The more he fought, the harder it was.

How come this guy's body is so hard!

Li Ming, who was as fast as a meteor, knew exactly how many punches he had thrown.

2512 punches!

As a result, Song Jie's whole body was red, without even a wound!

With his adrenaline dropping rapidly, he had no choice but to distance himself from the other party. He adjusted his state with a lion's eyes, and the lion's cannon punch hit the seemingly dizzy Song Jie like a heavy hammer!

"Furious! Lion Flash!!!"

The violent lion shadow hovered over Li Ming's head. The intimidating lion dissipated and turned into a light spot condensed on his yellow lion fist. The surging force rushed down, and even the others present could feel the suffocating oppression.


The wind in front of him was waving and stirring. Facing the fatal punch that fell like a star, Song Jie opened his lips and uttered a word.


The long sound seemed like an ancient Buddhist bell hit in front of the sunset mountain. The golden and dazzling ripples spread in front of Song Jie, and the Lion Flash was caught! !

The solid golden barrier was unbreakable. Even Li Ming's full-strength attack only caused two ripples on the barrier.

"Are you tired from fighting? Do you want me to wipe your sweat off?"

Song Jie waved his torn sleeves, and golden light flowed through all parts of his body. The slightly red and swollen places were instantly healed. All the battles that just happened seemed like a dream, but Li Ming was not moved when he woke up.

What a joke.

A golden finger pointed at his forehead, and the strong sense of death and suffocation almost overwhelmed him. When did this Song Jie make a move! ?

"Give up?" Song Jie smiled and pointed at the opponent's forehead. His words were so light and calm, as if the opponent's fierce attack just now was just a joke.


After a long time, Li Ming in the lion-man form spit out these two words in a sonorous and powerful voice. He, Li Ming, would not give up!

After that, Li Ming lifted the lion-man state, and a giant mad lion with a mane of dozens of meters appeared on the ring. Although Li Ming's fruit development is far from awakening, his physical recovery ability is far superior to others!

Li Ming, who had turned on the Life Return to the limit, undoubtedly made his animal form as huge as possible. The lion that was more than ten meters high and looked like a building was extremely visually impactful.

The shocked media outside the venue rushed to take pictures.

"It seems that you have chosen the wrong path." Song Jie, who was a little regretful, chanted the Buddhist teachings softly. I don't know if it was an illusion. Li Ming's animal perception always vaguely saw the Buddha statue hidden behind the other party. It was very strange. There was no Buddhist compassion but...

"There is only life or death in my life! Crazy Lion Black Flame!!"

Li Ming, who didn't care about so much, suddenly launched an attack. The black flames gushed out. The terrifying high temperature directly melted the hair on Song Jie's head. Now the fake monk became a real monk.

This reminded Mu Bai, who was sitting in the audience, of a saying circulated among One Piece fans: Even dogs would not eat the Flame-Flame Fruit.

After the war at the top, I didn't dare to say that I could survive in the new world without two hands of flames. I didn't expect that it would be the same in this world.

Song Jie, who was caught off guard, laughed loudly, and his arms spread out. Brilliant golden light burst out from his body. A giant Buddha of the same size as a lion appeared on the stage as the golden light dissipated.

"Buddha has two sides, saving thousands!"

The imposing giant Buddha completely crushed the animalized Li Ming. Some Buddhists in the audience were moved to tears. Although it was just a fruit ability, it still brought them unspeakable surprise.

The shocked Li Ming's eyes were full of fear! He saw it! He saw an inverted shadow in the eyes of the brilliant giant Buddha!

Half of the body was like a hellish devil, and the other half was solemn in Buddhism.

Song Jie narrowed his eyes slightly, and accumulated a vast shock wave with one arm. The magnificent shadow of the giant Buddha towered above the sky. Amid the people's shock, the golden shock wave that eclipsed the sky and the earth hit Li Ming's lion head with unparalleled power.


The sound of bones breaking echoed in the venue. Li Ming, with his eyes blank, looked down at the blood dripping from his forehead. He never thought that he could not even resist a single move with his animal-type ability.

"Donor, turn back~" The golden light of the solemn and resplendent Buddha statue converged, and Song Jie canceled his transformation.

Is the battle over? Most people who saw this scene didn't know what Song Jie was doing, but Mu Bai knew why he canceled his transformation.

When the opponent died, the battle was over.

The end.

The remaining terrifying shock wave stagnated for a few seconds before exploding in a series. The terrifying power made Li Ming's head explode like a watermelon!

The huge headless body collapsed!

Li Ming is dead!

Everyone in the audience was shocked. He killed the seed player of Shendu University so easily. Who is this Song Jie?

The development of the fruit's ability is closely related to the user. There is no doubt that even at the awakening level, Song Jie has developed an unprecedented height in the form of the Fantasy Beast Buddha.

Si Tong on the rostrum frowned slightly. This Song Jie from Ming Province was a little too aggressive. Why should he kill again when the victory and defeat have been decided? However, due to the rule of the national league that life and death are at your own risk, he still announced the result of Song Jie's victory.

"He...really killed someone!!?"

"There have been cases of accidental killings in the national league in recent years, but this is the first time that it's so blatant."

"Isn't it a bit too much?"

"The rules state that a life-and-death agreement must be signed before the game. It's no wonder that Li Ming refused to admit defeat."

The people in the audience were talking about all kinds of things, some couldn't bear it and some were extremely excited to see the killing.

After killing someone, Song Jie calmly took the loose clothes handed over by the staff to cover his naked body. Seeing that only the broken body of Li Ming was left, he said Amitabha with regret.

Some of the Li family members in the venue left the meeting angrily, and some of the hot-tempered ones wanted to teach Song Jie a lesson, but they were intercepted by the security department.


Looking at the ridiculous scene in front of him, Song Jie was not afraid that others would threaten him. This is the tragedy of human beings. They are bound by the two words called rules all the time, and everyone from ordinary people to the emperor must follow it.

It's not like the demon world where people are free. Whoever has the bigger fist can do whatever they want. Isn't it normal to enslave the weak? In the human world, even taking a breath of the turbid air makes him sick.

Destroy such a world! Wouldn't it be wonderful to rebuild it?

With a flash of excitement, Song Jie, who was carefree, returned to his seat leisurely with his burnt bald head, without any reaction to the curses of the Li family outside the venue.

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