Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 582 Eight Buddhas move together, the battle between demons and Buddhas

The eight Emperor Buddha Yuanshen were completely angry.

When they first started, they really didn't take Su Chen seriously. They were just an ant. They just used Su Chen's body to suppress the God-killing Bone Bow.

But now, I didn't expect that Su Chen had escaped their suppression. If it weren't for their souls being restrained in the God-killing Bone Bow, they wouldn't be so passive.

At other times it wouldn't have mattered.

But now, the situation is completely different. After all, they are increasingly discovering that the suppressed God-killing Bone Bow is getting more and more violent. Once it cannot be suppressed, the eight emperors will be the first to be attacked by the God-killing Bone Bow. The consequences for the Buddha’s soul are disastrous.

In this case, the only way not to be anxious is to return to the Buddha Clan in the shortest possible time. Only with the help of the Buddha Clan can we successfully suppress the God-killing Bone Bow.

"Donor, the poor monk and others have spoken to you. I hope you can come back and help the poor monk and others to suppress the God-killing Bone Bow together, so as not to harm others, yourself, or even harm the common people."

Threaten yourself?

Su Chen hated others threatening him the most. Including the eight emperors and Buddhas, the eight people who taught him the magical powers of Buddhism were just trying to use his own practice to help the eight of them suppress the God-killing Bone Bow. Otherwise, Buddhism would The magical power will definitely not be imparted to oneself.

There is no thanks, nothing more than mutual use.

Too lazy to continue communicating with the eight emperors and Buddhas, Su Chen understood that it was impossible for him to go to the Buddha clan, let alone give up the God-killing Bone Bow.

"Since the benefactor is stubborn, the eight poor monks can only find other benefactors to suppress the God-killing Bone Bow together. However, the poor monk can guarantee that your soul will not be destroyed. When the time comes, the poor monk will take your soul with him. God, return to the Buddha clan.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying aura rushed out. Su Chen did not expect that the God-killing Bone Bow in the space ring began to surge out, bursting out with shocking momentum.

The God-Killing Bone Bow is straddling in front of him. Su Chen has already poured a drop of his life essence into the God-Killing Bone Bow. Once something happens to the God-Killing Bone Bow, it will definitely be a devastating blow to him. If not, Fear, that must be a lie.

Su Chen instantly understood what the eight Emperor Buddha Yuanshen wanted to do. If nothing else, they wanted to use the impact of the God-killing Bone Bow to completely destroy themselves.

His disobedience made the eight emperors and Buddhas have murderous thoughts. Their cold eyes stared at the God-killing Bone Bow in front of them. Is this the so-called Buddha?

Is the Buddha compassionate?



Originally, Su Chen still had a good impression of Buddhism, but now, Su Chen has lost even the last bit of good impression. If he wants to kill himself, he has to see who can have the last laugh.

It would be impossible for him to resist the eight Emperor Buddhas at their peak, including the Yuanshen who had left the God-killing Bone Bow. The eight Emperor Buddhas were all powerful in the Emperor realm, and it would be difficult to deal with any one of them.

But now, Su Chen refused to admit defeat, because all eight Emperor Buddha Yuanshen were suppressed in the God-killing Bone Bow, and he could not choose to give up.

To give up is to perish.

Only the so-called immortal soul is bullshit.

Why should your destiny be in the hands of others? It must be in your own hands.

The Chaos Devouring Technique was immediately running in his body, and the vast and rolling devouring aura instantly enveloped the entire store. Su Chen's face was very solemn.

In front of him

The right eight souls are always in the imperial realm.

Blood wheels are constantly condensing in the sky above the head. They are the five blood wheels, namely the Devouring Blood Wheel, the Killing God Blood Wheel, the Immortal Blood Wheel, the Ancestral Dragon Blood Wheel and the Demonic Sword Blood Wheel.

The five major blood wheels, any one of them is the top blood wheel in the mainland.

The five-wheeled cauldron floats in the sky above the head.

Want to use the God-killing Bone Bow to backfire on yourself?

Three words, impossible.

Regarding the eight emperor Buddhas, Su Chen had completely changed his mind.

Just like Master said.

Eight bald donkeys are not a good thing. They do even more cruel things than the demons every day under the banner of compassion.

I just don't want to go to the Buddha clan, so I want to destroy myself.

Cruel enough!

It’s amazing!

You are cruel, I am more cruel than you.

You are awesome, I am even more awesome than you.

Su Chen's eyes were cold and solemn.

Because he knows that with this counter-suppression, he is truly connected with the God-killing Bone Bow. As long as he is strong enough in the future, he should not be backlashed by the God-killing Bone Bow.

