Destined Martial God

Chapter 1823: The impact of Dan Shen Realm

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Yuxu Palace, inside the palace!

After hearing Tianzun Jixing's interrogation, he also withdrew the person who paid attention to Haoran's eyes, stared directly into his eyes, a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"Master, heaven, earth, and people hold the Yuxu Palace together. There is no gap in status and rights between each other. This is not only the rules formulated by the ancestors of previous generations, but also the basis for the Yuxu Palace to pass on for many years.

Seeing the hesitant look flashing in his eyes, Su Zun suddenly fell into silence, Tian Zun's behavior, who was familiar with and understood his temperament, had a gentle smile on his face.

"So, whatever you say, you can speak as freely as you want. You don't need to worry about it, and you don't have to worry about angering your brother."

"Brother, in fact, the grudge between Yuxu Palace and Yu Haoran is not deep in itself, and there is a possibility of resolving each other."

After receiving the assurance of Ji Xing, the hesitant look in Ren Zun's eyes was gradually replaced, and he courageously persuaded him.

"Brother, brother thinks that as long as our Yuxu Palace takes the initiative to make a concession, I think Yu Haoran's mind and vision will eventually choose to forgive."

"At the same time, considering the identity of Brother Destiny's Son, and considering the shelter of the heavenly consciousness behind us, we may even choose to ally with us."

The more excited he became, the more he could not help but start to look forward, but he did not notice that Ji Xing's face was gradually gloomy.

"If our two sides can really reach an alliance, then with the luck of the Son of Heaven, the protection of the heavenly consciousness, and the influence of the **** of God, the Yuxu Palace can absolutely suppress the four guardian families and the five hidden generations. The family became the veritable first force in the Tianxuan continent, and it can also ...! "

"Sister, shut up!"

A violent drinking directly interrupted the outlook of Ren Zun, Ji Xing asked with a complexion on his face.

"Make peace with Yu Haoran, and alliance with Hao Ran. Then, did the younger brother think about the tragic death of Longer under the sword without a sword, or did the younger brother think that the death of the sect elders and deacons under Hao Ran's hands? The will of three heavens. "

In the face of Ji Xing's complex questioning, Ren Zun didn't panic too much, just couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother, I am here today, even if the jade is burned in the end, it is impossible for us to reconcile with Yu Hao Ran, let alone delusion of alliance."

"Brother, I know!"

After making a fist gesture, Ren Zun glanced at Yu Haoran, who was pedaling colorful clouds in the air, with a deep disappointment in his eyes, and stepped away from the palace to return to the palace.

"Sister, temporarily withdraw all the power of Ren Palace and Ren Ren, and send Yu Ye secretly to monitor every action of Ren Ren." Looking at the Ren Ren stepping away, Ji Xing flashed a cold light in front of the Lord.

"Yes, brother!" After seeing the cold light flashing in Ji Xing's eyes, he hit a trembling land respect, and quickly hurled his fist to answer.


In front of the passage of the ancient **** trial ground!

Looking at the three frontal elders who have just awakened in the clan, they are trying their best to break the seal of the nine gods. The look of anger, sometimes the look of regret, sometimes the look of hatred, sometimes Flashed a thoughtful look.

However, when an ancient cloud radiating colorful clouds and a blue-eyed youth on top of the cloud suddenly appeared in the midst of the ancient **** trial ground, the complex and varied look of Shenjie was quickly replaced by hatred.

"Yu Haoran, you **** it!"

Instantly took out a sword of top quality in the realm of God, and after a roar, he directly emptied and rushed to Yu Haoran, who was walking on the colorful clouds.

However, just when he was just 100 meters away, a kind old man in a white robe blocked him in front of him for a moment, with a serious look of criticism.

"His Highness, your heart is disturbed!"

After hearing the criticism of the old man in white robes, Shenjie forced himself to calm down quickly, then looked up at Yu Haoran in the air, and gradually discovered Yu Haoran's anomaly.

"Colorful clouds appear, Dan Dao Dan Shen Shen!"

Thinking back to the promotion of the Protoss Danshi in ancient times, Shenjie shouted abruptly.

"In today's environment, how can a kid named Yu be able to achieve the status of a **** of god, how is this possible!"

"Yes, it is the realm of Dan Dao Dan!"

After nodding to confirm the real state of Hao Ran, the ancestor of the white robe reminded solemnly.

"Dan Dao Dan Dan realm, as long as there are sufficient resources, you can easily refine the elixir that directly breaks through the realm of Wu Zun and Emperor Wu Di, and you can make the gods that help break through the realm of Wu Shen."

"This man's threat to our protoss is in no way inferior to the Son of Destiny who can start and end countless robberies."

As a reminder, the old man in white robe turned his head and looked at Shen Jie.

"His Highness, the moment when our Protoss descends on Tianxuan Continent, you immediately arrange the Demon Eater Team to kill this person. You must not let him become the confidant of our Protoss to rule Tianxuan Continent."

"The old military officer rest assured, this **** will never let this kid down."

While nodding in agreement with the elders of the White Robe, Shenjie even more eagerly wanted to know when they would be able to lift the seal of the passage, and then led the numerous troops of the Protoss to land on the Celestial Continent again.

"According to my husband's understanding of the formation method, the formation method of the Seal Ancient God Trial is called the Sun, Moon, and Star Formation. It is one of the three major seal formation methods in ancient times. With our three people's formation ability, at least five It will take about a year to break. "

After hearing Shenjie's interrogation, the old man in white robes motioned for him to come to the front of the passage, and then pointed at the seal exuding the sun, moon, and stars, and explained.

"However, the old man found that one of the four flags used to set up the sun, moon, and stars array formation contained a self-explosive array formation."

"At the same time, judging by the speed of the self-detonation array method, at most two months, that array flag will completely detonate the sun, moon and star array method, and the channel to the Tianxuan continent will reopen."


For a maximum of two months, he was able to lead the Protoss army down to Tianxuan Continent again, and Shenjie could not help but applaud.

After raising his hand to indicate that Shen Jie was quiet, the old man in white robe pointed at Yu Haoran, who was walking in the air with colorful clouds, and a smile appeared on his face.

"But to my surprise, the boy's vision of heaven and earth when he was promoted to Dan Dao Dan's realm speeded up the speed of the self-detonation array method, and made the banner's self-detonation time almost a third ahead. "

"That is to say, for a maximum of forty-five days, the seal array of the sun, moon, and stars will be completely invalidated, and His Royal Highness will be able to land on Tianxuan Continent again."

"Yu Haoran, your death is here!"

Being able to land on Tianxuan Continent one day earlier, he could kill and kill Yu Haoran, who brought him endless shame as soon as possible. Shenjie looked up at Yu Haoran, who pedaled colorful clouds, and said with gritted teeth.

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