Destined Martial God

Chapter 1883: The power of sleeping

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The edge of the Blood Mist Mountains!

After seeing Yu Haoran pouring three effervescent crystals from the exquisite Dan bottle, and exuding a strong aroma, Zhong Liming Jing and Zhong Li Qingyang, the closest to the elixir, couldn't help curiosity. Smell deeply.

The red annoying beast, which is a little farther away from the elixir, and has personally experienced the power of divine sleep, reminds Landing Yuan and others of a sudden change in complexion.

"Seal your six consciousness immediately, don't inhale the aroma from the elixir!"

After hearing the reminder from the red beast, Qingfeng, Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan, and the gibbons closed their six consciousnesses at once, and quickly ran away from Haoran.

"this is…!"

Zhongli Qingyang, who also heard the reminder of the Red-Beasted Beast, was about to force out the scent of the elixir that he had just inhaled, and he felt the drowsiness that suddenly struck the sea. Close your eyes.

And Zhongli Mingjing, who is a deep man, only persisted for one second more than Zhongli Qingyang, and yawned into the sleep.

Deep sleep means that the mind is completely in a state of rest. It can neither mobilize the vitality and divine power in Dantian, nor control the spirits in the sea.

If the breeze was not found in time, and Zhongli Qingyang and Zhongli Mingjing, who had fallen asleep, were immediately supported by the divine power, I am afraid they would fall directly into the dense forest on the edge of the Blood Mist Mountain Range.

"Master Yu, let them wake up quickly!"

Regardless of identity and cultivation, or the relationship between them, Yu Haoran had not been promptly reminded of the power of the elixir to release the aroma of the sleeping pills, and he was already very rude.

If you do not immediately think of a way to relieve the power of the sleeping pills, and let Zhong Li Qingyang and Zhong Limingjing wake up quickly, I'm afraid they will cause dissatisfaction afterwards, and it will also affect the marriage that is difficult to conclude.

After hearing the unpleasant reminder of the breeze, Yu Haoran smiled and took out an elixir with a foul odor, and then used Yuanli's package to pause between the noses of both people.

In less than a second, Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Li Qingyang woke up at the same time.

Thinking of being unable to resist the invasion of drowsiness, and falling into a state of deep sleep, Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang looked at Yu Haoran's eyes, exuding a look of terror, fear and happiness.

Because through their own feelings just now, they knew that Yu Haoran had been merciful to the Zhongli family. Otherwise, relying on the elixir that even Zhongli Mingjing, the top nine martial arts god, could not resist sleepiness, Yu Haoran could kill Zhongli directly. All people of the family.

"Predecessor Mingjing, patriarch Qingyang, I'm really sorry. My junior thought about resolving the dangers hidden in the depths of the Blood Mist Mountains, and forgot to remind you in time."

After seeing Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang's fear and happiness, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a proud look, and he quickly apologized.

"it's okay no problem!"

Faced with Hao Ran's apology, Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Li Qingyang waved their hands to indicate that it did not matter.

Holding the three divine sleeping elixirs firmly in his palm, Yu Haoran nodded to the breeze, and continued to use the power of the flashing dual law to quickly emerge with his own powerful strength, desperately resisting the traction. In front of the five headed beast.

Subsequently, he directly crushed a divine sleeping elixir, then used Yuanli to disperse the elixir of the elixir, and rushed to the deepest part of the Blood Mist Mountains.

Stop at a place where vaguely fatal danger is felt, and then crush the remaining two divine sleep pills. After using the power to disperse the powder of the pills, Yu Haoran flashed back to the edge of the mountain.

"Woo ...!"

And just when he had just returned to the edge of the Blood Mist Mountains, he had just crushed the location of the two pills, and suddenly a deafening roar sounded.

Along with the deafening roar, a horror that made the whole Blood Mist Mountain tremble endlessly, rising rapidly from the depths of the mountain.

"This is the bi-winged flying tiger who has touched the semi-robber realm!" The horror, the familiar roar, shouted suddenly with a sudden change in Qingfeng's face.

Immediately afterwards, he asked Yu Haoran nervously.

"Brother Yu, can the first-order and first-grade **** sleep sleeping elixir be able to make the strange beasts in the semi-robber realm fall into a deep sleep?"

"Yes!" Without any hesitation, Yu Haoran nodded affirmatively.

At that time, when he successfully refined the first-order and first-grade **** sleep, Ta Ling himself tested the healing power of **** sleep.

Under the dual guardianship of space-time energy and thirty marks of chaos, he only persisted for less than three seconds, and was completely in deep sleep because he could not resist the predicament of the medicinal power.

Afterwards, based on personal experience, Ta Ling gave the power of a first-order, first-class deities sleep, which is enough to let all the creatures below Yijie Supreme Realm fall asleep.

And this is also a killer that Yu Haoran dared to confront the Zhongli family.

Just when Hao Ran had just given a positive response, the rapidly rising terror suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the power of terror began to fall quickly, and eventually completely disappeared into the depths of the mountains.

"Zi ...!"

Seeing that even the bi-winged flying tiger that has touched the semi-robber realm can't resist the healing power of the gods, he fell completely into deep sleep, and was waiting for the fate of being eventually swallowed. Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang couldn't help it. Took a breath.

In the supreme existence of the semi-robber supreme and supreme realm, because of the limitation of the heavenly consciousness, it is temporarily impossible to intervene in the situation of the Tianxuan continent.

Possessing the secret method that can weaken the opponent ’s strength and let the opponent completely fall asleep, the method revealed by Yu Haoran at this time already has the power to dominate the entire Tianxuan continent, and has the ability to contend with the heavenly consciousness and the destiny's son Confidence.

Therefore, after shocking Zhong Liming Jing and Zhong Li Qingyang, they looked at each other and found that there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

As the first crushed elixir started to work, the five beasts that were constantly falling asleep were forcibly dragged into the black hole, and then converted into pure blood energy that was upgraded by blood phasing physique.

The loss of the obstacles of the five heads of beasts, and the power of the traction further enhanced, immediately like a rolling wave, shrouded in the depths towards the Blood Mist Mountains.


Looking at the traction force that will be covering the whole Blood Mist Mountain Range, and looking at the thick blood mist that is constantly being swallowed up, Zhong Liming can't help but sigh.

"From now on, the Blood Mist Mountains will not only officially withdraw from the top ten forbidden areas of the Tianxuan Continent, but will also completely disappear from the world's sight."

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