Destined Martial God

Chapter 1866: Double kill

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Sunset over the lake, in the island!

"Brother Mouse, immediately manipulate Zhongli Zhiyuan's fate and help me to kill this person."

When the slightly rough hands grasped Xiang Jianmang, Yu Haoran immediately ordered the slaying soul rat that had already reached out his paw and pressed it on the name of Zhong Li Zhi Yuan.

At the same time, a kind of speedy swordsmanship in the memory and inheritance of the Destiny Stone Stele, with the Yuantu Divine Sword that quickly appeared in the hands, directly cut to Zhongli Zhiyuan, who was going to destroy Jianmang.

Although Yu Siqi took advantage of the sword skills and martial arts of Taishang Xinshu, the condensed sword awn power reached the early stage of the third **** of war, but Zhong Li Zhiyuan, who reached out and held the sword, had full confidence and believed that he could rely on his own war **** The strength of Bapin's pinnacle realm, while destroying Jianmang, used the means of breath separation to directly re-create talents and potentials far better than Lu Yuan's Yu Siqi.

However, when the palm of the palm suddenly prepared to destroy Jianmang, the sudden violent divine power and soul power in the body, and the sudden loss of the mysterious laws and mysteries, caused Zhongli Zhiyuan's strength to fall directly to the beginning of Wushen Yipin.

The strength of Valkyrie Yipin in the early days, facing the power of Jianmang who reached the early stage of Wujin III, the result is that Jianmeng directly penetrated Zhongli Zhiyuan's palm and continued to pierce Zhongli Xuena.

The severe pain caused by the piercing of the palm is far less important than the sudden condition in the body. Therefore, to endure the severe pain from the palm, Zhong Lizhiyuan intends to carefully check the out of control of the divine and spiritual power in the body, and the problem of the mysterious law s reason.

But at this moment, a strong and fatal sense of danger made him stop checking his condition immediately, and immediately turned to wait and see.

Later, he saw a **** sword that cut to himself like lightning.

Feeling that the power of the bright red sword gas reached the peak of the Valkyrie First Grade, it is no longer in his current state to resist, while Zhong Li Ruyuan quickly retreated, begging for mercy.

"Little friend, I have something to say, please quickly remove the attacking sword energy."

Unfortunately, in the face of Zhongli Ruyuan's begging for mercy, Yu Haoran not only did not give any attention, but used the idea to increase the speed of the sword attack.

"Little friend, as long as you are willing to stop now, no matter what the conditions, the old man will agree." Seeing the sharp red sword gas attack speed suddenly increased, the persecution of death is coming, let Zhong Lizhiyuan be more panic and beg for mercy.

The conditions that Zhongli Zhiyuan asked for forgiveness made Zhongli Shuiqin, who was in a state of sorrow and self-blame, instantly rejoiced.

Because she was very clear that Xiuyuan, the ancestor of Zhiyuan who reached the pinnacle of Wushen, had great influence in the family, as long as he nodded in agreement with his marriage with Wu Zhengjun.

Well, even the opposition of all members of the entire family, including father Zhongli Qingyang, is useless.

Therefore, Zhong Lishuiqin intends to remind Yu Haoran to remind him of the ancestor's life.


But just when her mouth just opened, and before she could say anything, the bright red sword qi, which was once again increased in attack speed, chopped heavily on Zhong Li Zhiyuan, splitting him directly in half.

Because Yuan Tu's Divine Sword is a top-level innate spiritual treasure specially used to harm the spirits, the bright red sword gas also directly destroyed the spirits in the sea when he split the body of Zhongli Zhiyuan.


At the same time, due to Zhong Li Zhiyuan's strong intervention, she actively dissipated the defenses formed by divine and soul power, and seized the time to heal Zhong Lixue Na, without any defense, she was also directly pierced by her sword. .

Immediately afterwards, the sharp sword gas erupted from Jianmang directly strangling her spirit.

Watching Zhong Lixuena's body and Zhong Lizhiyuan's remains fell heavily in the island palace, all the members of the Zhongli family were completely shocked!

Because in their subconscious mind, a strong **** like two ancestors should live with heaven and earth, live with the sun and the moon, and should not be beheaded.

After easily slaying Xiu Zhongyuan, who reached the pinnacle of Wushen Bapin, Yu Haoran secretly relieved, turned his head to Yu Siqi and instructed.

"Sister, go home first!"

After indifferently nodding, Yu Siqi flashed back to Lu Yuan's side, while Yu Haoran's fierce and murderous gaze turned to look dull, like Zhongli Qingyang who was stupid.

Full of fierce and murderous eyes, Zhong Li Qingyang quickly awakened from the sluggish state, thinking of the decisiveness and fierceness of Yu Haoran when he beheaded Zhiyuan's ancestors, and the humiliation he once brought to him, he suddenly lost his panic. Shouted.

"Yu Haoran, what do you want to do?"

He stretched his fingers and flicked the handle of Yuantu's Excalibur, Yu Haoran sneered.

"Zhongli Qingyang, don't you know what I want to do!"

Facing Hao Ran's murderous rhetorical question, Zhong Li Qingyang threatened loudly as he retreated at an accelerated pace.

"Yu Haoran, my Zhongli family also has the ancestors of the top of the nine gods of war and the semi-robbers of the ancestors. If you dare to hurt the patriarch, the ancestors will surely let you and your relatives and friends die without burial. Ground. "

As if to cope with Zhong Li Qingyang's threat, just as his threatening voice had just dropped, from the depths of the palace suddenly came a terrifying breath that made the entire island tremble.

With the rising of horror, a young man with a face like a crown jade, a magnificent eye, and a handsome person in a white gown walked slowly from the depths of the palace.

Just like the situation when Zhong Li Zhiyuan appeared, the steps taken by the young people in white seemed to be slow, but in fact, they appeared directly in front of Haoran.

The appearance of the young man in white immediately gave Zhong Li Qingyang infinite confidence. After stopping his footsteps, he quickly rushed to the young man in white, and then saluted with great respect.

"Qingyang has seen Mingjing ancestors!"

Regardless of Zhong Li Qingyang's salute, Zhong Limingjing looked at Yu Haoran with a sea of ​​mulberry fields, and asked a little hoarsely in his voice.

"How did you make Zhiyuan's divine and soul power out of control momentarily? How did you cut off the mystery of the rules he felt?"

Zhong Limingjing's **** interrogation made Yu Haoran's heart suddenly tense, but when he thought of convening Qingfeng and others to help him, his purpose was to reveal a part of his true identity, which can stabilize the military heart while seizing the air and heaven. effect.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who calmed down quickly, was full of disdainful taunts.

"You and I are already endless opponents, so why did Ben Ma tell you the secret law of the sky I have mastered?"


Facing the ridicule of Hao Ran, Zhong Liming nodded without any anger, and then took out a whole body made of Aoki, giving people a sword that shocked the mind.

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