Destined Martial God

Chapter 995: Domineering (three)

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"My old man has a surname of ten thousand, and he will be given the nickname Old Man!"

In the face of the Qingxu boy trying to find out his own details, the withered old man reported his name without fear.

"It turned out to be senior Wan, junior Xi Qiang has met seniors!"

Hearing that the owner of the twenty-sixth private room was a withered old man who was not even willing to be provoked easily, the Qingxu boy immediately got up to see the ceremony.

In this regard, the old man with a humming humming, gave no attention, and used the newly prepared spirit stone to continue to participate in the auction of Tianjinglishui.

"1.1 billion!"

"Three billion!" No one knows the auction price of the twenty-one packages from the past.

"1.35 billion!" The bidding price came from the 16th private room.


Since the start of the auction, more than thirty private guests who have never bid in the auction have shown strong courage and financial resources in the face of the temptation of Tianjing Shenshui.

However, as the auction price continued to rise, everyone at the scene gradually discovered a strange reality, that is, the strongest financial resources at the scene, No. 1 private room Yu Haoran, and No. 3 private room elder Wang Gu, the elders never shot.

"Yunxiang, as one of the Seven Great Divine Waters in Tianxuan Continent, has the true value that is not inferior to ordinary divine implements, so the final auction price will definitely be more than 3 billion yuan."

Facing Yunxiang's questioning why he didn't take the bid, Yu Haoran explained patiently.

"Now we have not reached the limit of the auction price, and we do not need to take any action for the time being."

"Moreover, you can also analyze the financial resources and mentality of these people by giving the tone of different auction prices in each package to increase their knowledge and sharpen their ability to analyze."

"Master, I see!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, Yun Xiang nodded, and began to discern the tone of each individual room carefully.

"Twenty-one billion!" The ancestor of the Gu family from the No. 9 bag, could not help holding his fists under his sleeves.

2.1 billion, is not a very high price for the ancient family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, but the ancient family is not only him, but also tens of thousands of people. These people need to consume every day The number of spirit stones requires hundreds of thousands.

Therefore, the number of spirits that the ancient family can mobilize is only about 300,000. As long as this number is exceeded, the development of the family will be affected.

"2.13 billion!"

"Two hundred and seventeen million!"

The Feng family and the Gui family who were also troubled by this problem, the bid price given was not domineering at first.

"2.2 billion!"

"2.21 billion!"


After more than 20 rounds of bidding, the price of Tianjing Shenshui was barely raised to 2.5 billion, which also shows that this price has reached the limit that everyone can bear.

"Three billion!"

Just when everyone thought that the price of the auction would still rise by several million to tens of millions, the elder of the Medicine King Valley from the No. 3 package directly raised the price by 500 million.

"I vomit blood, but the drug Wanggucai is too rough!" Hearing the elder of the drug kinggu directly raised the price by 500 million, just asked the gossip man of the origin of the Qingxu boy, he couldn't help sighing with envy.

After all, the elder just spent a forty-three billion yuan of huge price stone, photographed the beast eggs of Qingyun Tianbu, and now directly bids three billion spirit stones to bid for Tianjing Shenshui. The total of one mile and one mile is seven. 1300000000.

The 7.3 billion spirit stones are an astronomical figure that everyone in the hall could not imagine.


After hearing Gu Minglong's introduction of the owner of the No. 3 private room, the ancestors of the ancient family who wanted to take a risk could not help cursing, but finally gave up and continued to bid.

After all, there is no force in the entire South Region that can compete with Yao Wanggu for financial power.

After the direct price increase of 500 million yuan, the elder stared nervously at the No. 1 private room.

Because in his opinion, only Yu Haoran in the No. 1 booth in the entire auction can threaten himself financially.

"3.5 billion!"

But to the surprise of the elder, he has been nervous Yu Haoran, and did not give a high price for the auction. Instead, the VIP from the No. 4 bag, also used the direct increase of the price of 500 million to announce his Auction of Shenshui.

"damn it!"

The No. 3 and No. 4 private rooms are side by side. The sight of the No. 3 private room cannot be seen, so the elder secretly cursed and then followed the bid.

"3.6 billion!"

"3.7 billion!"


In just a few seconds, the price of Tianjing Shenshui broke through the 4 billion mark and reached 4.1 billion in non-stop auctions.

In addition, the price comes from the No. 4 private room, which also made everyone on the scene speculate about the origin of the owner of the No. 4 private room.

"Elder, we can't continue to bid!" Seeing the stimulated elder opening his mouth to continue to raise prices, the three elders hurriedly smiled and stopped.

Except for the top elixir used to save lives, all the remaining elixir also exchanged for only three billion spirit stones. Counting the one billion spirit stones that Yu Haoran traded in Qingyuntian cattle and eggs, they could only take out Forty billion spirit stones.

"Po Guang, contact the Chamber of Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce, I want to know who is in the No. 4 booth!" Since there is no more forage in his hands, there is no need to continue the battle. The elder, who had no choice but to give up the bidding, asked sternly.

"Elder, I know!"

Nodded heavily, Xu Boguang also resentful to the guy in the No. 4 bag.

"Wanting to compete with me Liang Liangqiang for Tianjing Shenshui, even Yaowang Valley!" Seeing the elder elders, the middle-aged strong man from the No. 4 private room showed both self-confidence and arrogance to himself.

"Five billion!" But just after his confident and arrogant voice had just dropped, a higher bidding price suddenly came to his ear.

"Sure enough, this kid is pitting me again!" He Haoran, who heard from the No. 1 private room, directly raised the price of 900 million to bid for Tianjing Shenshui, and said the elder who had eaten a few times, gritted his teeth.

"5.5 billion!"

Through the glaze in front of him, the middle-aged strongman in the No. 4 booth looked at the No. 1 booth, and his voice contained a slight sense of contempt, giving a higher bid price.

"Seven billion!"

The spirit stone that has been accumulated for hundreds of years in a family has been removed, so that Yu Haoran has not given a higher price because of the other party, there is a slight change in his face, and an understatement of a direct price increase of 1.5 billion. Demonstrate his determination that Tianjing Shenshui is bound to get.

"Zi ...!"

After hearing the sky-high price given by Yu Haoran, whether it was the ordinary warrior in the lobby, the noble guest in the private room, the elders and Bian Shengrui couldn't help but take a breath.

Because they are not only shocked by the sky-high price of 7 billion, but also by the domineering price increase of 1.5 billion.

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