tomb of the Gods. unknown.

Wave after wave of devouring aura continuously poured into the Burial Sky Coffin. Within the coverage of the Burial Sky Coffin, streams of aura continued to spread towards the surroundings.

time flies.

After about dozens of minutes, Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled.

Said, "Little Fatty, it's locked."

Xiaopang was also pleasantly surprised. He understood that the boss valued the burial coffin.

With the help of the Sky Burial Coffin, Su Chen quickly moved himself.

At the deepest point of Emperor Burial Peak, Su Chen finally stopped.

"Boss, are you underground?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "If nothing else happens, the second burial coffin should be underground, just like the original totem tomb, it is also an underground space."

"Then let's go in."

Su Chen immediately placed the burial coffin on the ground.

With the help of devouring power, they began to pour into the Sky Burial Coffin.

The entire ground began to ripple strongly.

Cracks are all over the ground, and more and more cracks are appearing, all over the ground.

The next second.

The ground collapsed instantly, and Su Chen and Xiaopang's figures collapsed directly and began to plummet, and the speed became faster and faster.

After falling for dozens of minutes, Su Chen entered a vast underground space with the sky burial coffin and Xiaopang.

Just as Su Chen guessed.

In the vast space, there is a coffin, tens of thousands of meters long and thousands of meters wide, spanning the void. There are special patterns on the coffin, and the dense lines look extremely weird, just floating quietly in the void. middle.

On the huge coffin, there are two words engraved, it is "Burial in the Sky", it is the second "Burial in the Sky" coffin.

Jiu Ying has nine clones in total, and each clone is buried in a sky burial coffin. He has killed one clone, and this is the second clone.

Come to the burial coffin.

His eyes were extremely cold, and Su Chen couldn't suppress the killing intent at all, because Su Chen

Hao is his inner demon and his greatest hatred.

Back in the Eastern Wasteland, Su Hao deprived him of his imperial bones, destroyed his blood wheel, and was even abandoned by his family. Over the years, he has been looking for opportunities to eradicate Su Hao completely.

But he never thought that Su Hao turned out to be the reincarnation of the master from the holy realm, and he also left such a hand to himself.

"Boss, take action quickly and kill the second clone of Lord Nine Infants."

Xiaopang also stared at the sky burial coffin in front of him, his face full of solemnity, because once the top being from the holy realm is merged into a clone by Su Hao's soul, no one can suppress Su Hao, even if he believes it My boss, so what?

No matter how talented the boss is, it will take time to practice, but Su Hao's situation is completely different. After all, he came from the reincarnation of a strong man in the holy realm, and his background is too profound.

Su Chen did not take back the first sky-burial coffin, and his eyes were extremely solemn. He was not worried at all, because Jiuying cut out his nine clones and buried them in the nine sky-burial coffins. Each clone had no Any strength is completely at the mercy of others.

As long as Jiu Ying's clone possesses super strength, it would be impossible for him to kill Jiu Ying's first clone so smoothly in the totem tomb.

Since he was able to kill Jiu Ying's first clone, he would definitely be able to successfully kill Jiu Ying's second clone. He had full confidence.

Without continuing to grind, Su Chen went straight towards the Sky Burial Coffin and fiercely threw out the Sky Burial Coffin in his hand.

The author has something to say

Thanks to ‘Huazi’, ‘Book Friends 061548494950’, ‘A Little Person 1’ and ‘Book Friends 063055979950’ for the ‘Reminding Talisman’

Special thanks to ‘book friend 090298485652’ for the ‘energy drink’

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