After using blood essence to nurture the God-killing Bone Bow for so long, Su Chen didn't believe that the eight emperors and Buddhas could suppress him.

The God-killing Bone Bow is definitely his home field.

Along with running the Chaos Devouring Art, Su Chen also ran the Ancient Gods and Demons Art at the same time, and the rolling demonic breath continued to pour into the God-killing Bone Bow.


at this time.

Vast streams of Buddha's breath poured out from the God-killing Bone Bow, but it was obvious that the eight Buddha's breaths were suppressed by the God-killing Bone Bow, and its power was weakened by four-fifths. If you want to use this one-fifth The power of the Buddha's breath to suppress oneself is completely a dream.

The eight strands of Buddha's breath quickly condensed into the shadows of eight illusory Buddha statues, and the Buddha's voice roared out from his mouth. The rolling Buddha's breath quickly gathered into blossoming Buddha lotus under each illusory Buddha statue. He stepped on the Buddha's breath and began to Glittering golden 'swastikas' emerged one after another, overwhelmingly moving towards Su Chen to suppress them.


Is this the so-called Buddha?

In order to suppress the God-killing Bone Bow, he had to sacrifice himself. Su Chen simply despised it to the extreme. He talked about benevolence, morality and compassion every day, but in fact he did not take human life seriously.


The terrifying power collided fiercely in the store, like water and fire fighting, each wanting to completely devour the other.

Fortunately, the entire store had already set up formations, with nine formations interlocking with each other. Otherwise, I believe the entire store would have been destroyed by the first collision alone.

Su Chen definitely didn't want anyone to know about the God-killing Bone Bow and the eight Emperor Buddha Souls. This time, it's either you or me who will die.

What kind of cultivation level are the eight emperor Buddhas? This is something Su Chen still doesn't know, but he can guess that the eight emperor Buddhas who suppressed themselves in the God-killing Bone Bow must not be simple in their own cultivation level. , at the very least, he is a powerful person in the Imperial Realm on the second level of the Imperial Path. Otherwise, the Yuan Shen would not be so powerful.

It is precisely because of this that Su Chen is extra dignified and does not dare to relax at all. After all, this battle is related to his life and death.

If you want to suppress yourself, you have to pay a high price. Su Chen has even decided to use the God-killing Bone Bow to kill the eight Emperor Buddha Souls at once. The eight Emperor Buddha Yuanshen were completely angry.

When they first started, they really didn't take Su Chen seriously. They were just an ant. They just used Su Chen's body to suppress the God-killing Bone Bow.

But now, I didn't expect that Su Chen had escaped their suppression. If it weren't for their souls being restrained in the God-killing Bone Bow, they wouldn't be so passive.

At other times it wouldn't have mattered.

But now, the situation is completely different. After all, they are increasingly discovering that the suppressed God-killing Bone Bow is getting more and more violent. Once it cannot be suppressed, the eight emperors will be the first to be attacked by the God-killing Bone Bow. The consequences for the Buddha’s soul are disastrous.

In this case, the only way not to be anxious is to return to the Buddha Clan in the shortest possible time. Only with the help of the Buddha Clan can we successfully suppress the God-killing Bone Bow.

"Donor, the poor monk and others have spoken to you. I hope you can come back and help the poor monk and others to suppress the God-killing Bone Bow together, so as not to harm others, yourself, or even harm the common people."

Threaten yourself?

Su Chen hated others threatening him the most. Including the eight emperors and Buddhas, the eight people who taught him the magical powers of Buddhism were just trying to use his own practice to help the eight of them suppress the God-killing Bone Bow. Otherwise, Buddhism would The magical power will definitely not be imparted to oneself.

There is no thanks, nothing more than mutual use.

Too lazy to continue communicating with the eight emperor Buddhas, Su Chen understood that it was impossible for him to go to the Buddha clan, let alone give up the God-killing Bone Bow.

"Since the benefactor is stubborn, the eight poor monks can only find other benefactors to suppress the God-killing Bone Bow together. However, the poor monk can guarantee that your soul will not be destroyed. When the time comes, the poor monk will take your soul with him. God, return to the Buddha clan.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying aura rushed out. Su Chen did not expect that the God-killing Bone Bow in the space ring began to surge out, bursting out with shocking momentum.

The God-Killing Bone Bow is straddling in front of him. Su Chen has already poured a drop of his life essence into the God-Killing Bone Bow. Once something happens to the God-Killing Bone Bow, it will definitely be a devastating blow to him. If not, Fear, that must be a lie.

