Destined Martial God

Chapter 1751: caveat

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The edge of Huaiyu Mountain!

Fortunately, the Xuanwu family's powerful formation method took the time to block it, so that the pale Huaiyun, who was as pale as a paper, fortunately escaped.

It was precisely because of the undisguised killing intention of the strongest of the White Tiger family that Dongfang Huaiyun knew that he had been completely driven to despair.

If she can crack the five-element five-element array method in the shortest time, then she may still be forgiven by the four strongest guardians of the family, thus saving her life.

But if she fails to crack the formation, today she will not only burn away the jade, but also affect the Eastern family behind her and become the eternal sinner of the family defeat.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Huaiyun suddenly stood up, then spit out three sperms of blood, bite the tip of his tongue, and directly enhanced the power of reversing the nine-type method of lifting the ban with his innate blood, speeding up the power and speed of cracking the five-element five-element array.

And the Eastern Huaiyun's approach to breaking the boat also temporarily calmed the anger of the four strongest guardians of the family.

But Dongfang Huaiyun didn't know at all that her way of breaking the boat was completely seeking her own way.

As Dongfang Huaiyun used his natural blood to enhance the power of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban and blocked the five-element five-element array of the Huaiyu Mountains, the speed of cracking was getting faster and faster.

At the same time, more and more traps have been touched and opened.


Just when the five-element five-element array method was turned on to one-fifth, from the increasingly dense white mist, weird noises that made people feel scalp tingling.

Even the towering spirit who remained in the space of the sea of ​​understanding, even if the foundation of the soul and soul was the supreme peak, the strange cry from the white mist also made him feel a familiar heart tremor.

The familiar heart tremor instantly opened the memory of the last instrumental spirit, which allowed the tower spirit not only to know the true origin of the strange cry, but also to understand the power and horror of the strange cry itself.

Therefore, he had to forcibly interrupt Yu Haoran, who was using the essence of Zu Wu's blood to improve his realm and strength, and reminded him to leave quickly.

"Yu Haoran, hurriedly left here. The strange cry just now is a ghost beast dedicated to sucking flesh and soul."

Although I do n’t know where the Wraith and Beast came from, but being able to make Ta Ling so panicked is enough to show the power and horror of this thing.

Therefore, Yu Haoran didn't hesitate at all, and forcibly suppressed the writhing blood essence in his body, tearing the void behind him.

However, as he stepped into the void of the void, the only trace of guilt remaining in the Eastern Huaiyun made him turn his head and warn loudly.

"Oriental Huaiyun, if you want to end the disaster in front of you, you'd better stop casting the Nine-style lifting of the ban immediately, otherwise, not only will you die next, including your father, everyone on the edge of the mountain, and hiding The strong men in the void also missed their lives. "

After the loud warning, Yu Haoran stepped directly into the void gap, and then appeared at the peak of a mountain a hundred miles away.

"Talling, help me keep an eye on the mountains!"

Sitting on a cyan rock on the peak with a bent knee, Yu Haoran continued to use the essence of Zu Zu's blood to enhance his realm and strength.

At the same time, he also yelled at Ta Ling, Yu Siqi and Chiyanju.

"Sister, Brother Chi, continue to protect the Fa for me."

Yu Haoran warned aloud that the ten fingers of Oriental Huaiyun was in the process of lifting the ban. His eyes hesitated and struggled.

But when a cyan light replaced hesitation and struggle, the stopped ten fingers continued to perform the method of reversing the nine-type lifting of the ban.

However, the four strongest guardians of the family, and the Eastern Powerhouse who successfully solved the two elemental dragons, neither paid attention to Oriental Huaiyun who continued to perform the method of lifting the ban, nor paid attention to the strange calls in the white mist, but instead Directly mobilizing the gods in the pinnacle realm, he began to look for those who Hao Ran mentioned just now hiding in the void.

In fact, don't say that the strong men on the edge of the mountains, even the towering spirit, can't help but use the gods of the three realms of the demigod, and cooperate with the source energy of the domain tower to find those who are hidden in the void.

But the result is exactly the same as the guardian family and the strong in the Eastern Region, without any gain.

The towering spirit couldn't help but start to worry, and worried that Hao Ran, who had experienced the essence of the blood of the ancestors of Wushen Realm, had begun to surpass himself comprehensively.

The more worried, the more I couldn't help but start to fantasize. After fantasizing, no matter what Yu Haoran did, he didn't need his help or need to continue to discuss with him.

The more illusioned, the more anxious the heart becomes.

In the end, when the inner anxiety reached the limit, Ta Ling couldn't help interrupting Hao Ran's breakthrough in the realm and directly asked him how he found those strong men hidden in the void.

Fortunately, it is just a breakthrough in assisting the realm. Being interrupted temporarily does not have much effect.

Therefore, Yu Haoran did not feel any dissatisfaction because of Ta Ling's interruption, and responded with a smile to his question.

"Ta Ling, even your supreme instrumental spirit in the state of three robberies and demigods cannot determine whether people are hidden in the void. How can I find out that my cultivation and strength are not as good as yours! That's just a casual casual note. Say."

"Really?" Taring asked, unbelievably.

"It's true!" Yu Haoran quickly promised.

According to Zhong Lishuiqin's introduction to the five hidden hereditary families, he knows that the five hidden hereditary families that seem to be unknown, the true heritage and ambition are not lost to the four guardian families.

Since the four guardian families know the secrets hidden in the Huaiyu Mountains, the five major hereditary families have no reason to know.

Therefore, the seemingly casual note just now, in fact, also includes some guesses and bluffs, hoping to have unexpected gains.

After being guaranteed by Yu Haoran, Tallinn finally relieved her heart, and then continued to pay attention to the events on the edge of the mountain.

And Oriental Huaiyun, who did not heed Yu Haoran's warning, continued to use the method of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban to forcibly crack the five-element five-element array.

This made the strange screams in the white mist louder and louder, and made everyone at the scene gradually panic.

"No, it's too dangerous here. I'll withdraw first!"

The effect of the panic sentiment caused a robbed demigod from a certain family in the Eastern Region to finally give up the opportunity in the mountains.

But just as he was about to leave when he was up in the air, a faint shadow flew directly out of the white mist, and then moved at a speed close to the instantaneous speed, and reached behind a robbed demigod.

The demigod's instinct allows the opponent to instantaneously activate the defensive weapon while turning and blasting out a boxing method that includes the power of the rule.

Facing a boxing blast from a robbed demigod, the faint shadows didn't dodge directly and greeted them directly.

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