Destined Martial God

Chapter 1887: God robbery

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The edge of the Blood Mist Mountains!

Spirit pulse!

After hearing the reminder from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran realized that the black hole formed during the promotion of Blood Consumption was only devouring the thick blood mist covering the whole mountain, the strange flowers and grass in the mountain, and the endless strange beasts and evil The warrior, on the contrary, did not extend the ground to devour the veins.

Thinking of this, he immediately mobilized all the thoughts to look at the ground floor of the mountain, and soon found that there were a lot of spirit veins of different grades hidden under the mountain.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Haoran appeared directly above the mountains, mobilizing Yuanli and Soul Force to quickly condense into a giant palm covering the sky, and then slammed **** the ground.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, the ground of the mountain was shot by a giant palm to a deep pit of more than 300 meters.

At the same time, a spirit vein in the deep pit that reached the seventh grade was quickly condensed into a white dragon of several hundred meters.


After the white dragon roared to the sky, it immediately flew up to escape the mountains.

"Want to run!"

Seeing the seventh-tier inferior spirit vein that was about to escape, Yu Haoran sneered, and the giant palms that covered the sky directly sealed all the life paths that the white dragon escaped, and then the giant palms quickly closed, and finally the hundred meters The white dragon gave it in his palm.

Subsequently, the giant palm suddenly forcefully threw the white dragon directly to the blood river.

Immediately afterwards, the force of devouring forcefully dragged the white dragon into the blood.

Yu Haoran suddenly attacked the ground of the Blood Mist Mountain Range, and captured the seventh dragon's veins to condense the white dragon, making Zhong Lishuiqin immediately react.

Without any delay, she immediately appeared above the mountains, and then, using the same means, began to search for and capture the spirit veins beneath the mountains.

After looking at each other, Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang also immediately joined the search for Lingmai.

With the help of Zhongli Mingjing, Zhongli Qingyang and Zhongli Shuiqin, the speed of searching for the spiritual veins has increased by at least ten times.

In particular, in order to reach Zhongli Mingjing, the pinnacle of Wushen Nine Pins, each shot can capture at least five spirit pulses of about sixth order, or three spirit pulses of about five order.

Several dozen spirit veins were thrown into the river of blood, and then transformed into pure energy by the power of devouring energy and absorbed by Wu Zhengjun.

Soon, the rising momentum in the blood river quickly broke through the peaks of the seven emperors of Wudi, the peaks of eight emperors of Wudi, the peaks of nine emperors of Wudi, and reached the limit of the peaks of Emperor Wudi.

"Boom! Boom!"

After mobilizing the nine-layered giant force and soul force to consolidate two huge pits of nearly one thousand meters in length, and directly capture two white dragons with a length of more than five kilometers, Yu Haoran directly put the white dragons As he was thrown into the river of blood, he reminded aloud.

"Jing Jun, directly use the ginseng fruit I gave you, and then cooperate with the spiritual power of the engulfed spirit to fully impact the immortal spirit realm."

After hearing a loud reminder from Yu Haoran, Wu Zhengjun, who was immersed in the blood, resurfaced, and then took out the special jade box from the storage ring. After opening the jade box, he quickly took out the ginseng fruit inside.

Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and swallowed the ginseng fruit directly, and then Wu Zhengjun sank into the river again.

With more than one hundred spirit veins that have just been put into the blood river, and the ginseng fruit that is not lost to the first-order nine-pin divine spirit, it can fully meet the energy that Wu Zhengjun needs to break through the realm of martial arts.

Therefore, Yu Haoran did not continue to search for the spiritual veins in the mountains, but flashed back to the edge of the mountains, and then waited for the final transformation of Wu Zhengjun.

At the same time, Zhongli Mingjing, Zhongli Qingyang and Zhongli Shuiqin also returned to the edge of the mountain.

And the same use of divine mind to find high-quality spiritual veins in the mountains of the tower spirit, because Yu Haoran returned to the edge of the mountain, and stopped the search for spiritual veins.

Because through the escape of the underground veins in the mountains just now, he felt a very familiar atmosphere, as if in the underground of the Blood Mist Mountains, there was a vein that possessed his own consciousness and had been promoted to the first order and first rank.

Therefore, he must immediately find and lock the vein that is enough to allow Yu Haoran ’s physical grade, Yuanli and soul power to advance to the realm of martial arts, so that Yu Haoran ’s cultivation and strength will not be overtaken by Wu Zhengjun.

With more than a hundred spirit veins and ginseng fruit of different grades being swallowed by Wu Zhengjun, the momentum that gradually stabilized in the blood river rose again quickly.

With the rapid ascension of the powerful momentum, the dark clouds of the Blood Mist Mountain range of hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, and tens of thousands of kilometers quickly converge, which makes the clouds above the mountains thicker and more depressed, .

"God robbery!" Looking up at the dark clouds continually converging above the mountains, feeling the thunder and lightning being conceived in the dark clouds, Zhong Liming's complex complex words murmured.

After all, as the existence of the peak limit of the nine goddess of martial arts, Zhong Limingjing had encountered the baptism of **** robbery in ancient times.

What is the realm of martial arts?

It can break the confusion of life and death, win the way of eternal life, obtain the immortal body, and prove the perseverance of martial arts!

The breakthrough of the martial arts realm can be said to be a provocative move against the sky and changing lives.

Facing the challenge of changing lives, Cangtian will inevitably drop the thunderbolt of destruction to punish the provocative creatures.

Therefore, Shenjie is the second level for the peak of Emperor Wu Jiu and the demigods to break through the realm of Wu Shen, and it is also the most dangerous and most vulnerable process.

Looking up at the thicker and thicker clouds above the mountains, Yu Haoran's complexion gradually condensed.

Because he found that the thunderbolt energy that had begun to breed in the dark clouds was approaching the three major destruction thunderbolts, he wondered whether Wu Zhengjun could withstand the nine golden thunderbolts that had come from God's blood with his newly upgraded blood-biting constitution.

"Yu Haoran, if we say that the scourge caused by breaking through the realm of martial arts is an irresistible disaster for other beings."

"Then, for the boy with the blood-thirsty physique, Shenjie not only does not have any danger, but is the source of energy that he cultivates and his strength increases rapidly, which is an opportunity that can assist him to complete the transformation as soon as possible."

With the help of God ’s suppression of the underground veins in the Blood Mist Mountain Range, Taling has successfully found and locked the spiritual vein that has been upgraded to the first order and first grade, and has unexpectedly felt a tense emotion.

There is no need to think about it, Ta Ling also knows the reason why Yu Haoran is nervous, so he uses the secret method to quietly seal the vein, and smiles and relieves.

"That's good!"

After hearing Ta Ling's relief, Yu Haoran took a sigh of relief, and then looked back at the dark clouds above the mountains, and then planned to remind Zhong Liqin and the gibbons to step back temporarily.

After all, Shenjie is a punishment for Wu Zhengjun's thunder and lightning breakthrough from the Wushen realm.

If it is too close to the Blood River, it is likely to be regarded as a provocative move by God ’s Robbery, which will not only be attacked by lightning, but also continue to increase the power of God ’s Robbery.

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