Destined Martial God

Chapter 1783: Self-death

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Huaiyu Mountains!

The power to increase the destruction of the soul interception thunder mine more than three times, just before entering the space of understanding the sea, Yu Haoran clearly felt a fatal crisis.

Fortunately, when telling Ta Ling to increase the power of the Thunderbolt attack, he had already considered the threat of destroying the soul interception **** mine to the soul in advance.

Therefore, in the face of the destruction of the soul-killering thunder of the sea-knowing spirit, sitting on the knees of the god-knowing spirit in the space of the sea, immediately sacrifice Ruyi Bell to form the first defense, and then condense the ten fingers to form the soul defense formation to form the second Road defense.


With the thunderous destruction of the Destroyer Spirit on Ruyi Bell, a strong roar suddenly sounded in the entire consciousness space.

With a strong roar, the Ruyi Bell floating in the mid-air of the sea was shot down by the destroyed soul interceptor **** thunder.

However, the powerful defense formed by Ruyizhong was not only successful in resisting the bombardment of the Destroyer, but also the body did not suffer any damage.

Faced with the energy of destroying the spirit interception gods scattered in the sea and air, Yu Haoran quickly removed the defensive formation that condenses the soul and began to absorb the scattered thunderbolt energy.

Seeing that Yu Haoran can rely on the defense of Ruyi Bell, he can easily resist 30% of the powerful destruction of the soul interception **** thunder. When the primate breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately took out the ground-flame array flag in the five-element array flag for Resist the third and fourth annihilation of thunderbolt gods formed by thunder.

"This is the off-ground flamelight banner in the Innate Five Elements Banner!"

Suzaku, attracted by the special atmosphere, saw Yu Haoran sitting on a curved knee and took out the second shape exactly the same, but when the color showed a crimson banner, his expression was shocked, and his eyes immediately showed a greedy look.

As an innate spiritual treasure-level defensive treasure, the off-ground flame light banner contains rich fire source energy. If you can refine and connect the fire source in the banner.

Then, she will be able to transform her own bloodline, thereby impacting the half-step supreme state in a short time.

Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the surprise and greed that came out of his heart, Suzaku quietly glanced at Qinglong and White Tiger, and found that their attention was still on the ginseng fruit tree, and there was a faint look in their eyes.

Subsequently, she secretly mobilized the strength of the top of the sixth grade of Shenjing, preparing to capture the off-flame light flag in the first time after the off-ground flame light banner successfully resisted the third destruction of the thunder spirit interception thunder mine.

"Yu Haoran, are you ready?" Just before the power of the third way to destroy the soul interception **** thunder was less than 40%, Ta Ling questioned Yu Haoran.

"Talling, let's get started!" After absorbing the energy of thunder and robbery scattered in the sea, I felt that Yu Haoran, who had cultivated himself by leaps and bounds, signaled with confidence.

Faith comes to faith, and the proper defense must not be taken lightly.

Therefore, after replying to Ta Ling's interrogation, he quickly sacrificed Ruyi Bell, while the spirits in the sea of ​​knowledge quickly condensed into a defensive formation.


Maybe it is because the third way to destroy the soul interception **** thunder is more powerful, or it may be because the towering spirit uses the lightning energy trapped by the fire flame array flag to be too little.

The Ruyi Bell that just touched the Destroyed Destroyer Thunder was directly bombarded, and then the power consumed only half of the Destroyed Destroyer Thunder, and it was heavily bombarded on the soul defense formation.

Fortunately, the formation formed by the use of soul power by the spirit soul, the power of defense is not lost to Ruyi Bell, and the moment the defense formation was breached, the power to destroy the soul interception **** thunder was also consumed.

Just when Haoran seized the time to absorb the energy of the thunderbolt scattered in the sea of ​​understanding, just as Taling regained control of the off-ground firework banner and was ready to withstand the forthcoming fourth thunderbolt, a red light rushed away at lightning speed. Earth Flame Light Banner.

"Sister Three, don't!"

Because he has been watching Yu Haoran resisting thunderstorms, Xuanwu God Beast did not notice Suzaku's anomaly at first. When Suzaku took the shot to **** the fireworks banner off the ground, he was regarded as a reaction.

Thinking of Yu Haoran's identity as the son of destiny, and of the off-ground firework banner that had resisted the thunderstorm once, the Qi machine had been completely locked by the thunderstorm, the Xuanwu God Beast's face changed suddenly and reminded.

Suzaku's sudden shot, and the loud reminder of the basalt **** animal, immediately caught the attention of Qinglong and White Tiger, and they also turned into a group of lightnings and rushed to the cemetery group.

Of course, as companions closely related to destiny, Qinglong and White Tiger's shots are not to **** the flag of the fireworks off the ground, but to block the spirit of the book that might take the flag of the fireworks off the ground.

Looking at Suzaku who quickly appeared next to the off-ground firework banner, although the towering spirit in the sea didn't take any action to stop him, but looking at Suzaku, he showed a spooky murderous power.

Ignoring the blue dragons and white tigers who looked at them with jealousy, the earthly book spirit looked at Suzaku who stretched out his claws and grabbed the flames of fire from the ground.

"It's done!"

Without any obstruction, Suzaku, who successfully won the indifferent array of flags from the ground, flashed a beam of joy on his beautiful face, and immediately put away the flag of the flames and returned to the mountain sky.

"Big brother, second brother, quickly leave the third sister!" But when Suzaku had just returned to the mountain void, the Xuanwu God Beast quickly retreated, reminding the blue dragon and white tiger that returned to the mountain void.

"Four younger brothers, what do you mean?" He asked, seeing Suzaku, who was quickly away from him, and instantly gloomy.

The blue dragon and white tiger who returned to Suzaku also looked at Xuanwu with doubts in their eyes.

"The third sister, who once resisted the off-ground flame-ray banner that destroyed the soul-hunting gods and thunder, has been stained with the thunder of the thunderstorm. Whoever takes the shot to **** the flag of the fireworks off the ground, whoever waits to intervene directly in the emperor's crossing , They will suffer the most severe punishment from thunder. ”After nearly a thousand miles away from Suzaku, the look of the basaltic **** and beast was complicated.

The interpretation of the basalt gods made Qinglong and Baihu immediately aware of the consequences of intervening in the robbery. They did not hesitate to stay away from Suzaku.

And Suzaku, who understands the power of the thunderbolt **** thunder to form the thunderbolt, has a sudden change of face, and directly throws the collected fireworks off-ground flag to Hao Ran.


But unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of the thunderbolt banner that has been contaminated.

Therefore, from the dark black cloud, the fourth path destroying the soul interception **** thunder, which is as thin as a bamboo, was shot directly into the mountain's void Suzaku.


Since it was impossible to avoid the bombardment of thunderstorms, face it calmly.

Watching the destruction of the spirit interception beast rushing towards himself, Suzaku Yangtian issued a cry that rang through the clouds, and flew the flamed wings to directly meet the thunderstorm.


As Suzaku slammed into the Destroyer of the Destroyer, the entire eastern region immediately sounded a deafening roar.

With the deafening roar, although the Destroyed Destroyer Thunder had shrunk to the size of a wire, Suzaku's huge body had disappeared.

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