Destined Martial God

Chapter 869: Bronze bell instrument (three more)

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The fifth floor of the treasure house!

Yu Haoran suddenly thought that in the previous life he had witnessed a powerful race that was not lost to the first-class faction. Under the joint attack of the Yuxu Palace and the inherited family, he was killed by the tragedy in just one hour.

"After all, if the people of the seven top forces and the inherited family know that the Qingqiu Fox clan has been secretly repairing the magical magic weapon, they may be in danger of being destroyed."

"That makes sense!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's relief, Ta Ling nodded, and then, like Yu Haoran, continued to select the materials for the refiner in the treasure house.

Although the magical and refining materials in the fifth layer of the treasure house are part of the reward of the Qingqiu Fox clan to repair the magic path to the magical claws, but with the cunning and prudent character of the Fox clan, among the hundreds of artifacts given Most of them are only the magical instruments at the level of the royal realm and the royal realm.

Not only are the number of Holy Artifacts seven, but all of them are offensive.

After checking it from beginning to end, Yu Haoran selected four pieces of sacred realm, eleven pieces of realm and five pieces of realm.

After selecting the desired weapon, I saw that Taling was still immersed in the selection of the materials of the refining device, and then sat down with his knees bent, and began to appreciate the sword technique in the inheritance of God of Heaven.

Although he does not plan to cultivate for the time being, he will never give up the Sword Technique for Swords that matches the mind.

Because the Tiantian swordsmanship is also a set of inverse heavenly swordsmanship that truly surpasses the heavens.

The time passed by one minute and one second, immersed in the material selection of the refining device, the towering spirit, a full selection of 160 different grades and types of materials, can only be regarded as the end of the selection.

"Yu Haoran, with these materials just selected, I can start to help you make a defense weapon that can also be continuously upgraded." Ta Ling, who returned to know the towers of the sea, said excitedly to Hao Ran.

"Continuously improving defense tools!"

Hearing the idea that Ta Ling was going to help himself to make defense tools, he had been quiet for a long time, and re-emerged.

After looking down for a while, Yu Haoran finally decided to reveal the ideas that had just emerged.

"Ta Ling, I have some ideas about making defense tools."

"You said!" Taling coped as he sorted out the materials just selected.

"I want to make a defensive weapon in the shape of a bronze bell." Yu Haoran gritted his teeth and said that he planned to make the shape of a defensive weapon.

"What?" Suddenly the movement of refining the material of the refining machine stopped, and Ta Ling asked as if he hadn't heard it clearly.

"I want to make a bronze bell shape, with both physical attack and defense, and soul attack and defense," Yu Haoran further explained.

"Yu Haoran, can you tell me, why do you have this idea?" Waving his hand to send all the refining materials to the top of the domain tower, the towering spirit asked with a serious look.

"Because I have seen this shape of magical instruments in previous lives." Yu Haoran answered truthfully.

"Yu Haoran, tell me, where have you seen this shape of the magical instrument?" Asked the towering spirit who left the sea instantly, with a very excited look.

"Talling, don't get excited!"

First, I used God's mind to glance at the fourth floor of the treasure house, and found that Ta Ling was roaring with uncontrollable emotions. He did not startle Han Guangbei, who was immersed in his mind selection. He secretly relieved and motioned to Ta Ling Xian calmly.

Feeling that he was dysfunctional, he returned to Yu Haoran's knowledge of the sea, took a few deep breaths, and still asked with some excitement.

"Yu Haoran, you must tell me where you have seen the bronze bell-shaped instrument."

"Misty forest in one of the top ten forbidden areas in the Tianxuan continent."

After saying a place name, Yu Haoran continued to explain.

"Taling, in fact, I don't see the body of that magical instrument."

"It was only in a palace in the foggy forest that in the memory of a strong man who had no idea how to repair it, he saw that the weapon possessed the anti-intensive power of offense and defense."

After hearing Yu Haoran's detailed explanation, Ta Ling closed her eyes and adjusted her breath for a while.

After reopening his eyes, he said sadly.

"Yu Haoran, I promised to help you make this shape of the artifact, but at best I will only make the embryo of the artifact."

"As for the grade to which the magical instrument can eventually be promoted, it depends not only on your own encounter, but also on the creation of the bronze bell embryo."

"OK!" Without any hesitation, Yu Haoran nodded quickly and agreed.

Originally, his intention was to trouble the master of the alchemy sect, refining the embryo of the bronze bell, and then use a simple and complex mystery of the alchemy that was obtained in previous lives to continuously improve the copper The grade and power of clock instruments.

Now, Ta Ling is willing to fundamentally prototype the bronze bell instrument to help him to make the embryo of the instrument. He is too happy that he can refuse it!

"Five days, give me five days, and I will make an identical copper bell based on the appearance of the artifact you have seen."

With Yu Haoran's consent, Ta Ling nodded, and then gave the time for refining.

"Talling, you worked hard!"

After thanking Ta Ling, Yu Haoran stepped back to the front of the magic weapon, and then selected ninety-nine magic weapons of four grades: lower grade, middle grade, top grade, and top grade.

Later, he selected seventy-three pieces of artifacts in the four categories of King, Xingpin, Zhongpin, Shangpin and Jipin, as well as nine pieces in the royal state.

Regarding Yu Haoran's move of sweeping instruments, Ta Ling didn't ask much, but tried his best to adjust his emotions so as to be able to make the most perfect bronze bell embryo.


Seeing Han Guangbei, who was still immersed in the selection of exercises, Yu Haoran knew that if he did not wake him up in advance, I was afraid he would read all the hundreds of exercises in the fourth layer of the treasure house.

Using the call of divine thought, Han Guangbei's mind was quickly separated from the exercises.

Put away the exercises you just watched, he came to Yu Haoran in three or two steps.

"One sacred realm, two imperial realms, five royal realms, and twenty realms!"

After leaving the number of instruments that Han Guangbei could choose, Yu Haoran stepped into the sixth floor of the treasure house.

However, when he reached the entrance to the sixth floor of the treasure house through the stairs, he was blocked by a gray energy cover.

"Xuan Yao blocked the formation!"

Just glancing at it, knowing the towering spirit in the sea, you know the origin of the formation that prevented Yu Haoran from entering the sixth floor of the treasure house.

But he didn't try to crack it, just let Yu Haoran notify the second clone.

"Let's get a second shot, and based on his current formation practice, it only takes five minutes to break the Xuan Yao blockade."

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