Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 1344 The Pupil of Time and Space

Ten desolate lotuses burst out with ten strands of power rising into the sky, completely enveloping Su Chen.

Except for Su Chen, all the people in the package of ten powers exploded into blood mist and spread out, but were completely swallowed up by the ten powers.

Su Chen was imprisoned in the center.

Forces roared crazily all around.


Nine blood wheels began to condense in the sky above Su Chen's head, superimposed one by one, and the golden body of chaos emerged behind him.

The physical body itself is the fusion of the Chaos Black Lotus and the Hell Fire Lotus. This time he was able to trigger the riot of ten wild lotuses only because of his physical body. After all, he had already tried it before and couldn't trigger it with the help of the copying blood wheel and the devouring blood wheel. Huang Lian’s opportunity.

Whether it is good or bad, we still don’t know!

And at this time.

Under the overlapping of the ten forces erupted from the ten wild lotuses, an eye actually appeared.

He definitely didn't know the so-called pupil at the beginning, but now, he knows exactly what pupil means.

There are many pupils in the world. As long as a warrior can obtain them, they can use the blood wheel to merge into the pupils to form pupils with blood wheel attributes.

For example, he used the Devouring Blood Wheel to give birth to the pupil and formed the Devouring Pupil. This time he was able to successfully subdue the dragon-eating ants. Thanks to the Devouring Pupil, otherwise, it would really be impossible to conquer.

It is precisely because of this.

Su Chen is looking forward to getting other pupils, because each blood wheel can only breed one pupil.

Others only have one blood wheel, and those with extraordinary talents can have two or even three blood wheels coexisting, but he has nine blood wheels and nine blood wheels coexisting.

That is to say.

Not only can he use the Devouring Blood Wheel to breed pupils and form Devouring Pupils.

You can also use other blood chakras to breed other pupils, thus forming other pupils.

Looking at the pupil condensed in front of him, Su Chen certainly would not choose to give up. He was very surprised and immediately dropped a drop of blood essence, which quickly integrated into the pupil.

This pupil slowly floated over, and nine blood wheels had condensed above Su Chen's head. Which blood wheel should be chosen to give birth to this pupil.

Devouring blood wheel, ancestral dragon and phoenix blood wheel, demon sword blood wheel, killing god blood wheel, reincarnation immortal blood wheel, time and space blood wheel, copying blood wheel, summoning blood wheel, original blood wheel, among the nine blood wheels, I have used it The Devouring Blood Wheel was formed, and the Devouring Pupil was condensed.

Putting aside the swallowing blood wheel, Su Chen lowered his head and began to meditate on the remaining eight blood wheels to see which blood wheel should be used to give birth to a pupil.

After taking a deep breath and choosing, Su Chen finally chose the Time and Space Blood Wheel. If nothing unexpected happened, he believed that he could give birth to the Time and Space Pupil by using the Devouring Blood Wheel to give birth to the pupil.

Just do what you say, Su Chen will certainly not waste time.

The Chaos Devouring Technique running in his body began to devour the ten forces around him. Su Chen was surprised to find that these ten forces could quickly improve his soul.

No time was wasted and he immediately entered into practice.

While practicing, he used the blood wheel to give birth to Hitomi.

time flies.

Before I knew it, a whole year had passed.

Within a year, An Zimei and Wu Ya did not choose to leave, and the number of people in Shihuang Peak not only did not decrease, but instead gathered more and more, because many people

Came here because of its reputation.

The opportunity of ten desolate lotuses has been born. These warriors who are coming one after another want to see if they can get the opportunity of ten desolate lotuses. After all, ten desolate lotuses are very famous in the secret realm of fairy ruins.

"Senior Sister An, do you think something has happened to Su Chen inside?"

After staying here for a full year, Wu Ya became a little impatient. They entered the secret realm this time because they wanted to practice instead of staying here to waste time. The most important thing is that they didn't know that Su Chen was inside. It's life or death.

However, An Zimei shook his head and seemed a little displeased and said, "Wu Ya, you'd better leave first. I'll just stay here and wait for Junior Brother Su."

"Sister An."

"Go ahead."

Wu Ya took a deep look at An Zimei, and finally nodded and said, "Senior Sister An, I'll leave first. Please take care of yourself."

Seeing that An Zimei didn't speak, Wu Ya didn't think much and turned around and left.

"Junior Brother Su, please don't let anything happen to you."

Her fists were clenched tightly, and her face was full of worry. An Zimei had already tried, but with her strength, she couldn't break through the aura condensed by the ten forces. Not only her, but no one could penetrate the ten forces. Among them, so I am still not sure whether Su Chen is alive or dead.

