Destined Martial God

Chapter 1898: Disagreement

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South domain, in the valley of unknown name!

"Scorching Sun, Yinyue, the young man in a blue gown is named Yu Haoran. He is the only horse master in the Southern Qin Empire. He is also the double champion in the Southern and Five Dragon Qianlong competitions."

Sitting back to the stars on the chessboard, a bitter smile introduced in his eyes.

"At the same time, he was the first to be promoted to Dan Dao Dan Di and Dan Dan in millions of years, as well as the top wicked genius in the realm of Dao Jinzhen, and is one of the few dangerous men who can threaten us.

"It's him!"

After hearing Fan Xing's detailed introduction, she suddenly remembered what she had done with Fan Xing. Yin Yue couldn't help sighing, and her bitter smile appeared in her eyes.

"Fan Xing, Yin Yue, what's going on with you?" Fan Xing and Yin Yue's weird expressions gradually made Zhuo Ri gradually realize that something was not too strong, he quickly asked.

After a brief eye contact, it was ultimately responsible for arranging to kill the starry star, who explained with a bitter smile.

"Sunburn, it's like this, in the time when you were too vain ...!"

After hearing the detailed introduction of the conflict that had happened with Hao Ran, Zhuo Ri frowned slightly and closed his eyes, and began to consider how to resolve the hatred with Hao Ran, and calculate the cost to make up for his fault.

"Fan Xing, did the killers you arranged to kill eventually hurt Yu Haoran?" After nearly three minutes of thinking, Zhuo Sun reopened his eyes and asked the star.


While shaking his head quickly to deny it, Fan Xing quickly explained.

"When Yu Haoran broke through the realm of Dan Da Dan Dan and Zhen Da Zhen Jin, I once arranged the Yaoguang squad responsible for the second kill."

"But the Yaoguang team had just left the valley less than a thousand miles away, and they were attacked by Wuyou Valley. In the end, they did not even see the assassination target. How could they hurt Yu Haoran."

"Haha ...!"

The men responsible for intercepting the target were shot and killed, which was tantamount to provoking the majesty of the three extermination spirits in person.

Shao-ri should have been very angry when he heard the news, but he couldn't help laughing.

After laughing for almost a minute, Shao-ri was considered to stop laughing, and then said easily.

"Stars, Yinyue, it seems that we should thank the owner of Wuyou Valley for being right. Otherwise, we may need to pay an unimaginable price before we can get Hao Ran's understanding."

After hearing the price and understanding mentioned by Zhuo Ri, Yinyue and Stars frowned slightly at each other, and finally Yinyue questioned.

"Jurassic, listening to your tone just now, it seems that we have to take the initiative to bow down to Yu Haoran and even pay a certain price to get his forgiveness?"

"Yes!" Shao-ri nodded and confirmed.

"Why?" Yin Yue continued to question.

"Because Yu Haoran is the destiny son who can start and end the immeasurable calamity. It is the key for us to be able to break away from the extinct constitution. It is the key to whether we can completely suppress the rules of heaven and become the master of the world." Sunburst replied with an excited clenched fist.

Yin Zhuo did not relieve her wrinkled frowns because of Zhuo Ri's exciting explanation. He started to refute each one of the reasons just explained by Zhuo Ri.

"First of all, the three destroyers use the destruction energy accumulated during the destruction of ancient, middle, and modern times, which is enough to successfully start the immense amount of calamity, and win the only chance of being eternal and immortal.

"Second, the calamity that Tianxuan Continent faced this time is enough to destroy all the doomsday calamities. The whole world will be reverted to chaos. We can completely steal the chaos essence of chaos that gave birth to everything, and then rebuild the ancient ancestors. The body is completely detached from the spirit of extinction and promoted to the eternal immortality. "

"Finally, according to the monitoring of the four guardian families by Fanxing, they are basically able to determine their plans for countless years, and they will definitely be able to re-create the rules of Heaven in the deep sleep. At that time, we will conveniently use the doomsday chessboard to directly bombard the rules of Heaven that suffered the most. Instead, it will become the only master in the world. "

"So, Sunburn, we don't need the help of the Son of Destiny, and we don't need to apologize for inferiority."

Regarding the reason for refutation given by Yinyue, Zhuo Ri not only did not show the slightest dissatisfaction, but also nodded from time to time.

After the rebuttal of Yinyue was over, Zhuori turned to look at the stars who agreed with Yinyue and asked with a smile.

"Fan Xing, do you have any comments you would like to add?"

Shaking his head, Stars signaled that he didn't have any ideas to add.

After taking back the attention of the stars, Shao-ri turned to look at the direction of Dongyu. After the smile on his face was gradually replaced by the dignified, he said in a low tone.

"Yinyue, to realize the plan you just said, you need a very important premise, that is, all plans must be under our control, and there must be no changes."


While nodding in agreement with the Sunburn statement, Silver Moon's ten fingers quickly condensed the mark, and used the condensed mark to fuse a mirror.

Immediately afterwards, he cut his fingers and forced a drop of blood into the mirror.

Subsequently, the mirror image of the Blood Mist Mountains began to emerge.

"Zhao Ri, although Yu Haoran is the true son of destiny, but due to the influence of the practice time and the practice teachings he received, it is impossible for him to intervene and destroy our plans."

Yu Haoran stood with his fingers in the volley of the mirror, Yinyue said with a touch of contempt.

"Moreover, the summons issued by Ji Xing's identity as a son of destiny has brought together almost half of the entire Tianxuan continent. We are fully capable of forcing the four guardian families to launch a sneak attack on the Tiandao rule plan in advance. Complete prevention before it happens. "

"Zhaori, Yinyue is right." Unwilling to stare at Yu Haoran, he quickly nodded in agreement.

"Yinyue, the stars, if the countless strong men convened by Jixing can't successfully kill Haoran?" Asked Zhuo Ri, who regained his smile on his face.

"More than one hundred gods in the martial arts realm and more than four thousand demigods in the realm of pseudo-gods, I believe that Yu Haoran, even if he has the luck of the destiny's asylum, will eventually die."

The star, who is responsible for contacting Ji Xing, is very clear about the true strength of the rally that has brought together countless forces, so he responded with a little arrogance in the face of Zhuo Ri's question.

"What if Yu Haoran owns the destiny stele that controls the fate of everyone, and the help of the murderous spirit rat?" Zhuori continued to smile and asked back.

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