Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 1059 Devouring the Plane

Just one step away.

The most important step.

Su Chen kept running the Chaos Devouring Technique and was able to touch the fifth level barrier. He only needed to break this barrier to successfully reach the fifth level.

The moment it breaks through the barrier.

The vast and eternal sound of chaos resounded in my mind, lingering for a long time.

‘The Avenue of Chaos seizes the creation of heaven and earth, and controls the reincarnation of time. Only by peeking into the Avenue of Chaos can we achieve immortality. Chaos swallows everything, swallows everything in chaos, swallows it step by step, defies the heavens step by step, and reaches the top of the Avenue of Chaos’


The bell rang throughout his mind, and Su Chen was shocked.

Because this sound only sounded when the Chaos Devouring Tower was opened for the first time.

After that, no matter how many levels of the Chaos Devouring Art he broke through, it never appeared again. However, he never expected that with this successful breakthrough to the fifth level of the Chaos Devouring Art, the sound of chaos would sound for the second time.

I am really looking forward to what the Chaos Devouring Technique can devour after breaking through to the fifth level.

The first level of the Chaos Devouring Technique devours the soul and soul, the second level devours the essence and blood, the third level devours the divine body, and the fourth level devours the blood wheel.

When Su Chen's Chaos Devouring Technique had just broken through to the fifth level, waves of chaotic aura instantly enveloped Su Chen's whole body.

The fifth level of the Chaos Devouring Technique, swallows the plane.

Su Chen was also completely stunned when he felt that the Chaos Devouring Technique he had cultivated had broken through to the fifth level and was able to swallow the refining plane.

The soul was instantly drawn into the Chaos Devouring Tower.

space inside the tower.

"Congratulations to the master for successfully breaking through to the fifth level of the Chaos Devouring Technique. From now on, the master has the ability to devour planes."

"Ta Ling, who do you mean, I can swallow the Tianhuang Continent now?"

"Okay, but it's necessary

It takes a long time, and you have to be careful about being backlashed by the plane. "

His eyes suddenly lit up. Of course Su Chen would not devour the Tianhuang Continent. After all, he had his own family members on the continent. If he wanted to devour them, he would also devour other planes.

The power of a plane, you know what it means if you think about it.

"If I could swallow the alien plane and completely refine it and fuse it with myself, I might be able to surpass the Supreme God and ascend directly to the Immortal Realm."

"Master, you have only reached the fifth primary level of the Chaos Devouring Technique. You can only devour low-level planes. If you want to devour high-level planes, you need to continue to advance and upgrade the Chaos Devouring Technique to the fifth advanced level, or even peak."

Su Chen nodded, looking forward to it.

That is to say.

Once he has mastered the Chaos Devouring Technique and breaks through to the fifth advanced level or even the peak level, he can refine the Immortal Realm, which makes him excited just thinking about it.

"It seems that we need to find an opportunity to devour an alien plane and see the effect."

"Master, even if you have the Chaos Devouring Technique and can devour planes, it will take too long to refine, so Master needs to think twice."

"I see."

The fifth level of Chaos Devouring Technique is somewhat useless and not as practical as the previous four levels.

The first to fourth levels can all be used at any time. Only the fifth level can swallow the plane, but it cannot be used all the time.

"Ta Ling, since I have broken through to the fifth level of the Chaos Devouring Technique, would you like to give me a gift?"

Su Chen also asked casually. There were many treasures in the Chaos Devouring Tower within the mission, such as the so-called Burial Tribulation Pen.

To give or not to give, then

It's Talling's business.

The tower spirit nodded and said, "Master, I will give you a shadow."


A figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and the breeze blew against him, making him feel extremely cold, like an iceberg covering him.

This is a woman, wearing a lavender tights, with a perfect figure outlined, with no flaw in her delicate facial features, thousands of black hairs tied behind her back, kneeling on one knee towards Su Chen, and said, "Shadow Spirit" I’ve met the master.”

Shadow spirit?

Su Chen looked at the tower spirit and asked, after all, he didn't know what kind of existence this shadow spirit was.

"Master, this is the reward for your breakthrough in practicing the Chaos Devouring Technique. The shadow spirit will improve with the master's cultivation, and it will continue to become more powerful, following the master like a shadow."

Without further words, Su Chen Yuanshen left immediately.

Above the clouds and mist.

Shadow Spirit's figure appeared, and Su Chen asked, "How is your strength?"

"have no idea."

"Are you real or just a shadow?"

"have no idea."

"How do I summon you?"

"The master does not need to summon. The shadow spirit is the master's shadow. It will appear when needed and will not appear when not needed. The tower spirit has already said that everything must be based on the master's interests and not affect the master's cultivation."

Very depressed, Shadow Spirit didn't know anything, and asking was in vain. Shadow Spirit waved his hand impatiently, and Shadow Spirit disappeared.

According to Su Chen's guess, the shadow spirit should be just a shadow, but no matter, now he has a Shinto puppet sitting beside him. With the strength of the Shinto puppet in the ninth level, as long as he does not encounter the Supreme God, he believes that he can compete with anyone.


Standing up and stretching hard, Su Chen took a step forward and instantly arrived in front of the Divine Marrow Pond. Looking at Xiao Hua and Bai Luobo who were practicing, he understood that it would be impossible to do all the work just by relying on these two little guys. Devouring the marrow pool.

Now that the sacred marrow pool has been taken out, Su Chen will not have any regrets. Anyway, the two little guys are his own. The higher the strength of the two, the better for him. There is no doubt about it. matter.

The Chaos Devouring Technique began to operate in his body, and his fingertips pointed towards the Divine Marrow Pond in front of him, and vast devouring power surged out, instantly covering the entire Divine Marrow Pond.


The swallowing speed of Xiaohua and Bailuobo was obviously much faster. After all, Su Chen's Chaos Devouring Technique had successfully broken through to the fifth level.

Xiaopang was very surprised and grateful to the boss. He understood why the boss was like this, and it was probably because of him. After all, although Xiaohua was a hell-swallowing python, the boss might not take it seriously.

"Boss, thank you."

Su Chen didn't say anything and patted the little fat man's head lovingly.

The sacred marrow pool itself was not very big. With Su Chen's help, within a few hours, Xiaohua and Bailuobo completely devoured it and returned to their arms to refine and fuse.

Turning over and riding on Xiao Huang's back, as his cultivation successfully reached the peak of the God Realm, he had to break through to the God Emperor Realm in a short time, because no one knew when the Hundred Realms Secret Realm would be closed, so he didn't rush it early. Rush late.

There are killings everywhere in the Secret Realm of the Hundred Realms. Even the warriors who enter the realm of God Emperor cannot guarantee that they will be able to leave the Secret Realm of the Hundred Realms alive. However, for the sake of opportunity and to increase their own limits, even if they know that the secret realm is full of dangers, they will still do it without hesitation. Choose to enter the secret realm to experience.

This is the law of survival in the martial arts world.

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