Destined Martial God

Chapter 974: Everything is a conspiracy (second more)

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In the Huang family!

"Exactly, there is a friend from the junior who intends to introduce to the senior."

Yu Haoran turned his head and shouted to Shen Haokong who intentionally stopped behind a round pile in a corridor.

"Shen old, come out and see your old friend!"


Knowing that Hao Ran wanted to use himself to stimulate Huang Rengui, although Shen Hao Kong did not want to show up, but was bound by the vows of the rules of the heavens, he had to sigh and came out.

"Shen Haokong, what do you mean?" Seeing Shen Haokong abruptly coming out from behind the cylinder, the Huang family ancestor asked with a sudden change of face.

However, Yu Haoran saw a trace of confusion in the eyes of Huang's ancestors.

"The fiery sun burned Dan, the **** of vows!" Faced with the ancestors of the Huang family, Shen Haokong replied slightly with a dodgy look.

"You have eliminated the demon in your body, and you can re-enter the forest of the strong!" I heard Shen Haokong mention the fiery sun burned Dan, and thought that Hao Ran was the master of Dan Dao who was able to make the fourth-order level of elixir. A trace of remorse flashed in the eyes of the ancestors of the Huang family.


While nodding to confirm, Shen Haokong looked at the ancestor of the Huang family and said.

"Rengui, according to our original agreement, as long as I eliminate the backlash of the inner devil, I will be able to take Yueer to leave the Huang family, so please return the Yueer's body to me!"

"Hao Kong, wait for me to deal with the grudges with this boy, and discuss the agreement between us." Hearing Shen Haokong questioning Yue'er's body, the original Huang family ancestor who was slightly flustered suddenly calmed down, And commanded in an unconscionable tone.

"Rengui, can you see in my face and expose the grudge between you and Haoran!"

According to the vow of the rules of heaven, within ten years, he must guard Haoran's safety.

If the three strong men jointly invited by Huang Rengui deal with Hao Ran, then as a slave, he must help himself, but before getting what he wants, Shen Haokong does not want to find a conflict with Huang's ancestors for the time being.

"Hao Kong, look at it!"

Shen Haokong's act of requesting Yu Haoran did not exceed the expectations of the ancestors of the Huang family, so he had already prepared and immediately pointed at the Huang family mansion destroyed by the force of the stick, shouting angrily.

"Facing the situation in front of you, is it possible for me to let go of my hatred?"


In fact, on the way to the front yard, Shen Haokong had already discovered the damaged Huangjia Mansion, but he did not expect that all of this came from Haoran's hands.

Therefore, facing the scream of Huang's ancestors, he didn't know how to refute for a moment.

"Shen old, this matter has nothing to do with you, you first retreat and heal!"

Turning his head to Shen Haokong and shaking his head, he turned around and looked at the Huang Family ancestor, Yu Haoran sneered.

"Compared to Huang Ziwen's unique vision, all the arrogance of empty eyes over the years has made you lose your eyes."

"Old man, tell me what you want to do!"

"Little bastard, destroying the mansion of the Huang family and taking away the treasures in the treasure house of the Huang family. Only by pulling your tendons and peeling off your skin can the old man's anger in my heart be eliminated."

Now that his face has been torn, the ancestor of the Huang family is not polite and cursed directly.

"Oh! Then you come!"

Ignoring the threat of Huang's ancestors, Yu Haoran shrugged, a stance that you can start immediately.

"Brother Zhao, brother Gao, help me!"

Turning his head to greet Zhao * Zi * Yang and Gao Qinghai, the ancestor of Huang Family who took out his sword weapon roared, and then turned into lightning and rushed to Hao Ran.

And Zhao * Zi * Yang and Gao Qinghai who also took out their own magic weapon, left and right, surrounded them by means of pinching.

Looking at the three men who were besieged, Yu Haoran quickly raised his arms and stretched his fingers toward the ancestors of the Huang Family, Zhao * Zi * Yang and Gao Qinghai, and whispered softly.

"The years are marked!"

"The years are marked!"

"The years are marked!"

With Xiu Wei returning to the peak of the previous life and successfully comprehending the dual laws of life and death, Yu Haoran's power of using the spirit of the towering spirit to exert the law of traces of time has increased by dozens of times.

At this time, with the rule of years, he can easily separate and evolve all the strong men below the realm of Zun Wu Zun.

Therefore, when three special energy fluctuations were shot on the ancestors of Huangjia, Zhao * Zi * yang and Gao Qinghai, the three people who rushed forward were instantly fixed in place.

Subsequently, under the gaze of Feng Yongyuan, Shen Haokong, the Huang family who watched the battle around the surroundings, and the deity of the Wusheng Strong in Guangling City, the bodies of the three ancestors of the Huang family were separated into countless pieces of meat.

After the separated pieces of meat began to evolve their life experience, the sound of breath-taking breath sounded in the whole city of Guangling.

And Feng is always because of his inner fear, subconsciously receding a few meters, and then looking at Yu Haoran in horror.

However, Yu Haoran was not in the mood to pay attention to Feng Yongyuan, who was afraid of his heart. He immediately followed the life experience of the ancestor of the Huang family and looked for the secret between the ancestor of the Huang family and Shen Haokong.

After the countless pieces of meat reunited into the bodies of the three ancestors of the Huang family, Yu Haoran turned his head to look at Shen Haokong's eyes full of pity.

It turned out that Shen Haokong, like Feng Yongyuan and others, was also a casual practitioner.

Fifty years ago, when Shen Haokong, who had just broken through the realm of martial arts, went to the Hengduan Mountains alone to experience the accident, he encountered a storm wolf that reached the peak of the fourth-order sanctuary and five products.

Although Shen Haokong, who possesses a demon physique, has the strength to rise above the challenge, but the practice and strength that are too different from the Speed ​​Wolf, he was hit hard.

Seeing that he was about to die in the sharp claws of the Stormwolf, he also entered the Hengduan Mountains and practiced, and the ancestor of the Huang family who had already reached the peak of Wusheng Qipin suddenly came and then rescued in time.

The life-saving grace made Shen Haokong grateful to the ancestor of the Huang family. The ancient moon that followed the ancestor of the Huang family made him fall in love with her at first sight.

Gu Yue, the younger sister of the ancient clan patriarch, one of the five major families in Guangling City, is a peerless beauty who combines beauty and wisdom. At the same time, she is also the wife of Huang's ancestor.

Although it is immoral and unethical to fall in love with a married woman, Shen Haokong cannot control her inner urge to fall in love with her. Even for her to give up everything.

It is under the influence of this crazy obsession that Shen Haokong not only chose to follow the ancestors of the Huang family, but also willingly became the six elders of the Huang family.

But it's all a conspiracy!

Because Gu Yue has a pair of eyes that can see through the false, can see the talent, potential, understanding, and special constitution of the warrior.

It is precisely because she accidentally saw the evil potential of Shen Haokong and the special constitution of Fu Mo, which aroused the jealousy of the ancestors of the Huang family.

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