Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 4619 Thank you very much

"I'm so angry."

"Don't these monsters have a sense of public morality?"

"It's so hard for them to build a toilet, why do they go to the toilet anywhere?"

Stepped on poop again.

Lu Ming was about to collapse. Since he set foot in the Imperial Forbidden Zone, he has had a lot of bad luck, even he himself has felt it.


He couldn't choose to leave the Imperial Forbidden Zone, nor would he admit that he was unlucky.

Can't afford to lose this person.

He was recently appointed as the young master of the Tianwu Sect by his father, and everyone was very dissatisfied, so he came to the Imperial Forbidden Zone without hesitation.

In addition to improving his own cultivation, it is more important to try his luck and see if he can meet a good opportunity.

He wants to return to the sect in a strong way and tell everyone that he, Lu Ming, did not rely on his father, but relied on his own real talents to sit on the position of young master.

Everyone wanted to laugh, but didn't dare.

Want to persuade, but afraid of being slapped.

Just watch and follow, don't say anything.

"Where are we going?"

"Young Sect Master, all the spaces in the Imperial Forbidden Zone are changing all the time, so we don't know where we are."

"Nonsense, we are all trash."

You are trash.

You are not trash, why are you asking us?

The disgust reached the limit, and everyone despised him fiercely in their hearts.

"Young Sect Master, look ahead."

In front of everyone, there is a huge peak that reaches the sky, and you can't see the end at a glance. No one knows how high it is.

"What is it?"

"It seems that a palace appears on the peak."



A slap was slapped hard, and he cursed: "Are you dazzled? Where is the palace?"

"Young Sect Master, I really didn't lie to you. There is indeed a palace. If you don't believe me, ask them."

"I saw it too."

"There is really a palace."

One or two people said so, maybe it was fake.

But if everyone saw it, is it still fake?

Definitely not.

Lu Ming frowned and stared at the huge peak in front of him. He really couldn't see anything. What's going on?

"Young Master, we really saw it. The illusory palace appeared on the giant peak."

"I can't see it."

In the distance.

"Brother Su, is that a palace?"

Su Chen was also very surprised. His Taibaojian couldn't sense it at all. If they hadn't followed the young master of Tianwu Sect, they wouldn't have found this place.

"It seems that I still underestimated the bad luck of this young master. He probably can't see the palace at all."


Sikong Luo Ning certainly didn't doubt Su Chen's words, but was just surprised. Even if he was unlucky, it wouldn't be like this.

"Brother Su, do you think this palace was left by a great emperor?"

"I don't know, but we need to go in and see to be sure."

"Boy, you have to be careful. This palace is full of evil."

Hearing the reminder of Sanjie, Su Chen also became extra careful.

"Let's go."

There is no need to continue hiding.


"Who are you?"

"We didn't mean to come here. My name is Su Chen, and this is my wife Sikong Luo Ning."

Lu Ming nodded and said, "My name is Lu Ming, from Tianwu Gate. I want to ask you, can you see the palace emerging in front of the giant peak?"


"What about you?"

"I can see it too."

Even the two of them can see it, but he can't. Lu Ming really doubts his life.

"You two go and see if you can enter the palace."


When they arrived in front of the giant peak, they looked at the huge palace that appeared in front of them, and the palace door was open. The two tried to step into the palace door, but found that they could enter.

"Young Master, it's amazing that we can get in."

"Everyone, come with me."

Lu Ming looked at Su Chen and the other two and asked, "Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course."

"Then let's make a deal. If we encounter an opportunity, we will take nine and you will take one. For a single opportunity, we will choose first. You can only take the things we don't want. If you agree, you can enter. If you refuse, you can only stay here."

"You are a very nice person."

"This young master is a good person."

Su Chen has a good impression of Lu Ming. If it were any other second-generation rich, I believe they would directly block the two of them from entering the palace.


Anyone can enter, but Lu Ming, who stepped into the palace gate with the help of his junior brothers, crashed directly into the mountain peak. Fortunately, he didn't use much force, otherwise, the force of the collision would definitely be very strong.

"Do you want to kill me?"

"Young Master, we didn't mean to do that, but any of us can enter, why can't it be your turn?"

Everyone in Tianwu Sect was completely confused, because they didn't know what happened, why everyone could enter, but the young master couldn't.

"Brother Lu, I have a way to take you in."


"Yes, but I want to make friends with you."

Looking at Su Chen who stretched out his hand to him, Lu Ming smiled and said: "There are many people who want to make friends with this young master. This young master has high standards, but I like you very much. Forget it, we are friends now."

Also stretched out his hand, and the two held it tightly.

"Brother Su, how can you help me enter."

Su Chen mobilized the power of the copied blood wheel, copied his power to Lu Ming, and said: "Follow me in."

Half-believing and half-doubting, Lu Ming could see that the illusory palace in front of him that he could not see must be not simple. After all, this is the forbidden area of ​​the Emperor's Relics, and he did not want to miss any opportunity.

It was not until the moment he entered the palace that Lu Ming was relieved.

"Brother Su, thank you very much."

"Well, if you don't mind, we will train together in the forbidden area of ​​the Emperor's Relics later."

"Okay, I will protect you a lot."

"Thank you very much."

An absolute guiding light, Su Chen would certainly not miss such an opportunity. Although he really wanted to make friends, he would not tell Lu Ming about this. No matter who heard such words, they would be angry, not to mention that Lu Ming was a second-generation ancestor.

Entering the palace, and Lu Ming's body surface was covered with Su Chen's aura, and he could already see it.

"Young Sect Master, there is a stone pool here."

Everyone walked over, and there was a huge square stone pool in the center, with scarlet blood flowing in it, which was very strange.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to see what's going on with the blood inside."

"If you want to die, go ahead and touch it."

Lu Ming frowned, a sword appeared in his hand, and he tried to touch the blood in the stone pool with the sword.

Su Chen was a little surprised. Lu Ming looked careless, but he was actually very careful.

The sword just touched the blood in the stone pool and was corroded instantly, and the blood quickly spread along the sword. Su Chen was quick-witted and used his fingers to represent the sword, instantly cutting off the long sword.

Lu Ming was so scared that he quickly abandoned the sword. Even so, he knew very well that if Su Chen hadn't acted in time, he would probably be corroded by the blood instantly.

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