Destined Martial God

Chapter 1927: You all have to die (on)

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In the Qinghu Mountains!

Under the premise of ensuring that the life of Yu Haoran was not harmed, the attack just launched by the thirteen strongmen did not use too much strength.

Therefore, in the face of the black yellow energy hood that appeared out of nowhere, successfully resisting their joint attack, the 13 strong men did not feel the slightest surprise.

And when they re-mobilized more divine and soul power, and plan to continue to hit Haoran, a horrible murderous force that completely solidified the entire Qinghu Mountains, and the thirteen strongmen who were ready to start could not help but change their faces. Let Nalan Purple Marriage and her elders who haven't been able to do anything change their faces, let the Aohao and Buffel who have already arrived soon can't help but change their faces, and use the heavenly consciousness to pay attention to the Qinghu Mountains San Mi Ling can't help but change his face.

Because only the Supreme Supreme who truly exists, the murderous energy emitted can instantly solidify the entire Qinghu Mountains, and can make the semi-robbers of the Supreme realm fear.

After the spirit temporarily took control of the flesh, Ta Ling examined the state of Yu Haoran carefully.

Over 90% of the essence of life was overdrawn, leaving Yu Haoran with less than a thousand years of life.

Overdrawing more than 90% of the potential not only allowed Yu Haoran's strength to fall directly to Wu Zong Yi Pin, but also almost ruined the foundations of the future impact on Valkyrie and the Supreme Realm, and lost his immortal hope of immortal impact.

The nine serious injuries suffered by Dantian and Shihai not only failed to make Dantian unable to continue to gather the power, but even Shihai space was on the verge of collapse.

Since reincarnation, no matter what dangers they face, no matter how powerful the enemy is, even the most critical situation of Witch God Space and Bone City, even if they are both congenital Void and Kendo luck, Hao Ran has not encountered such misery today.

This made the tower spirit unable to resist the anger and burnt, while exuding a horrific murderous spirit that instantly solidified the entire Qinghu Mountains.

"You all have to die!" The horrific and murderous eyes filled the eyes of everyone watching the tower, and Ling Ling said in a frosty voice.

Although I do n’t know why Yu Haoran was able to radiate the murderous spirit of the Supreme Realm, but considering that he was able to use the special secret method to obtain the strength of the Emperor Jiu Pin Jiu directly from the cultivation of the Emperor Jiu Pin Jiu Pin, so there was no one One dares to despise his changes.

The thirteen and half-moving Extremes who participated in the siege just backed up a short distance, and then used the mysteries of their own perceptions to start a tentative attack.

After looking at the crowd, Ta Ling looked up at the void in the mountains, and said indifferently.

"Three Exalted Spirits, if you also want to slay Yu Siqi, who is too obsessed with cultivation, then please show up directly."

"If it isn't, then immediately dispel the heavenly consciousness of manipulation and don't keep peeping at the situation here."


In the unknown valley at the junction of the southern and eastern regions!

"Who is he?"

Feeling Hao Ran's gaze, she can directly see the sky consciousness through the void obstacles, and pay attention to herself through the sky consciousness. While frightening the stars, she can't help but want to know the origin of the other party.

Silver Moon, who was equally frightened, cast his gaze directly on the burning sun with frowns on both eyes.

"Of the seven congenital treasures at the beginning of heaven and earth, the third-level tower spirit of the space-time domain tower is the respected Purple Spirit of the billions of souls, and it is also the nine supreme peaks that are most promising to impact the immortal achievements of ancient times. By."

In the face of starry interrogation, facing Yinyue's gaze, Zhuo Ri passed the control of the heavenly consciousness, looking up and staring at Yu Haoran, looking complex.

"Zi ...!"

After hearing Zhuo Ri's introduction, Yinyue and Fanxing couldn't help taking a sip of cold air, and looked at each other to find the shocked expression in their eyes.

The instrumental spirits of the space-time domain tower, possessing the Purple Spirit lord who manipulates the rules of time and space, for these special creatures, they are like idols, and they are not many that can directly hurt their existence.

"Sunburn, what shall we do next?"

After being shocked, Yinyue would like to know whether Shao-ri's attitude towards His Holiness Zi Ling was an adventurous shot or a temporary concession.

"Temporary concessions, striving for reconciliation!"

After Zhuo Ri's simple reply, she closed her eyes and controlled the heavenly consciousness, intending to have a simple communication with His Holiness.


The words of Ta Ling just let a dozen strong men who were preparing to cast the mystery of the law stop, and looked up into the void above the mountains, showing a vigilant look.


Just as the warning of the towering spirit had just fallen, a sigh came suddenly from the void of the mountains.

Immediately afterwards, a black indifferent eye slowly emerged from the sighing place.

When seeing the black eyes emerging from the void in the mountains, a dozen strong men from the ancient demons, ancient demons and ancient nethers only showed a dreadful look in their eyes.

But for the powerful men who inherited the Shangguan family, Wuyougu, and Xuandaozong from the Middle Ages, in addition to the look of dread, their eyes are also doped with deep fear.

Looking at Yu Haoran without the slightest fear in his eyes, watching the powerful spirit in Yu Haoran's body, watching Yu Haoran's knowledge of the tower in the sea that exudes the energy of time and space, and black eyes asked intricately.

"If you have time, please go to the unknown valley at the junction of the southern and eastern regions!"

"No problem! I will definitely go." Ta Ling nodded and agreed on behalf of Hao Ran.

In this regard, Yu Haoran, who returned to heal the wounds in the sea space, also showed a complex and expectant look in his eyes.

After all, he needs to know the three extinct spirits who can control the heavenly consciousness, and whether his attitude towards himself is enemy or friend, and then use this to determine his next plan.

With the consent of Ta Ling, the black eyes slowly disappeared into the void.

At the moment when the black eyes disappeared, he quickly retracted the towering spirit who was concerned about the void in the mountains, and the eyes full of fierce murderousness were cast directly on the scene.

Later, he slowly raised his arm, reached out and pointed at the seven semi-robed supreme strong guarding the family, and said quietly.

"Death cut!"

If we say that the strength gap between the realm of Wushen and the semi-robber realm is like a stone and a mountain.

Then, the power gap between the semi-robbery realm and the supreme realm is like the disparity between the mountains and the entire Tianxuan continent.

Therefore, the seven semi-robbers of the Supreme Guardian who guarded the family did not believe that Yu Haoran could cross such a large gap and directly possess the terrifying power of the Supreme Realm.

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