Su Chen instantly understood what the eight Emperor Buddha Yuanshen wanted to do. If nothing else, they wanted to use the impact of the God-killing Bone Bow to completely destroy themselves.

His disobedience made the eight emperors and Buddhas have murderous thoughts. Their cold eyes stared at the God-killing Bone Bow in front of them. Is this the so-called Buddha?

Is the Buddha compassionate?



Originally, Su Chen still had a good impression of Buddhism, but now, Su Chen has lost even the last bit of good impression. If he wants to kill himself, he has to see who can have the last laugh.

It would be impossible for him to resist the eight Emperor Buddhas at their peak, including the Yuanshen who had left the God-killing Bone Bow. The eight Emperor Buddhas were all powerful in the Emperor realm, and it would be difficult to deal with any one of them.

But now, Su Chen refused to admit defeat, because all eight Emperor Buddha Yuanshen were suppressed in the God-killing Bone Bow, and he could not choose to give up.

To give up is to perish.

Only the so-called immortal soul is bullshit.

Why should your destiny be in the hands of others? It must be in your own hands.

The Chaos Devouring Technique was immediately running in his body, and the vast and rolling devouring aura instantly enveloped the entire store. Su Chen's face was very solemn.

In front of him

The right eight souls are always in the imperial realm.

Blood wheels are constantly condensing in the sky above the head. They are the five blood wheels, namely the Devouring Blood Wheel, the Killing God Blood Wheel, the Immortal Blood Wheel, the Ancestral Dragon Blood Wheel and the Demonic Sword Blood Wheel.

The five major blood wheels, any one of them is the top blood wheel in the mainland.

The five-wheeled cauldron floats in the sky above the head.

Want to use the God-killing Bone Bow to backfire on yourself?

Three words, impossible.

Regarding the eight emperor Buddhas, Su Chen had completely changed his mind.

Just like Master said.

Eight bald donkeys are not a good thing. They do even more cruel things than the demons every day under the banner of compassion.

I just don't want to go to the Buddha clan, so I want to destroy myself.

Cruel enough!

It’s amazing!

You are cruel, I am more cruel than you.

You are awesome, I am even more awesome than you.

Su Chen's eyes were cold and solemn.

Because he knows that with this counter-suppression, he is truly connected with the God-killing Bone Bow. As long as he is strong enough in the future, he should not be backlashed by the God-killing Bone Bow.

After using blood essence to nurture the God-killing Bone Bow for so long, Su Chen didn't believe that the eight emperors and Buddhas could suppress him.

The God-killing Bone Bow is definitely his home field.

Along with running the Chaos Devouring Art, Su Chen also ran the Ancient Gods and Demons Art at the same time, and the rolling demonic breath continued to pour into the God-killing Bone Bow.


at this time.

Vast streams of Buddha's breath poured out from the God-killing Bone Bow, but it was obvious that the eight Buddha's breaths were suppressed by the God-killing Bone Bow, and its power was weakened by four-fifths. If you want to use this one-fifth The power of the Buddha's breath to suppress oneself is completely a dream.

The eight strands of Buddha's breath quickly condensed into the shadows of eight illusory Buddha statues, and a series of Buddha sounds roared from his mouth. The rolling Buddha's breath quickly gathered into blossoming Buddha lotuses under each illusory Buddha statue. He stepped on the Buddha's breath and began to Glittering golden 'swastikas' emerged one after another, overwhelmingly moving towards Su Chen to suppress them.


Is this the so-called Buddha?

In order to suppress the God-killing Bone Bow, he had to sacrifice himself. Su Chen simply despised it to the extreme. He talked about benevolence, morality and compassion every day, but in fact he did not take human life seriously.


The terrifying power collided fiercely in the store, like water and fire fighting, each wanting to completely devour the other.

Fortunately, the entire store had already set up formations, with nine formations interlocking with each other. Otherwise, I believe the entire store would have been destroyed by the first collision alone.

Su Chen definitely didn't want anyone to know about the God-killing Bone Bow and the eight Emperor Buddha Souls. This time, it's either you or me who will die.

What kind of cultivation level are the eight emperor Buddhas? This is something Su Chen still doesn't know, but he can guess that the eight emperor Buddhas who suppressed themselves in the God-killing Bone Bow must not be simple in their own cultivation level. , at the very least, he is a powerful person in the Imperial Realm on the second level of the Imperial Path. Otherwise, the Yuan Shen would not be so powerful.

It is precisely because of this that Su Chen is extra dignified and does not dare to relax at all. After all, this battle is related to his life and death.

If you want to suppress yourself, you have to pay a high price. Su Chen has even decided to use the God-killing Bone Bow to kill the eight Emperor Buddha Souls at once.

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