Destined Martial God

Chapter 1003: Pit him (five more)

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Nodded, when Yun Xiang got up and planned to leave the private room, Yu Haoran suddenly called her.

"Yunxiang, if the Chamber of Commerce does not know the origin of the owner of the thirty-first private room, then you ask the staff who received them to describe their looks and characteristics."

"Master, I know!"

With a sound, Yunxiang opened the door and quickly left the private room.

"Yu Haoran, I don't think the young man was arrogant and ignorant, but he had the confidence to ignore the presence of Emperor Qin and the elders!" Just after Yun Xiang left the booth, he carefully recalled the powerful force that had prevented Divine Thought from entering the booth. Taring said solemnly.

"The second-class inheritance family!" The corner of his mouth slightly raised, Yu Haoran said with a sneer.


While nodding to confirm, the towering spirit reminded him more solemnly.

"Also, it is a family that has been passed down for nearly ten million years."

"Taling, you can rest assured that the other party did not offend me, and I will not actively provoke the other party." Knowing Taling's tone and reminding himself seriously, Yu Haoran promised.

"Ouch! Your kid is crazy!"

One of the three great empires of the Celestial Continent, the Qin Emperor of the Great Qin Empire was not qualified to know the origin of the other party. When the angry elder elder called out and wanted to continue questioning, Xu Boguang quickly stretched out his arm and whispered softly. Reminded.

"Legacy family!"

Xu Boguang's reminder made the elders instantly think of the records of the Tianxuan mainland inheritance family in the inner room of the valley, and a moment of terror appeared on his face.

"Old man, do you still increase the price?" When the elder chose to be silent because of fear, some impatient young men couldn't help but ask.

"I give up!" The elder replied disheartenedly.

Then he ordered Xu Boguang: "Return to the Valley of Medicine!"

The auction of Yinyang Minghun Dan and Tianjing Shenshui was suppressed by Yu Haoran, and the auction of the sword weapon in the state of honor was suppressed by the children of the inherited family, and the elders were deeply helpless and helpless.

At this moment, he just wants to return to Yaowang Valley as soon as possible, return to his familiar place, and then readjust his emotions through spiritual practice.

"Beside that surname, since the last opponent has given up the auction, you have not yet announced the ownership of the Jiuxing Soul Chasing Sword." Seeing the elder of Yaowanggu not only voluntarily gave up the auction, but also left the auction house with a stern expression, The young man in the thirty-first private room, besides being proud, instructed Bian Shengrui more arrogantly.

"Are there any friends who continue to bid?"

Perhaps the young people in the 31st private room are very big, but the auction has its own foothold and adherence to the rules.

Therefore, in the face of the other party's orders, Bian Shengrui didn't bother, but waited for more than a minute before he began to interrogate and began to count down.

"Master, the thirty-first private room was purchased by the other party at a high price, so the origin of the other party cannot be found."

Within a minute of Bian Shengrui's waiting, he went to inquire about Yun Xiang, the young man from the 31st private room, returned to the private room, and gave him two sketched portraits.

"However, Qiu Mei who hosted them was a master of sketching, drawing on each other's physical characteristics with memory."


After seeing the young man in the first portrait, Yu Haoran's mind suddenly appeared, that the other was very handsome, the kind of handsome that can make countless girls instantly fascinated.

Otherwise, Yun Xiang, who was standing aside, would not be able to glance at it from time to time.

In addition to being handsome, what really caught his attention was a snake between the neck of the young man and a snake that was yellowish yellow and black.

"Yu Haoran, I already know the origin of the other party!" Also noticed the young Talling with tattoos around the neck of the young man. The tone of Taling was obviously relaxed.

"The inheritance family that inherited the blood of the ancient **** beast Ba snake!" Yu Haoran also guessed the origin of the other party.

After all, the species of snakes represented by blue, yellow, and black are too obvious. As long as you understand the situation of ancient beasts, you can know the true origin of the other party.


While nodding to confirm Yu Haoran's speculation, Ta Ling explained further.

"Ba snake, among the ancient gods and beasts, is barely close to the ranks of the top gods and beasts, but because of its greed and vicious personality, promotion requires the swallowing of a large number of creatures, which leads to the exclusion of the same kind. Race heritage. "

"The family surname Xiu, who inherited the blood of Ba snake, also inherited the greedy and vicious character of Ba snake. As a result, the Xiu clan not only has a very small population, but can only shrink into the most remote sea forests of southern Xinjiang.

Having said that, Ta Ling looked at the thirty-first private room through the boundless sea of ​​knowledge, and said a hint of contempt in his tone.

"It seems that the Xiu family also want to capture some of the heaven and earth luck through the battle of the Qianlong list, so as to help them to leave the environmentally dangerous South Xinjiang Hailin."

"Ta Ling, can you take a risk and test this old man's strength!"

Take the second portrait, which shows a very ordinary looking old man.

Thinking of the contempt revealed in Ta Ling's introduction of the Xiu family just now, and the young man's arrogant ignorance of Qin Emperor just now, his thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind.

"The realm of the pinnacle of Zunwu Zun of the Three Robberies!"

In fact, when he learned that the other party was the Xiu family who inherited the blood of the Ba snake, Ta Ling would be spotted by the other without any hesitation, forcibly tearing the other's shielding method using the divine thoughts and flags to learn the other's true strength.

"Yu Haoran, you think about it!" After telling the opponent's strength, Ta Ling immediately saw a flash of cold light in Yu Haoran's eyes, and immediately knew what he wanted to do, his voice a little dignified.

"I think so!"

Nodded, fearing that Tallinn was more attentive, Yu Haoran quickly explained.

"Ta Ling, if the other party really intends to retaliate against me, you don't need to use the secret method of possession to help me."

"Because of the inheritance of the memory of the twelve ancestors, there is a stroke that draws a certain amount of blood to the ancestors, and can play the horrific boxing methods that are close to the realm of Wu Zun."

"Okay, just act according to your own heart!" Yu Haoran's relief, made Tower inspired very pleased.

In addition, Ta Ling is more clear. Yu Haoran's cultivation and comprehension have reached the time of breaking through the martial arts realm. He does not want him to be inaccessible because of the arrogance and ignorance of the other party. Feelings.

"Thirty billion yuan ...!"

It was that when Haoran decided to pit each other, Bian Shengrui's countdown was just the last time.

"Ninety billion yuan!" Yu Haoran immediately interrupted the countdown of Bi Shengrui with a price increase of ten billion yuan.

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