Destined Martial God

Chapter 942: Break through (on)

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Green Flame Mystery, Fire Zone!

"Talling, thank you!"

The relief of the towering spirit made Yu Haoran's inner feeling of discomfort disappear instantly, then he smiled and took the banner of the four elephants from the second avatar of Yuta.

"Senior Zheng, you have the physical constitution. The blue dragon in the Sixiang Ning Shen array belongs to the East. The Oriental main wood is just right for your constitution."

In the hands of the clan capable of concentrating the beast of the dragon, turned it into the hands of the strong surname Zheng, Yu Haoran told.

"So, you will preside over the Four Elephants Condensation Array and be the main force of the breakout."

Deeply responsible, the strong surname Zheng took over the banner, nodded solemnly, and then started a simple sacrifice with the thought of God.

"Predecessor, you are not only of a metallic constitution, but also bloodthirsty, which is just right for the white tiger killed by the Western master, so you will help Senior Zheng break through."

Give Hao Ran the banner that can consolidate the white tigers into the hands of the strong, surnamed Zeng Haoran.

"Hmm!" After taking over the White Tiger Banner, Zeng Qiang nodded as well, using the god's thoughts to begin to worship the Banner Banner.

"Senior Zhang, you are not only the physical constitution, but also the person with the strongest strength on the spot, so the defense of the entire Sixiang Ningshenzhen will be handed to you." Pass the banner that can condense the **** beast and basalt to the elder Zhang In the hands, Yu Haoran said with a solemn look.

Breaking through the siege circle of thousands or even tens of thousands of alien beasts, the attack power of the Qinglong position is important, but the ability to resist the joint attack of tens of thousands of alien beasts is the key to determining the ultimate success of the breakout.

Knowing that Zhang has a stronger responsibility, God nodded solemnly to take over the Xuanwu array banner.

"Predecessor Bai, although the five elements are in harmony with each other, the wood attribute can temporarily replace the physical constitution of the fire attribute.

In the entire Sixiang Ning Shen array, the biggest hidden danger is Bai Li, who is at odds with Suzaku's attributes, for fear of her mistakes in this respect, which will lead to the final breakout defeat, Yu Haoran solemnly instructed.

"At that time, I will help you with hundreds of warriors in the formation!"

"I know!"

Bai Li knew that she was the short board of the entire formation, so she accepted the instructions of Hao Ran humbly, and at the same time devoted to sacrificing the clan, she treated the warriors gathered in the realm of fire suddenly with a much milder attitude.

"He Ruyu, Yuling, come here!" Seeing the four strong men sacrificing the banner, Yu Haoran beckoned to He Nayu and Yuling.

"Here are two fourth-order first-order signs that can travel thousands of miles in an instant."

After He Ruyu and Yu Ling came to the side, Yu Haoran quietly gave the two runes obtained from Wu Qing to the two, and told them with divine thoughts.

"If the Sixiang Ningshenzhen was attacked by the opponent, you immediately use the rune to escape the Hengduan Mountains!"

"Hao Ran, what about you!" He Ruyu quietly held the amulet presented by Yu Haoran, and asked a little worried.

"By arrogant means, even if he left the Hengduan Mountains alone and upright, the strange beasts did not want to hurt him for half a point."

Because he didn't use God's thought to convey the voice, Yu Ling also heard He Ruyu's concern just now, and immediately dismissed the taunt.

"I don't know if Hao Ran was blind before, how can I see you as an idiot woman?"


In the face of Yu Ling's ridicule, he didn't want He Ruyu, who exposed the essence of the shrew in front of Haoran, and suddenly didn't know how to refute Yu Ling's ridicule.

In response to this, Yu Haoran, who had a bad heart, quickly turned around and avoided.


As time passed, the time from the closing of the mystery became closer and closer, and the atmosphere at the scene gradually condensed.

Even He Ruyu and Yu Ling, who have been fighting forever, are quietly standing among the crowd.

"Four seniors, the moment you leave the secret realm, you must immediately inspire the Sixiang Ning Shen Zhen, otherwise, no one can predict the final result." Yu Haoran finally reminded that there was still ten seconds before the secret realm was closed.

"Master Ma, you can rest assured that your subordinates will not let you down." Nodded, the old man named Zhang promised.

Although Bai Li and the other three did not speak, their firm expressions also showed their attitude.




Everyone at the scene meditated secretly on the countdown to the closing of the mystery.

When they meditated for a moment, the crowd at the scene felt a repulsion.

Perhaps because there were too many people at the scene, the repulsive power of the secret rules did not work for the first time.

After waiting for a second, the talents on the scene were transferred out of the mystery at the same time.

As soon as the crowd had just left the mysterious area, the roar of the killing and the wave of power formed by the elemental force, soul force, and law immediately came to their ears.

The four members of the old man named Zhang, who are all immersed in the formation, did not pay attention to the situation at the scene, and successfully inspired the four elephants to condense in the first time.

Just as countless gray gases emerged from the formation, Yu Haoran saw the three Wu Sheng strongmen he had rescued, and they were ripped to pieces by dozens of strange beasts at the pinnacle of the fourth-order Holy Realm.

However, the Wu Sheng strong man holding the beast egg in his hand, when he saw the hundreds of strong horses who appeared instantly on St. Ma Feng, and started the formation directly, he immediately expressed regret in his eyes, and regretted his degree of being a villain. The gentleman's belly rejected the invitation given by Yu Haoran.

"Taling, is this?"

It was because when Hao Ran planned to retract his gaze, he accidentally found that the pet animal that had fallen into the air disappeared.

Do not know why, Yu Haoran instinctively glanced at the sea, just found that Ta Ling did not know what to do, and quietly gave the beast eggs into the tower of the domain.

"Ha ha!"

Similarly, Yu Haoran didn't expect Ta Ling to respond so quickly. Seeing his little movement discovered by him, he suddenly smiled a little embarrassed, and then explained.

"This is a gift for you!"

"Talling, thank you!"

He didn't find the abnormal state of Ta Ling. After Hao Ran thanked him, he used his mind to control the formation and observed the situation outside the formation.

But when he saw Saint Ma Feng outside the array, surrounded by endless beasts, he was shocked and even forgot to breathe.

You don't know how many alien beasts there are.

Because in addition to the countless other beasts surrounding the St. Ma Feng, there are also flying birds and other beasts flying in the half-space, and other beasts that launch attacks from the ground.

"All warriors in the formation method obey orders!"

Faced with the attacks of so many strange beasts, even with the guardianship of the Four Elephants Concentration Array and the strength of the old man with the surname Zhang, I am afraid it is difficult to resist the joint attacks of so many strange beasts.

Therefore, Yu Haoran immediately reminded aloud.

"Immediately mobilize all the power and soul power and penetrate into the body of Suzaku condensed by Bai Li's predecessor."

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