Destined Martial God

Chapter 1754: Nemesis

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The edge of Huaiyu Mountain!

"not good!"

Aided by the energy of the tower's original energy, he quickly swept across the towering spirits in the Huaiyu Mountains. After a sudden change in the dark path was not good, he immediately commanded at Yu Haoran.

"Yu Haoran, left here immediately by tearing the void."

After hearing the reminder of the sudden change in the spirit of the towering spirit, Yu Haoran got up without any hesitation, and tearing the void, he instinctively asked.

"Ta Ling, what happened in the Huaiyu Mountains?"

"Eastern Huaiyun used the method of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban to successfully crack one-third of the five-element five-element array, and also completely released a large number of ghost souls trapped in the array."

The towering spirit explained with a dignified look.

"The Wraith Beast can not only ignore any grade of attack and defense, and instantly consume the flesh and soul of the soul, but they are also one of the culprits that led to the destruction of the Middle Ages."

Plenty of Wraiths!

One of the culprits of ruin in the Middle Ages!

After hearing Ta Ling's explanation of the situation in the Huaiyu Mountains, Yu Haoran stepped into the void gap, and the peeping thoughts that came out of his heart made him couldn't help but glance at the Huaiyu Mountains with the thought of God.

Immediately after that, he could not help but stunned, his face was filled with weird expressions.

"Taling, these things are called Wraiths? Are you sure they were one of the culprits that led to the destruction of the Middle Ages?"

"Yu Haoran, when the Middle Ages was destroyed, I once shot myself against the Wraith Beast, and the body of the Soul was almost devoured by them, so I can be 100% sure of their origin." Seeing Yu Haoran even retracted and stepped into the void The left foot of the crack was obviously not planning to flee here immediately, Talling immediately hurriedly promised.

"Taling, don't worry, listen to me slowly."

Can feel the anxious emotion of the towering spirit, Yu Haoran waved his hand to disperse the torn void cracks and explained easily.

"In previous lives, when I was hunting and killing the ethereal rat from the strong man in Yuxu Palace, I accidentally broke into a cave house that I do n’t know when it was left. In addition to countless human skins, there are thousands of them. An ugly thing. "

"Yu Haoran, how did you and the ethereal rat deal with the ghostly beast?"

In addition to being able to ignore any grade of attacks and defenses, Wraith Beasts have speeds close to instantaneous movement, and are also an important means for countless creatures to escape.

Yu Haoran's cultivation in the previous life is not in the realm of Emperor Wuhuang, and he does not have the strength and speed to evade the Wraith Beast, then he can only get the secret method to deal with the Wraith Beast, or a special magic weapon.

Otherwise, he would not be able to live into the tomb of the demon alive afterwards, and get the chance to be reborn.

Therefore, Tallinn could not help asking.

"They didn't need to shoot at all, they just crawled there obediently, and they were all eaten by one bite of the ethereal rat." With a shrug, Yu Haoran replied puzzledly.

However, when he used the divine mind to see more than a hundred ghostly beasts bursting out of the white mist, at a speed close to the instantaneous movement, he slaughtered the Emperor Wudi and the strong man in the demigod state, and couldn't help but sip. Cool air.

In the previous life, when he and the ethereal rat broke into the broken cave house, thousands of ugly monsters saw the ethereal rat as if they saw green dragons and rats saw cats. There, motionless, let the ethereal rats eat all of them bit by bit.

At the same time, it was precisely by swallowing thousands of ugly monsters that the ethereal rat was promoted to the fifth-order imperial realm from the early state of the sixth-order king realm and the seventh product.

After hearing the response from Yu Haoran, Ta Ling was completely choked and completely stupid!

Even the supreme existence of the supreme realm, which is difficult to deal with the ghosts and beasts, will be left to eat by the empty spirit rats without any resistance.

If in the Middle Ages the countless strong men who died in the attack of the Wraith and the Beast learned that they would come back depressed, and then die again.

Fortunately, as the existence of the Supreme Peak Realm, after many years of hardening, Ta Ling's psychological quality was very powerful. After quickly waking up from shock and depression, he immediately ordered to Hao Ran.

"Yu Haoran, immediately asked the first avatar to notify the ethereal rat, and let it hurry up to catch up."


After nodding in response, Yu Haoran immediately used the telepathic method to contact the first clone, and then asked the first clone to notify the empty rat.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Emperor of the Heavens and the Guardian Family to fight in the Bone City, and taking the opportunity to advance to the Holy Spirit, the ethereal rat suddenly has a very close relationship with the soul of life and death.

As long as it stays next to the soul fruit of life and death, its realm promotion speed is very fast.

However, in just over four months, it has already been the peak of the sacred realm and nine products. Compared with the past few years, it was only able to barely improve a small realm. It can be described at a rapid pace, which is why he did not. An important reason to bring the ethereal rat.

The time is not very long. The first avatar is convenient to hear the news by means of mind-to-heart connection. It is said that the ethereal rat has reached the critical moment of being promoted to the state of honor, and it is temporarily inconvenient to leave life and death for too long.

For decades of interdependence in previous lives, how could he not know that the ethereal rat was making trouble with himself, it must be complaining about its actions in the recent period, without notifying it, and not actively inviting it.

According to the experience of previous lives, if you want to eliminate its unpleasant emotions, you must either proactively apologize to it, or use a large amount of waste to seduce it.

However, Wraith Beast is more tempting and delicious than Fei Dan, so Yu Haoran smiled and ordered the first clone.

"Brother Hao, please tell the ethereal rat that you have delicious meat and eggs in the Huaiyu Mountains. It can't come."

"Brother Yu, the ethereal rat has passed!" Only three seconds later, the first clone came with good news.

"Ta Ling, up to a minute, the ethereal rat will come." After cutting off the contact with the first avatar, Yu Haoran reminded Ta Ling.

"A minute!"

Watching the mad slaughter of hundreds of Emperor Wu and the demigods of the demigod in front of the mountains, Ta Ling suddenly felt that it took too long for a minute.

In this regard, Yu Haoran just poked his lips and didn't say much.

In fact, even if the ethereal rat is with him at this moment, he will never let the ethereal rat to immediately deal with the ghost soul beast.

Not that he was too cold-blooded, but that he was very selfish.

Because he wanted to take this opportunity to weaken the strengths of the four guardian families and the Lan family, and prepare for the **** war that may erupt in the future.

One minute is short, that is, the effort of blinking a dozen times.

But for the hundreds of Emperors and Demigods in the Huaiyu Mountains, one minute can determine their life and death.

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