Slowly opening his eyes, Su Chen was very pleasantly surprised, because in just one year, the soul communicated with the universe at three times the flow rate, equivalent to three years. Although his physical body still stayed in the Ningsheng realm , but the Yuanshen has directly broken through from the Peak Immortal Realm to the Peak Heavenly Immortal Realm.

The six realms on the first path to immortality are the Immortal Realm, the Earthly Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the Mysterious Immortal Realm, the Golden Immortal Realm, and the Tribulation Immortal Realm. The Heavenly Immortal Realm has been ranked as the third realm on the First Way to the Immortal Path.

In just three years, he has crossed two big realms and dozens of small steps. This speed of cultivation is really terrifying. According to the speed of time outside, only one year has actually passed.

Su Chen didn't know if, with his current spiritual cultivation, he could kill the Tribulation Immortal Realm with the help of various killer weapons, especially the Immortal Killing with One Sword. However, he probably wouldn't be able to defeat the Xuan Immortal Realm and Golden Immortal Realm warriors. Any questions.

Looking at the ten forces around him, what Su Chen can be sure of now is that the opportunity of the ten wild lotuses is a good thing for him, definitely not a bad thing.

He can now use the ten powers to break through to the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, but he is unable to swallow the ten desolate lotuses, which is somewhat troublesome.

And his time and space blood wheel also successfully gave birth to pupils and merged to form the pupils of time and space. In other words, he now has two pupils, namely the Devouring Pupil and the Time and Space Pupil.

The pupil of time and space?

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat. In his opinion, this pupil was condensed from ten strands of power erupted from ten desolate lotuses. So, could he use the Pupil of Time and Space to try and see if he could mobilize the ten desolate lotuses? The power of lotus.

It's not that Su Chen thinks so, but it's because this matter is indeed a bit strange. A pupil appears for no reason within the ten desolate lotuses. It doesn't matter if this pupil is ten desolate lotuses. Even if he were killed, he wouldn't believe it.

No matter what, he had to give it a try. Was he going to be imprisoned here forever and unable to leave?

With the help of the power burst out from the ten wild lotuses, his soul has broken through to the peak of the Immortal Realm and reached the limit of what he can practice now. Under this situation, even if he continues to practice, it will be difficult to go further. Such a deterioration will still It's better to find a way to break free from the imprisonment of ten wild lotuses and leave here. Ten desolate lotuses burst out with ten strands of power rising into the sky, completely enveloping Su Chen.

Except for Su Chen, all the people in the package of ten powers exploded into blood mist and spread out, but were completely swallowed up by the ten powers.

Su Chen was imprisoned in the center.

Forces roared crazily all around.


Nine blood wheels began to condense in the sky above Su Chen's head, superimposed one by one, and the golden body of chaos emerged behind him.

The physical body itself is the fusion of the Chaos Black Lotus and the Hell Fire Lotus. This time he was able to trigger the riot of power of the ten wild lotuses entirely because of his physical body. After all, he had already tried it before, but could not trigger it with the help of the copying blood wheel and the devouring blood wheel. Huang Lian’s opportunity.

Whether it is good or bad, we still don’t know!

And at this time.

Under the overlapping of the ten forces erupted from the ten wild lotuses, an eye actually appeared.

He definitely didn't know the so-called pupil at the beginning, but now, he knows exactly what pupil means.

There are many pupils in the world. As long as a warrior can obtain them, they can use the blood wheel to merge into the pupils to form pupils with blood wheel attributes.

For example, he used the Devouring Blood Wheel to give birth to the pupil and formed the Devouring Pupil. This time he was able to successfully subdue the dragon-eating ants. Thanks to the Devouring Pupil, otherwise, it would really be impossible to conquer.

It is precisely because of this.

Su Chen is looking forward to getting other pupils, because each blood wheel can only breed one pupil.

Others only have one blood wheel, and those with extraordinary talents can have two or even three blood wheels coexisting, but he has nine blood wheels and nine blood wheels coexisting.

That is to say.

Not only can he use the Devouring Blood Wheel to breed pupils and form Devouring Pupils.

You can also use other blood chakras to breed other pupils, thus forming other pupils.

Looking at the pupil condensed in front of him, Su Chen certainly would not choose to give up. He was very surprised and immediately dropped a drop of blood essence, which quickly integrated into the pupil.

This pupil slowly floated over, and nine blood wheels had condensed above Su Chen's head. Which blood wheel should be chosen to give birth to this pupil.

Devouring blood wheel, ancestral dragon and phoenix blood wheel, devil sword blood wheel, killing god blood wheel, reincarnation immortal blood wheel, time and space blood wheel, copy blood wheel, summoning blood wheel, original blood wheel, among the nine blood wheels, I have used it The Devouring Blood Wheel was formed, and the Devouring Pupil was condensed.

