Destined Martial God

Chapter 944: Bombing (two more)

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Hengduan Mountains!

After leaving a sentence, Yu Haoran took out the purple stick directly, and looked solemnly from the depths of the mountains. The one who walked slowly was extremely ugly. Beast.

"Human, Gray said just now. If you agree to reconcile, it will not only help you resolve the rules of heaven and form a blood oath, but also give you a lot of rare and precious treasures in the Hengduan Mountains." Stopped at a distance of a thousand meters, Jin Xiaju said very kindly.

But its ugly face, the claws that flashed from time to time, are not suitable for negotiation at all.

"A **** impure hybrid fox dare to dismiss the blood oath formed by the rules of the heavens. Do you really treat me as a fool?"

In the face of the goodwill expressed by Jin Zhebei, Yu Haoran couldn't help sneerfully ridiculed.

"What's more, annihilate you quasi-extremity beasts. I will be invincible in the entire Hengduan Mountains, so all the treasures in the mountains are not my choice."

After hearing the response from Yu Haoran, Jin Qiu's original tone of voice was questioning instantly.

"So, the negotiations just failed!"

"What do you say!" Yu Haoran asked with a sneer and sneer, as the purple stick in a tight handshake crooked his legs slightly.

"If that's the case, then you're going to die!" Jin Jinbei, whose original upper body was slightly forward, suddenly straightened his body, sulking with amused expression.

"Yu Haoran, be careful!"

Just when Jin Haoju straightened up, Ta Ling noticed that his sharp claws had disappeared suddenly, and immediately realized the power of the law that Jin Haoju felt, and quickly reminded him.

"Golden beasts master both the rules of gold and the rules of speed. The superposition of these two rules will form a martial arts technique that ignores the obstacles of space."

Just as the reminder of the towering spirit had just fallen, ten claws exuding cold light appeared in front of ten key points above and out of Hao Ran's body, just like a hidden weapon.

In this regard, Yu Haoran had not expected to panic at all, and his bent legs slammed hard, and before the ten sharp claws stabbed the body's vital points, he rose straight into the sky.

"A stick in the sky!"

When rushing to the extreme height and starting to descend, the purple sticks that blended into the gods directly locked the golden beast, the power reached a pinnacle of Zhun Wuzun's pinnacle, and directly blasted to the top of the golden beast.


Seeing that Yu Haoran not only successfully escaped the traps he had set up in advance, but also used the stick and horror stick method to play the homeopath, Jin Yushou roared.

Go back to the ten-finger claws on the palm, and condensed directly into a huge claw that is more than thirty meters long, exuding a strong cold, and then soared into the sky to meet the purple stick that came quickly.



As the purple stick and claws hit each other heavily, a loud roar sounded in the air.

Along with the violent roar, more than thirty meters of claws were directly broken by purple sticks.


After the claws broke, the unspoiled purple stick directly blasted at the golden beast, so that the golden beast before his death couldn't help making an unwilling roar.

He landed heavily on the ground, watching the golden beast that was directly blasted into the flesh, and gradually raised a strong evil spirit on Hao Ran.

Then he looked up into the depths of the mountains, screaming at the pace.


With the killing words, the strong evil spirit condensed into a huge, majestic beast, roaring and rushing into the depths of the mountains.





With the savage beasts gathered, when they roared into the mountains, four different types of roars immediately came from the depths of the mountains. The roar sounded through the clouds, so that thousands of people around the perimeter of the mountains suddenly looked Changed.

"The five quasi-respected companions were lost one after another. It seems that the old fox in the deep mountains is angry and intends to use the siege method to deal with the grandma!" The volleyman Zhang Xing stood on the east side of the Hengduan Mountains, facing an annual contract He was in his forties, but his momentum was not lost to him. A middle-aged man with a similar appearance to him said that.

"Grandpa, have you ever fought alongside Grandma Ye, don't know much about his own strengths and methods?" Nodded with the speculation of the old man with Zhang surname, the middle-aged man looked at holding the purple stick tightly. Yu Haoran, who was getting stronger and stronger, asked with great interest.


Taking a deep breath, after the elder Zhang named his feelings, he solemnly yelled at the middle-aged man.

"Leier, although you have successfully survived body and heart robbery, and mastered the blood martial arts inherited from the Zhang family, but if you are tortured to death with the Ma Maye, I believe you may not be able to stick to five moves."

"So, no matter what time in the future, no matter what the reason, you must not be against Enma."

"Yes, grandpa!"

The middle-aged man known as Lei Er, although he answered very quickly on his mouth, but the contempt flashed in his eyes showed that he did not take into account the words of the old man named Zhang.

In this regard, the elder Zhang did not say much.

Because he knew that Yu Haoran was too young, and his prestige was not obvious. The geniuses of the younger generation in the Southern Regions might be afraid of him, but the middle-aged generations were not yet aware of his power.

Only when he has really come into contact with him and has seen the various countermeasures that he has, will he conceal his inner contempt.

"Sister Fangling, you said Hao Ran wouldn't be wrong?"

Watching the two quasi-respecting beasts rushing out of the depths of the mountains and the two quasi-respecting beasts with satisfactory rules, when they shattered the **** beasts that were condensed and rushed towards Haoran, Asked He Ruyu, whose palms were all sweaty due to excessive tension.

"Ruyu, rest assured!"

Looking at the twelve demon gods standing in different positions in the Hengduan Mountains, Shi Fangling's eyes appeared a different kind of relief.

"Don't say that these four strange beasts, even if they are the overlords in the Hengduan Mountains, the old fox cultivated to reach the state of second calamity is definitely not a mighty opponent."

In fact, Shi Fangling did not say a word, that is, using the ancient twelve capitals of the gods to form a group of ancient twelve devil Yu Haoran, I am afraid that even the Qin Emperor who has passed the three calamities can easily defeat.

Of course, the premise is that the Emperor Qin did not move the sword in his hand!

"That's good!" He Ruyu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief for Shi Fangling's extreme trust, and continued to stare at Yu Haoran, who had already dealt with four strange beasts.

"Hao Ran, be careful!"

Looking at Yu Haoran, who waved his purple stick against four quasi-respecting beasts, Qin Lingfei, who clenched her pink fist, secretly prayed.

At this time, a crisp sound of Fengming suddenly came from a distance, attracting everyone's attention at the scene.

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