Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 346 I’m going to tear you alive


Ban Quan cursed fiercely and looked at the sudden appearance of the young man. He was completely confused. Even if he was beaten to death, he would not have thought that this person would really come after him.

He was so frightened that his face became paler and he almost fell down and was thrown into the lake. He shouted angrily, "Su Chen, your injuries are so serious and you want to fight me head-on. Are you qualified?"

Ban Quan could tell that Su Chen's injuries must be serious. His face was bloodless and his body was swaying.

Just as Ban Quan guessed.

Today, Su Chen has indeed not recovered from his injuries, but has just stabilized. Under normal circumstances, he is not suitable to take action at all, and he still has a head-on confrontation with Wu Zu.

But now Su Chen can no longer care about so much. Even if he risks continuing to suffer heavy losses, he will kill Ban Quan and avenge Han Qingqing. ??

Let Ban Quan pay his debt with blood, endless self-blame and guilt filled Su Chen's heart. He could not forget what Han Qingqing said before he died.

In order not to implicate himself, he even chose to self-destruct his soul. The anger in his heart could not be suppressed at all, and the sea of ​​murderous intent raged wantonly across the sky.

Ban Quan wanted to escape, but it was impossible for him to continue to use the second blood escape secret technique. Looking at the young man who had already arrived in front of him, he could only bite the bullet.

"I'm going to tear you alive."

Ban Quan also roared, "Then let's see who of the two of us can leave alive."

He unleashed his own Blood Chakra fist and punched out fiercely, covering the surrounding area with an astonishing terrifying momentum. At this moment, Ban Quan was completely fighting. If he didn't fight hard, he would be torn alive by the opponent.

It's a situation where you die or I die. Ban Quan uses all his strength. He must kill this person before he can leave here alive.

A dragon roar and an elephant roar, accompanied by the terrifying aura of the dragon roar and the elephant roar, nine illusory dragon shadows galloping like the sea and nine overbearing illusory elephant shadows rolled out one after another and merged into the 'One Punch' martial arts like a tsunami. , Su Chen's meaning is very simple, that is, to use fists to make punches.

Let's see who has the harder fist.

Boom boom boom!

The fists exerted by the two collided fiercely, as if they were going to tear each other apart. The rushing air waves spread crazily in all directions, the ground began to shatter inch by inch, and the entire lake began to roar.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Su Chen's face turned completely pale, and his body almost retreated, but he endured it forcefully. The backlash caused by the previous Blood Demon Transformation crazily spread over his body again, and the painful face was forcibly suppressed.

"Hahaha, boy, I

Let's see how long you can be arrogant. "

It was obvious that Su Chen was no longer as brave as before, and his fist strength could not withstand his blood chakra at all. If this situation continued, he was absolutely sure that he could successfully kill Su Chen.

"Let you see the power of Tyrannosaurus Fist."

Ba Long Fist, the top royal martial arts of the Dayu Dynasty, must be combined with the Blood Wheel Fist to exert its maximum power. In order to win a quick victory, Ban Quan directly used Ba Dragon Fist.

For a moment, fist shadows all over the sky swept out like a storm, directly blocking all the exits around him. Since the opponent was so seriously injured, he would definitely not let him leave alive. It would be such a low-level mistake to kill you while you are sick. , he cannot commit it easily.

The martial arts of "One Punch" is the natal martial art of invincibility. Su Chen knew that he had not yet understood the true martial arts connotation of the secret technique of "One Punch", and his injuries were too serious. The backlash caused by the Blood Demon Transformation could no longer be suppressed. Manjuan's body was eroding him fiercely.

He also wanted to make a quick decision, because whether he wanted to believe it or not, Su Chen understood one truth, that is, in this case, the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for him, and he might even be directly massacred by Ban Quan.

Without reservation, he must successfully kill Ban Quan at the moment when he cannot resist the blood demon's backlash.

Executing the Ancient Tribulation God Technique, Su Chen continued to form seals with his hands, and with a loud dragon roar resounding throughout the nine-sky sky, a ten thousand-foot illusory dragon shadow gradually appeared. As the natal martial arts of the Ancient Tribulation Dragon, Su Chen rarely Use the Ancient Tribulation God Technique.

The dragon-elephant blood wheel is integrated into the ancient divine calamity art. The illusory figures of the Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants are hovering around the body. Above the head is hovering a ten thousand-foot illusory dragon shadow, emerging between the sky and the earth. His cold eyes are staring at the prey in front of him, vast and eternal. The breath seems to come to the world across endless years of reincarnation.

Ban Quan, who was locked by the dragon's breath, couldn't help but shudder when he looked at the illusory dragon shadow condensed above Su Chen's head, especially the cold dragon eyes, and there were also the illusion of nine dragons and nine elephants. figure.

"Dragon Elephant Blood Wheel, you are from the ancient Dragon Elephant Totem Clan."

Completely stunned.

Even if you beat Ban Quan to death, you would not have thought that this person turned out to be a twin blood wheel. There is another blood wheel hidden under the sword blood wheel, and it is also the legendary dragon and elephant blood wheel.