Putting aside the swallowing blood wheel, Su Chen lowered his head and began to meditate on the remaining eight blood wheels to see which blood wheel should be used to give birth to a pupil.

After taking a deep breath and choosing, Su Chen finally chose the Time and Space Blood Wheel. If nothing unexpected happened, he believed that he could give birth to the Time and Space Pupil by using the Devouring Blood Wheel to give birth to the pupil.

Just do what you say, Su Chen will certainly not waste time.

The Chaos Devouring Technique running in his body began to devour the ten forces around him. Su Chen was surprised to find that these ten forces could quickly improve his soul.

No time was wasted and he immediately entered into practice.

While practicing, he used the blood wheel to give birth to Hitomi.

time flies.

Before I knew it, a whole year had passed.

Within a year, An Zimei and Wu Ya did not choose to leave, and the number of people in Shihuang Peak not only did not decrease, but instead gathered more and more, because many people

Came here because of its fame.

The opportunity of ten desolate lotuses has been born. These warriors who are coming one after another want to see if they can get the opportunity of ten desolate lotuses. After all, ten desolate lotuses are very famous in the secret realm of fairy ruins.

"Senior Sister An, do you think something has happened to Su Chen inside?"

After staying here for a full year, Wu Ya became a little impatient. They entered the secret realm this time because they wanted to practice instead of staying here to waste time. The most important thing is that they didn't know that Su Chen was inside. It's life or death.

However, An Zimei shook his head and seemed a little displeased and said, "Wu Ya, you'd better leave first. I'll just stay here and wait for Junior Brother Su."

"Sister An."

"Go ahead."

Wu Ya took a deep look at An Zimei, and finally nodded and said, "Senior Sister An, I'll leave first. Please take care of yourself."

Seeing that An Zimei didn't speak, Wu Ya didn't think much and turned around and left.

"Junior Brother Su, please don't let anything happen to you."

Her fists were clenched tightly, and her face was full of worry. An Zimei had already tried, but with her strength, she couldn't break through the aura condensed by the ten powers. Not only her, but no one could penetrate the ten powers. Among them, so I am still not sure whether Su Chen is alive or dead.

Slowly opening his eyes, Su Chen was very pleasantly surprised, because in just one year, the soul communicated with the universe at three times the flow rate, equivalent to three years. Although his physical body still stayed in the Ningsheng realm , but the Yuanshen has directly broken through from the Peak Immortal Realm to the Peak Heavenly Immortal Realm.

The six realms on the first path to immortality are the Immortal Realm, the Earthly Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the Mysterious Immortal Realm, the Golden Immortal Realm, and the Tribulation Immortal Realm. The Heavenly Immortal Realm has been ranked as the third realm on the First Way to the Immortal Path.

In just three years, he has crossed two big realms and dozens of small steps. This speed of cultivation is really terrifying. According to the speed of time outside, only one year has actually passed.

Su Chen didn't know if, with his current spiritual cultivation, he could kill the Tribulation Immortal Realm with the help of various killer weapons, especially the Immortal Killing with One Sword. However, he probably wouldn't be able to defeat the Xuan Immortal Realm and Golden Immortal Realm warriors. Any questions.

Looking at the ten forces around him, what Su Chen can be sure of now is that the opportunity of the ten wild lotuses is a good thing for him, definitely not a bad thing.

He can now use the ten powers to break through to the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, but he is unable to swallow the ten desolate lotuses, which is somewhat troublesome.

And his time and space blood wheel also successfully gave birth to pupils and merged to form the pupils of time and space. In other words, he now has two pupils, namely the Devouring Pupil and the Time and Space Pupil.

The pupil of time and space?

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat. In his opinion, this pupil was condensed from ten strands of power erupted from ten desolate lotuses. So, could he use the Pupil of Time and Space to try and see if he could mobilize the ten desolate lotuses? The power of lotus.

It's not that Su Chen thinks so, but it's because this matter is indeed a bit strange. A pupil appears for no reason within the ten desolate lotuses. It doesn't matter if this pupil is ten desolate lotuses. Even if he were killed, he wouldn't believe it.

No matter what, he had to give it a try. Was he going to be imprisoned here forever and unable to leave?

With the help of the power burst out from the ten wild lotuses, his soul has broken through to the peak of the Immortal Realm and reached the limit of what he can practice now. Under this situation, even if he continues to practice, it will be difficult to go further. Such a deterioration will still It's better to find a way to break free from the imprisonment of ten wild lotuses and leave here.

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