Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 1696 A massacre, a one-sided massacre

A dragon clan.

In Su Chen's view, it is definitely not comparable to the entire Ancestral Dragon Plane.

Su Chen couldn't wait.

the most important is.

With Pangu following him, this time when he goes to the Ancestral Dragon Plane, he must rely on the dragon clansmen who devour the Ancestral Dragon Plane to continuously improve his physical strength and strive to break through to the Life Spring Realm.

It can be said that this trip to the Ancestral Dragon Plane is inevitable.

Pangu smiled, he understood what Su Chen meant.

"Since Brother Su is so anxious, then just let me go."

Su Chen clasped his fists towards Long Shang Zhiqiang and said with a smile, "I've offended you so much this time. I'll say goodbye."

Looking at the figure turning away, Long Shang Zhiqiang said speechlessly, "It's really rubbish."

That's right.

In Long Shang Zhiqiang's eyes, Su Chen is trash, and very realistic trash.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't kill Su Chen, he would have broken Su Chen into pieces.

However, Long Shang also understood that from now on, she and Su Chen could only be allies.

A person recognized by the Immortal Realm can become the Lord of the Immortal Emperor, which itself explains a lot of problems.

She could tell that Brother Pangu valued Su Chen very much.

Regardless of whether she likes it or not, she will not hinder Brother Pangu's cultivation principles.

And she understood even more clearly that the reason why Brother Pangu stayed in the Immortal Realm was for the secret of the Immortal Realm.

Until now, she didn't know what the secret of the Immortal Realm was, but to be able to attract the three overlords to never leave the Immortal Realm, she could guess that the Immortal Realm was definitely not simple.

The top of the Snowy Mountains in the far north.

Pangu's eyes were very solemn and he said, "Brother Su, back then I went to the Ancestral Dragon Plane and fought against the two Ancestral Dragon Supremes from the Ancestral Dragon Clan in the Ancestral Dragon Plane. Although I was able to suppress them slightly, I was unable to kill them successfully. Great Ancestor Dragon Arrives

respect. "

"After you go to the Ancestral Dragon Plane, you must remember not to confront the Ancestral Dragon Clan head-on. What we have to do is to help you hunt other dragon tribes. Once your cultivation level breaks through, we will leave the Ancestral Dragon Clan. .”


Pangu didn't know that Su Chen was not only recognized by the fairyland, but also by the entire planet, and could be protected by the origin of the planet.

In this situation.

In any plane, as long as it comes from the blood wheel planet, he can withstand the attacks of any starry sky cultivator, including starry realm warriors, unless they are warriors and monsters from the starry sky universe.


The Pangu ax appeared in his hand and struck directly into the space in front of him.


Accompanied by a deafening explosion, it resounded throughout the void.

The black hole in space in front of me seems to swallow everything.

Without the slightest hesitation, Pangu immediately took Su Chen into the black hole in space and disappeared.

On the way to the Ancestral Dragon Plane, Su Chen immediately communicated with the Chaos Devouring Tower.

space inside the tower.

Looking at the tower spirit appearing in front of him, Su Chen asked straight to the point, "Ta Spirit, I need to swallow the dragons endlessly now, can my body be able to bear it?"

This is the most important thing. If it is unbearable, what can I do even if I go to the Ancestral Dragon Plane and put everything into the Chaos Devouring Pot?

This is definitely something Su Chen doesn't want to see.

"Master, if your body alone swallows too much power, it will definitely be unbearable, but you can first use the blood of the ancestral dragon and phoenix to

It is more troublesome to swallow the blood wheel, and then pour it into the body with the ancestral dragon and phoenix blood wheel, but for you, it is the safest thing. "

Hearing Ta Ling's words, Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

Of course he understood what the tower spirit meant. His blood wheel really needed to be upgraded. The reason he provoked the dragon clan before was to devour the power of the dragon clan to raise the blood wheel level.

Now that the entire Ancestral Dragon Plane is swallowed up, I believe that I will be able to advance smoothly.

"Master, since you are going to the Ancestral Dragon Plane this time, you will definitely encounter the dragon body. If you can peel it off and integrate it into yourself, it will also be of great benefit to the master himself."


The Ancestral Dragon Plane is a high-level plane on the Blood Wheel Planet and exists at the same level as the Immortal Realm Plane.

In this plane.

The Ancestral Dragon Clan is the supreme existence, and then all the dragon clans stand together to control the entire plane.

The number of dragons occupies about one-third of the entire plane. There are no warriors and they are all run rampant by monsters. From this, we can imagine how huge the dragons in the Ancestral Dragon Plane are.

Looking at the huge city in front of him, Pangu asked with a smile, "What do you want to do?"

Su Chen understood what Pangu meant, thought for a while and said, "My time is limited and I can't stay in the Ancestral Dragon Plane forever, so from now on, you can just kill, and I will devour you."

"Can you bear it?"

Pangu took a deep look at Su Chen. He seemed to be asking whether Su Chen's body could bear it. After all, it was too much for him to swallow such a huge dragon clansman power, let alone Su Chen.


"Let's go."

Su Chen and Pangu walked directly towards the giant city in front of them.

There are monsters running rampant everywhere, and all kinds of dragons among them are huge monsters.

Any divine dragons and monsters in the Ancestral Dragon Plane will not transform into human form, they all exist in their true form.

Just as he set foot in the giant city, Pangu's ax appeared in his hand. He looked up to the sky and let out a roar, and an astonishing aura of power erupted from his whole body.

"Split the sky!"

The terrifying giant ax fell from the sky and directly spanned the entire giant city. Before all the dragons could even react, they were suppressed by the aura emitted by the giant axe.

This was a massacre, a one-sided massacre.

Facing the powerful Pangu in the Star Bridge Realm, no dragon could resist him. As for the other monsters, they were slaughtered wantonly without any mercy.


In Pangu's view, only killing can lead to rapid advancement. When he went to the starry sky universe, he also relied on killing all the way, from a first-level starry sky cultivator to the star bridge realm. As for how many creatures he killed, even he himself not sure.

Su Chen's eyes were very solemn.

Pangu was too attentive. A strong man named Xingqiao, who was known as the strongest man in the Immortal Realm and one of the three ancient overlords, was so tolerant of him and even tried his best to help him improve his cultivation.

Normally, something that might happen?

No matter how easy it was to talk to Pangu, it was impossible. The only explanation was that Pangu had something in mind for him.

As for this picture, he still doesn't know what it is about himself.

Su Chen didn't care so much, even if he knew that Pangu had plans, he would still hurry up and practice. He would solve the future problems later and focus on the present first.

Anyway, it was not their own plane. Su Chen and Pangu started killing without any mercy or scruples. If it were in the fairyland, Pangu might not do this.

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