Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 857: Defying heaven, earth, and gods, named ‘Su Ni’

Qin Jiuluo, who slowly opened his eyes with surprise on his face, did not expect that he could really successfully break through to the divine way and accept the inheritance of the divine way.

Feeling the surge of divine power in his body, Qin Jiuluo slowly stood up, then knelt on his knees and stretched out his hands.

An ordinary-looking divine sword appeared in Qin Jiuluo's hand. The two words "Heaven-Destroying" were engraved on the hilt. This was the number one divine weapon in the ancient times, the Heaven-Destroying Sword!

After successfully accepting the inheritance of Shinto, and with his cultivation reaching the realm of pseudo-gods, Qin Jiuluo also accepted the first sharp blade inherited from Tianfu, the Sky-Destroying Sword.

In a continent where there is no Shinto presence, Qin Jiuluo knows very well what it means to Tianfu as his cultivation level successfully breaks through to the Shinto realm.

The shame of the past must be taken back. ??

Su Chen's arrogance cost him a hundredfold.

In the main hall.

All the elders of Tianfu gathered together and looked at the master who had come out of seclusion and successfully reached the realm of the divine way. Everyone was pleasantly surprised, and their faces were full of excitement, because finally the divine way came to Tianfu. For Tianfu, It is said that this is the best opportunity to unify the continent.

"Master, since you have broken through to the divine realm, we, the Tianfu, do not need to wait any longer. We will immediately begin to conquer the major forces, and then unify the continent and let the name of the Tianfu spread throughout the world."

"Master of the Palace, ten years ago, while you were in seclusion, the Su Clan was established, and news spread that the Su Clan had a mythical beast in charge, and Su Chen also disappeared for ten years."

Divine beast?

Qin Jiuluo's heart skipped a beat when he heard the word mythical beast. Of course he understood what the mythical beast represented.

As for the establishment of the Su Clan, there is no surprise at all. With Su Chen's talent and rise, he will definitely establish his own race. However, the Su Clan has a mythical beast sitting in charge, so this seems unlikely.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous. What does the Su Clan say? I also said that Tianfu has hundreds of divine beings in charge. Since the Su Clan has divine beasts in charge, why are ten

Never seen it in years. "

"I think Su Chen is playing psychological warfare with the world. After all, Su Chen offended too many people back then, so the establishment of the Su Clan must be on guard. He was afraid that someone would go to the Su Clan to cause trouble, so he deliberately mentioned the mythical beast. I can guarantee that , there must be no mythical beasts in the Sioux clan."

"Master, since Su Chen is like this, it means that the strength of the Su clan is not very good. I suggest that Tianfu take action immediately to destroy the Su clan and eradicate it."

Qin Jiuluo's eyes were very solemn, he was most afraid of Su Chen.

Tianfu has never suffered any humiliation since its inheritance, but Su Chen attacked Tianfu in front of Tianfu and killed more than two hundred half-step gods.

This is an irreparable shame.

Now, the situation is completely different.

As his cultivation level successfully broke through to the divine way, he was able to suppress the entire continent.

Su Chen?

"Summon the Tianfu army immediately and follow me to the Sioux Clan."

"Master, if we go to the Su Clan now, it won't be of much use."


"Master, according to the news we recently received, Su Chen's confidante, Concubine Luo Tianfei, the grand master of Zufeng Palace, has been pregnant for ten years. If nothing else happens, Su Chen and others should have rushed to Zufeng Palace."

"Then let's go directly to Zufeng Palace."


His deep eyes were full of murderous intent. Qin Jiuluo hated Su Chen very much. Otherwise, he would not have chosen to retreat to the Shinto realm.

Zufeng Palace.

With the arrival of Su Chen and Yan Bingxi, the entire Zufeng Palace was completely in an uproar.

Teng rise, after all, Su Chen disappeared for ten years and finally came back.

The whole day and night, Su Chen stayed with his family.

Especially among parents.

When Yutong was born, Ji Yinni chose to go into seclusion, and she only appeared in the last three years.

And this moment.

Everyone was waiting anxiously outside the room because Luo Tianfei had begun to give birth.

There were no cries, no visions of heaven and earth descended.

It wasn't until someone came out to inform that everyone knew the child had been born.

Ji Yinni, Su Chen and others filed in, while Su Zhan and others could only stay outside.

Ten years of pregnancy, one day of childbirth.

It did not cause any strange phenomena in the world, but under Su Chen's inspection, he discovered that his son was not accompanied by a divine body and looked ordinary, unlike Yutong.

"Father, I want to see my brother."


Liu Fengxie immediately picked up Yutong and said in a solemn voice, "Yutong is good."

Seeing the solemnity in the room, Su Chen burst out laughing and said, "What's wrong with you all? So what if you're not talented? Who of my, Su Chen's sons is mediocre?"

Ji Yinni patted his son and said, "You're right. I just hope that my child will grow up safely. I don't expect anything else."

"Brother Su, come up with a name quickly."

Su Yutong's name was given by Su Zhan, but this time Su Zhan did not interfere.

Looking at the little guy who was neither crying nor fussing in his arms, Su Chen sighed deeply in his heart. He had already checked the little guy's body and found that he did not have a divine body, nor a heaven-defying physique or talent. He originally thought that after ten years of pregnancy, he would How contrary to nature.

"I hope you will defy heaven and earth and defy God in the future. Your name will be Su Ni."

Su Ni?

What a domineering name!

Su Chen gave the child to his mother, came to Luo Tianfei, held Luo Tianfei's hand, and said, "Don't worry, I will find a way to change Ni'er's talent and physique. I will not let him live a mediocre life."


Luo Tianfei was a little disappointed. She originally thought that after the child had been in her belly for ten years, it would definitely shock the world when she came out, but she never thought that she was just an ordinary person.

As a mother, she definitely wants her children to be safe, but in a world where martial arts is respected, strength means everything.

However, seeing that Yutong's talent and strength were so incredible, she really couldn't accept the fact that her son would be mediocre for the rest of his life.

Everyone could see the disappointment in Luo Tianfei's heart, but there was no way to persuade her. As a mother, what mother didn't want her son to be better.

"I will go to the Tomb of the Gods later. If nothing else happens, after opening the Tomb of the Gods, the rules of Heaven's Way will be restored, and all of you will have hope to attack God's Way."

"Su Di, can we follow you to the Tomb of the Gods?"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "No one is allowed to go with me. I will let Monkey Ritian and Monkey King take charge of the Su clan."

Su Chen also knew very little about the Tomb of the Gods. After all, the Tomb of the Gods is also called the Holy Cage. No one knows what will happen when the Holy Cage is opened. Whether it is good or bad is unknown. .

If the Sanctuary Cage was not like what he imagined, it would be very dangerous. He didn't want his family to take the risk with him, so staying was the best choice.

The author has something to say

The Tomb of the Gods and the Sanctuary Cage chapter are about to begin. Xianhe believes that the Shinto chapter will definitely be more interesting and exciting than the mainland chapter, and Xianhe will work hard to write the Shinto chapter well!

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