Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 190: Get out, get out of me now!

In the early morning, a ray of warm sunlight shot in from the window lattice, Xiao Yunxuan lazily opened her eyes, a smile burst into her mouth, her body was comfortable, her whole body seemed to be full of strength, her body and soft mattress, and the warm quilt zero. Distance contact, this kind of comfort, really seems to have not passed for a long time.

What happened today? Why do you seem to be in a particularly good mood? The body has never been comfortable before, as if a dry field was suddenly cultivated and watered.

However, why didn't he wear any clothes on the bed? Xiao Yunxuan vaguely recalled what happened last night. She seemed to be drunk in a bar, and then... and then she couldn't remember, how did she get home?

She rolled over lazily, wanting to go to the bedside to get her mobile phone. She usually puts her mobile phone there, but just stretched out her arm, she felt that she touched something, right beside her, warm and warm. Yes, this feeling... is undoubtedly the individual!

Xiao Yunxuan was taken aback and sat up abruptly from the bed. Then she remembered that she was naked, and hurriedly grabbed the quilt to block her chest.

She took away the quilt like this, and the body of the person lying next to her was completely exposed. The other party was not wearing any clothes. The naked upper body was covered with strong muscles. There was no half an inch of excess fat, and the body was firm. The eight-pack abdominal muscles are strewn together, and it looks like an ancient Roman sculpture.

Looking down, something unique to men was revealed. Since it was early morning, I was standing up against the wind very arrogantly, showing my style.

"Ah!" Xiao Yunxuan exclaimed, her face flushed, and she quickly threw the quilt on her hand to cover the ugly thing. She had never seen such a thing since she was a child.

What is going on here? Xiao Yunxuan panicked and was completely at a loss. After all, when she got up early in the morning and suddenly saw an unclothed man sleeping with herself, any woman would be panicked and frightened.

In panic, she looked around, beside the messy bedding, she accidentally saw a puddle of blood printed on the white sheet, panicking, at this time she seemed to feel a faint trace from her lower body. Of pain.

However, there was an indescribable feeling of comfort deep in her heart, just like the feeling when she just woke up. Every inch of skin and every inch of pores all over her body seemed to be moisturized and came alive and became even more so. Smooth and tender, with warm fragrance.

Damn, Xiao Yunxuan's mind was suddenly flustered, ashamed and annoyed. She vaguely remembered what happened last night. She wasn't drinking alone, and after she got drunk, he sent herself home, and then two people...two Personally...

No, it's not right, it was this bad guy who forced himself, everything was his fault, it was his fault, Xiao Yunxuan's face was full of grief and anger, she picked up the white pillow next to him, and slammed it at the sleeping man next to him. Man, "Asshole, get up, Tang Tianyou, you asshole, get up!"

"Well." Tang Tianyou groaned, sleepy eyes, yesterday's medicinal effect didn't seem to subside completely, instinctively grabbed Xiao Yunxuan's hand, pulled hard, and the naked Xiao Yunxuan threw herself down on Tang Tianyou. Chest.

The two big white rabbits pressed tightly on their bodies, the plump body and the strong male body were entangled fiercely, the temperature was rising, Xiao Yunxuan's face flushed, and she lay weakly on Tang Tianyou.

Xiao Yunxuan struggled, her beautiful eyes full of panic, trying to escape from this dangerous area, but she found that her body had no strength at all at this time, and her strength seemed to have been emptied.

What frightened her the most was that her body seemed to have gotten used to this kind of action, without the slightest resistance, but was ready to cater to the general.

"Do you still want it?" The confused Tang Tianyou was muttering, holding the two amazingly flexible white rabbits tightly with two big hands, and ravaging them wantonly.

"No! I don't want it, Tang Tianyou, let me go quickly. We can't do this." Xiao Yunxuan's pretty face was flushed, her body was twisting restlessly, and her two little hands were weakly supported on the bed. Amazingly beautiful leg clamp ~ tight.

However, she didn't know how tempting her actions were to men, she was simply sending out a signal, a signal of courtship.

The next moment, in the exclamation and shouting of Xiao Damei, Tang Tianyou separated the beauty's thigh with great ease, pressed this wonderful jade body, and then drove the boat into the port smoothly.

Once again, there was a crackling sound in this bedroom, and a wave of soft moans that rose above the waves, suddenly giving this bedroom a hint of spring.


I don't know how long it took. When Tang Tianyou heard a low sob in his ear, he quickly opened his eyes and found that Xiao Yunxuan was lying on her back on the bed next to him.

She looked foolishly at the white flowered ceiling, her beautiful eyes were a little red and swollen, and she was sobbing silently, with crystal tears dripping down from her eyes, and then all dripping down the sheets along the white cheeks, plump and white. As she sobbed, her chest rose and fell gently.

At this time, the sun had already risen high. Although Tang Tianyou's mind was still a little dizzy, his reason was very clear, and the prospects of the previous night were vividly visible.

Tang Tianyou glanced at Xiao Yunxuan's pear blossom with rain and teary eyes, and couldn't help but feel a trace of heartache and sorry, although both of them were almost but for this kind of There is no doubt that the damage to the woman is relatively serious, except for Sister Feng and the like.

After hesitating for a moment, Tang Tianyou stared at Xiao Yunxuan's beautiful face seriously, and said softly: "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry, I, I..."

"I don't want to listen, don't listen to anything!" Xiao Yunxuan suddenly seemed to have just woke up, screaming loudly, raising her pink fists, and pounding Tang Tianyou's strong chest like raindrops.

Tang Tianyou had to hug her harder, Xiao Yunxuan struggled, and found that after all, she was too weak to match Tang Tianyou, so she had to press her poignant cheek on his chest and cry.

For a long time, Xiao Yunxuan seemed to have taken care of her mood, her crying slowly subsided, her face expressionless, her eyes red and she looked at Tang Tianyou, and pointed out the door: "Get out, get out of here now, I don't want to watch it anymore. your turn!"

"Mr. Xiao, I..." Tang Tianyou hesitated, isn't this matter still unresolved? But what does she mean by this sentence?

"Go away, walk away for me immediately, I don't want to see you for a second." Xiao Yunxuan's angry voice came again, the volume was obviously octave higher.

"Okay." Tang Tianyou was helpless, and then he looked at Xiao Yunxuan seriously, "However, you must not do stupid things. If you have any requirements, I will try to help you do it."

Xiao Yunxuan turned her back to him, covered her ears with her hands, motionless, obviously making a gesture of seeing off the guests.

With a slight sigh, Tang Tianyou found the messy clothes that had been thrown on the ground last night, looked at the time on the wall clock, and found that it was almost nine o'clock.

He turned around and glanced at Xiao Yunxuan, who was still facing him. Tang Tianyou's face flashed again with a trace of apologetic expression, his expression was slightly dazed, and it took him a while to recover from the daze and put on his clothes. Then walked out of the room.

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