Destined Martial God

Chapter 989: Human nature (two more)

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On sale!

"two millions!"

"2.3 million!"

"three million!"


Since only ordinary soldiers in the lobby participated in the auction at the beginning, although there were many bidders who inherited Yujian, the price increase was not large, and it was about 100,000 or hundreds of thousands.

However, after the VIPs in the private room participate in the auction, the price of inheriting Yujian will completely enter the crazy skyrocketing.

"Ten million!"

"twenty million!"


When the price of the handed down Yujian exceeded 100 million yuan, Bi Shengrui, who was standing on the high platform, secretly relieved.

Because according to his initial expectations, the inheritance of Jade Jane is full of uncertainty. As long as the price exceeds 10 million yuan, the chamber of commerce will not lose money. If it exceeds 50 million yuan, it will make a lot of money.

If it can exceed 100 million, then it will achieve the role of prestige of the Chamber of Commerce, just like Yinyang Minghun Dan.

Nowadays, the original expectation was not only full strength, but also greatly exceeded, which made Bian Shengrui breathe a sigh of relief, and an endless ecstasy reappeared in his heart.

"Master, what's going on?"

After the auction price of inheritance Yujian exceeded 100 million yuan, the trend of skyrocketing still didn't stop. Yun Xiang suddenly felt that he couldn't understand and couldn't figure it out.

After all, the inheritance of Yu Jane didn't even participate in the lowest price of one million at the beginning, and now she still ca n’t stop the crazy competition after 100 million yuan. This kind of sharp contrast made her completely confused.

"Yunxiang, this is the complexity of human nature!"

After glancing at the crowds with scarlet eyes in the hall, listening to the roaring bidding of VIPs in the room, Yu Haoran sighed and explained.

"Gambling is not only an instinct that is embedded in the bone marrow, but also a bad one that cannot be eradicated!"

"Some people can try their best to suppress the gambling in nature with their tenacity, but many people are willing to release the gambling in nature."

Having said that, Yu Haoran pointed to those warriors in the hall who were too excited because of their emotions, not only their eyes were scarlet, but their breathing was gradually increasing.

"In certain specific environments and atmospheres, it is easier to stimulate gambling in human nature. Even those who can restrain their own nature on weekdays cannot avoid being affected by this environment and atmosphere."

"Master, according to your understanding of human nature, how much will the final transaction price of inheritance Yujian reach?"

Yu Haoran's explanation of human nature just now makes Yun Xiang feel as if he already understands, but thinks carefully but is very confused.

In order not to appear too clumsy in front of the master, Yun Xiang had to change the subject.

Yun Haoran couldn't see Yun Xiang's intention of deliberately shifting the topic, but he neither revealed nor continued to explain human nature.

Because of the inferiority of human nature, as her experience and knowledge increase, the more she understands, the more she can avoid and restrain.

"It should be more than 400 million, but not more than 500 million!"

Although once people fall into madness, they will do whatever it takes to exceed their own bottom line, but the bottom line also has certain limits.

Therefore, according to various changes in the bid price, Yu Haoran gave his own judgment.

The final facts also proved his speculation just now that the price of the handed down Yujian was fixed at 473 million, which made Yun Xiang's worship of the masters reach its limit.

Far more than the expected transaction price in his heart, Bian Shengrui was happy to have a flower on his face. He quickly signaled his men to trade Yujian and Lingshi, to prevent the VIPs from the No. 9 private room from turning back.

"God bless!"

Gu Minglong in the No. 9 private room folded his hands and prayed secretly to heaven.

"Bless the inheritance of Jade Jane, it must be a mentality and martial arts above the ranks!"

During the crazy auction, Gu Minglong enjoyed the double psychological and visual enjoyment every time he shouted a high price, but after the auction was over, a huge amount of 473 million spirit stones immediately brought him heavy pressure.

Although he is the son of the ancient clan patriarch, and the seed of the ancient clan's most potential impact on the Qianlong list to compete for the top 100 seeds, but in order to shoot a heritage jade Jane with unpredictable success or failure, the ancient clan is fully spent The income of nearly one and a half years bears great risks.

If the heritage of Yujian is worth 473 million spirit stones, no one would bother him.

But if the inheritance in Yujian is worthless junk, then even if he has his father's protection, I am afraid he will be punished unbearably.

Seeing the uncle's painful handing over of Lingshi to the staff of the Chamber of Commerce, Gu Minglong sweated forehead on his forehead, and handed down the inherited Yujian slightly.

After taking a deep breath, the idea enters the inheritance jade.

Subsequently, the dazzling red light erupted from Yujian not only instantly covered the entire auction venue, but even Guangling City was also shocked by the red light.

"Haha ...!"

With the red light erupting from the inheritance of Yujian, Gu Minglong's extremely proud laughter came from the 9th private room.


Accompanying Gu Minglong's proud laugh, whether it was the crowd in the lobby or the VIP in the private room, he sighed unwillingly.

In this regard, Yu Haoran neither felt sorry, nor had the slightest envy and jealousy, and his heart was as calm as a lake.

And Yu Haoran's calm and water-like performance not only made Ta Ling nod his head in approbation, but also reassured the upcoming deep sleep, but also let the worship in Yun Xiang's eyes completely break through the limit, and a thought that should not have appeared in his heart.

In addition to Yu Haoran, one person responded relatively calmly throughout the auction site, and that was Bian Shengrui who was hosting the auction.

Because the chamber of commerce immediately decided to put down the inherited jade Jane for auction, it had been examined in detail by special means in advance.

Although it is impossible to determine the specific content of the jade bamboo slips, it is also known that the heritage in the jade bamboo slips is not worth the 473 million spirit stones at all.

And Gu Minglong's response just showed two problems. Either his knowledge was too low and he didn't know the value of Jade Jane's inheritance, or he was deliberately pretending to be a heavy treasure in order to avoid the punishment after the huge loss of spirit stones. Look.

But no matter what Gu Minglong thinks, everything has nothing to do with his side Sheng Rui.

and so. Nodded his hand to continue to take out the sixth lot.

It is still a tray, and it is still a cover of cyan silk gauze, but unlike the previous lots, the tray is larger this time, directly reaching 1.5 meters, and the person who lifts the tray is also replaced with a strong body. Strong man.

As the sixth lot was sent to the stage, everyone at the scene gathered their envy and jealousy, and looked with anticipation at the lot concealed by the blue silk gauze.

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