.After seeing Wang Mo come out .

.Niu Yichao and the others could n’t help but give Wang Mo a thumbs up .

.At the beginning , after Wang Mo entered the interrogation room .

.They also do not understand .

.Why does Wang Mo’s interrogation skills seem to have gotten so much worse ?

.There was no useful clue from Shen Nan’s mouth at all .

.But at the end .

.They just understood .

.It turned out that everything was in Wang Mo’s plan .

.Thinking of this , everyone looked at Wang Mo with expressions of admiration .

.And Wang Mo also handed the map in his hand to the others .

.” The area of Qingshui Reach is actually not too small . ”

.” Call more people and do a blanket search of this area . ”

.” We don’t have so many manpower to do it in more than ten areas , but if there is only one area , it will be much simpler . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s voice .

.Everyone also nodded .

.Niu Yichao is also going to arrange everything .

.However .

.before this .

.Everyone still has a question .

.” Why do n’t you use the same method to directly ask the identity of the butcher of the rainstorm ?” Zhao Duoming was a little puzzled .

.Shen Nan’s mental state doesn’t seem to be very good now .

.Why not continue to ask , but just left .

.Most of the others have the same doubts as Zhao Duoming .

.But listening to Zhao Duoming’s question , Wang Mo smiled .

.”The same way ?”

.” Do you know who’s identity is right now , butcher of the rainstorm ?”

.Zhao Duoming shook his head .

.And Wang Mo also continued to explain .

.”The same method can only be used once in a short period of time . Even though Shen Nan’s mentality seems to have collapsed now , if I conduct an interrogation about the butcher of the rainstorm , he still won’t admit anything . ”

.” And after the interrogation of the burial site just now , Shen Nan’s whole person is very nervous now , and his expression will not reveal too much information . ”

.” However . ”

.Wang Mo smiled .

.” It’s only a matter of time before we learn the clues about the butcher of the rainstorm from his mouth . ”

.” So next , we just have to wait . ”

.” Wait ?” Zhao Duoming didn’t understand .

.And Wang Mo also nodded .

.” Yes , just wait !”

.” When we have thoroughly excavated his burial site and put all the evidence in front of him . ”

.” The last line of defense in his heart will really collapse completely . ”

.” By that time , I can easily extract the information of the butcher of the rainstorm from his mouth . ”

.” And now , what we need to do . ”

.” It’s to find out as soon as possible , the specific burial location of Shen Nan !”


.a few hours later .

.this afternoon .

.South District of Linteng City , urban / rural , on the bank of a certain river .

.Dozens of police officers are carefully investigating the excavation marks on the ground .

.Do a carpet search .

.Shen Nan’s burial site is nearby !

.” This area is bigger than it looks . ”

.On the bank of the river , looking around , there is a large piece of mud .

.Zhao Duoming couldn’t help but murmured .

.” If we want to find Shen Nan’s burial place , I’m afraid it will take some time . ”

.” No. ” Listening to Zhao Duoming ‘s voice .

.Wang Mo behind him suddenly laughed .

.” Why ?” Zhao Duoming was a little puzzled .

.And Wang Mo also explained .

.” Shen Nan’s murder and burial was just four days ago . ”

.” Four days will not bring much change to the ground . ”

.” I told all the police just now to look for the ground that has been flipped or excavated . ”

.” Other places are more solid , and you can’t dig too much soil with a hoe, so you can just give up . ”

.” So here , although it looks wide . ”

.” But actually . ”

.Wang Mo smiled .

.” There aren’t many areas that fit . ”

.Having said that , Wang Mo also looked at Ye Youxue behind him and asked .

.” Vehicle traces , how are you finding them ? ”

.” At present, three taxis and one online / hailing car have been locked . These four cars have come to this area from the urban area of Linteng City through the expressway during the time when Shen Nan disappeared . ”

.”‘~ They are currently being contacted . ”

.” Among them , there must be one who carried Shen Nan . ”

.Hearing Ye Youxue’s voice , Wang Mo nodded .

.Right now .

.A criminal policeman by the river in the distance suddenly raised his hand and waved it .

.In his mouth , he also shouted with excitement .

.”I found it , I found Shen Nan’s burial area !”

.Listen to this person’s voice .

.Wang Mo smiled and glanced at Zhao Duoming , patted him on the shoulder , and walked towards the place the person said .

.At the same time .

.The other policemen around also surrounded him .

.I saw it in a half-meter pit dug by this man .

.An arm , which had begun to rot , stretched out from the dirt .

.see .

.The other detectives around could n’t help but breathe a sigh of relief .

.And sometimes .

.Once the good news comes , it can no longer be stopped .

.Just when everyone , just conducted a more detailed excavation of this place ( good ) .

.Niu Yichao’s phone number was also called .

.” A taxi driver got in touch . ”

.” Before , when Shen Nan left the city twice , this driver took Shen Nan once . ”

.” He sent Shen Nan to the Qingshui Reach , and when he still felt strange , what did Shen Nan do in such a place where there is no shit , but Shen Nan didn’t explain it to him , just let him pick him up after an hour . ”

.” When he saw Shen Nan’s photo , he recognized it immediately . ”

.Listen to the voice on the other end of the phone .

.Wang Mo also spoke .

.” Good . ”

.” We also discovered here , Shen Nan’s burial site . ”

.After a few more words , the two hung up the phone .

.Subsequently .

.Seeing that most of the corpses had been excavated , Wang Mo also murmured .

.”The physical and human evidences are all there , and Shen Nan can’t escape . ”

.” Next . ”

.” It’s time to be the real rainstorm butcher !”.

Chapter 89 The key clue is the relationship between the two ! (5 kneeling and begging for full order !)

.” After preliminary testing . ”

.” These two bodies are two of the five victims . ”

.” This headless rotting corpse belongs to Wei Cang . ”

.” And this mutilated corpse belongs to another deceased who died in Shen Nan’s hands . ”

.After half an hour .

.In Shen Nan’s burial ground .

.After the preliminary inspection , Wang Ling , who was in the pit , spoke to Wang Mo.

.And Wang Mo also nodded .

.Immediately .

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