There are ten major ancient tribes in the mainland, and the Totem Ancient Tribe is one of them.

one of them.

The Dragon Elephant Totem Branch is the most powerful branch among the Ancient Totem Clan, but the disciples of the Ancient Totem Clan rarely move outside, let alone participate in the war of ten thousand dynasties, which is completely impossible.

After all, Tiandao Sect can only exist like a younger brother in front of the Totem Ancient Clan.

This is something Ban Quan really can't figure out, but he knows very well how unfavorable the current situation is to him. Once this person really comes from the Dragon Elephant Totem Ancient Clan and leaves the secret realm of Heaven alive, it will not only be him, but also The Yu Dynasty behind it will be destroyed.

The Dayu Dynasty was not even considered an ant in front of the Dragon Elephant Totem Ancient Clan. It would be ten thousand times easier for people to destroy the Dayu Dynasty than to crush an ant to death.

No matter what, this person cannot be allowed to leave alive.

Thinking of this, Ban Quan chose to take the initiative, superimposing the Blood Wheel Fist with the Tyrant Dragon Fist, and the fist shadows all over the sky struck out fiercely again.

The two people's offensives started to clash wildly. If Su Chen hadn't been counterattacked by the Blood Demon Transformation, which greatly reduced his combat effectiveness, I believe Ban Quan would not have been able to persist for so long. But the current situation is completely different. The Blood Demon Transformation's backlash spread all over his body, and he could It's pretty good to be able to exert two-thirds of his peak strength.

The two men's offensives continued to bombard each other. The terrifying dragon elephant was like a sharp blade, slashing open Ban Quan's chest. The flesh and blood were exposed, and the thick white bones made Ban Quan grin in pain.

Su Chen was also hit by a punch, and his whole chest sank. His mouth was full of blood, and his whole body was instantly stained red. Both of them tried their best to completely kill each other.

not far away.

Three figures walked towards this side, but they saw the two people's crazy killing, which made the three of them dumbfounded. They were all Martial Emperors. Faced with such a battle, dozens of them were frightened.

"Brother, is that the Martial King Realm?"

"King Wu is actually able to fight to the death with Wu Ancestor. How powerful is this person? Look at the illusory dragon shadow condensed in the sky above his head. This dragon's power even scares me. If the three of us go up, I'm afraid we will be killed if we meet each other. Killed instantly."

"Then should we leave or stay and see."

"Of course we are watching. If they both lose, then we can reap the benefits."

They didn't dare to get close, because the life-and-death fight between Su Chen and Ban Quan was really scary. From a distance, it looked like two bloody men fighting, especially Su Chen, whose long blood-red hair seemed to be dyed red with blood.

"Boy, I want your life."

Pain spread all over his body, and Ban Quan's whole face became distorted in pain. He really couldn't accept the fact that the other party was obviously injured so seriously, but he was still able to fight with him. For him, it was simply It is a great shame and humiliation.

The two of them did not take any step back, and continued to attack each other fiercely. Each used their most tyrannical martial arts, each wanting to kill the other.

You are cruel, I am more cruel than you.

Ban Quan was obviously not as ruthless as Su Chen, because during their life and death fight, Ban Quan still had reservations and even wanted to give up. On the other hand, Su Chen fought desperately without any defense.

The two men's offensives continued to bombard each other, and blood continued to spurt out from their mouths. The flesh and blood were blurred, and the bones were thick and white, which made people shudder.

"Boy, are you sick? For a woman, you are a lunatic. As long as you are willing to stop, I can find countless beauties for you."

"Ban Quan, even if I die here today, I will tear you alive and refine your soul." Han Qingqing's innocent face appeared in his mind, as well as his dedication and dedication, the so-called love at first sight, He really couldn't bear this kind of love, and was deeply riddled with guilt.

There was no way he would give up killing Ban Quan. No matter what the price, he would let Ban Quan go to hell to accompany Han Qingqing.

Ban Quan must be killed.

The Ancient God of Tribulation Technique reached its limit. Su Chen attacked fiercely again, killing without mercy. Ban Quan began to retreat step by step. The warrior fought for life and death. Once fear appeared, it was completely over, because Ban Quan had gradually lost his ability. Dare to go head-to-head.


He was hit again, and his entire left arm was almost cut off. Before Ban Quan could react, Su Chen's figure had already arrived in front of Ban Quan. The nine dragon elephants, covered by thousands of feet of dragon elephants, fiercely swallowed Ban Quan. Come.

"You can't kill me!"

Ban Quan watched helplessly as the opponent's attack swept forward. He wanted to dodge, but was unable to do so. However, at the critical moment, Ban Quan seemed to have made some determination and directly chose to self-destruct his soul.

The terrifying soul exploded and turned into an astonishing aura that instantly covered Su Chen. If Su Chen was at his peak, he would definitely be able to avoid it, but now he has reached the end of his strength. While being covered by this astonishing aura, he can no longer avoid it. Unable to hold on, his whole body was blown away.

Su Chen wanted to resist, but found that his body could not move at all. Weakness and pain swept over him, and he fainted instantly.

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