Destined Martial God

Chapter 1738: go away

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Xianyang City, in the horse house!

"No, we are going to Dongyu, which is the Fengrun City that I just captured."

After shaking his head to deny Qin Lingfei's speculation, Yu Haoran continued his plan of lying.

"According to my discussions with Father Emperor, the heavens and earth are full of aura, and the central region with many strong people is likely to be the target of the next battle between the ancient gods and demons and the demons. Therefore, it is also safe to continue to occupy and expand the territory of the eastern region. A means. "

Qin Lingfei, who did not listen to the flaws in the mighty lies, nodded and accepted the reason he just gave, and couldn't help asking the time to leave Xianyang City.

"At midnight today!"

Not wanting to cause the attention and suspicion of too many people due to the departure of the Ma Ma Mansion, Yu Haoran decided to leave quietly while the night was quiet.

After nodding to indicate that he knew the exact time to leave, Qin Lingfei got up and planned to go to Cining Palace of the Royal Palace to go with her queen Zi Xuan to resign.

"Ling Fei, let me go with you!"

Zi Xuan Xiu's leaps and bounds with strength, is likely to be the infinite magic skills taught by Emperor Qin.

Considering Zi Xuan's state of mind and perseverance, Yu Haoran was worried that when she faced the talent and potential to reach the level of demon evil, and repaired to Qin Lingfei, who was similar in strength to her, she would eventually do so because she could not control the demon formed by Wuji magic. Something that hurt Qin Lingfei, so he stood up and suggested with a smile.


Yu Haoran's willingness to accompany her to resign from the queen mother can not only prove his love for himself, but also shows that he is willing to take the initiative to further ease the relationship, which makes Qin Lingfei very happy.


At midnight, Yu Haoran came to the square where the Zhenfa Hub was located alone.

The dark night, like ink, did not affect his sight.

Looking through the mansion, Xianyang City, where he has lived for more than two years, recalled the bits and pieces in Xianyang City, and Yu Haoran flashed a sigh of perseverance.


Because he was very clear in his heart, Xianyang City, who had lost protection of himself and Qin Emperor, had basically no hope of remaining intact in the next battle between the ancient gods and demons and the demons.

After sighing, Yu Haoran shook his head to dispel the thoughts in his mind, and while sitting directly in front of the white tiger statue with bent knees, he greeted the second avatar who was doing repairs in the domain tower.

"Ran, please trouble you next!"

"Brother Yu rest assured that everything is with me, you can practice with peace of mind." After mobilizing Shennian to control the hub of the Mansion Formation, the second point controlled the Ma Ma Mansion to leave Xianyang City quietly, while admonishing to the body.


After nodding in response to the second avatar's instructions, Yu Haoran took out dozens of black and white feather wings of Wu Zun and Emperor Realm, intending to take advantage of the mansion to travel to the Eastern Region, trying to make his own state of mind, physical grade, Yuanli The realm of harmonious soul power was elevated to the beginning of Wu Di Qipin.

Only when the realms of the four indicators are promoted to the early stage of Emperor Wudi Qipin, he is confident that with the assistance of the immortal sword and trapped fairy sword, he can defeat and kill the true Emperor Wupin Qipin alone, and he can truly open his hands and continue to expand. Your own site.

As the second avatar controlled the Maoma Mansion to leave Xianyang City quietly, in the courtyard of the Imperial City's Cining Palace, Zi Xuan, wearing a purple dress, showed a complex look in her eyes.

"The queen queen will use Kowloon City as a temporary imperial capital when he leads the army to capture the Bai family's Kowloon City."

As Zi Xuan watched in a complex look as she quietly left the Xianma Mansion in Xianyang City, a faint figure slowly gathered around her, then reminded softly.

"So, in addition to taking the time to improve your cultivation and strength, you must also be prepared to leave Xianyang City at any time in advance."

"Holy, do you really want to give up Xianyang City!" He turned to look at the dim figure, and Zi Xuan, who had been replaced with a complex look, asked a little reluctantly.

After all, she spent almost four-fifths of her life living in Xianyang City, and she already had a very deep affection for the bricks, tiles, and grass and trees in the city.

"My queen mother, in fact, I am also reluctant to give up this river and mountains laid down by the ancestors, but according to the information provided by the horse, the birth of the ancient demons and demons can neither be prevented nor resisted."

"At the same time, combined with the examination and speculation of the use of secret methods by the deities, the three ancient races have the supreme existence of the supreme realm."

In the face of Zi Xuan's reluctance to leave Xianyang City, Qin Emperor Xuying also persuaded.

"So, in order to preserve the bloodline inheritance of the Qin royal family and to be able to regain the lost mountains and rivers in the future, I have to temporarily abandon Xianyang City and the entire southern region."


After hearing Qin's persuasion, Zi Xuan sighed and nodded in agreement to leave Xianyang City.


Five days!

Even if the second avatar with the peak of the emperor personally controlled the mansion hub of the mansion, it took five days and five nights to reach the Fengrun City in the Eastern Region from Xianyang City.

Although it takes a lot of time to drive, Yu Haoran's gains are equally amazing.

Sixty-six black and white feather wings of Wu Zun and Emperor Wu realm allowed his state of mind cultivation, physical rank, Yuanli, and soul power to all be promoted to the peak of Wu Di's seventh rank.

Moreover, he didn't feel the limit of improving his power at all.

This shows that he can still use the black and white feather wings of the ancient gods and demons to continue to accelerate his realm and strength.

At the same time, with the help of five four-colored and two five-colored void fruits and space spar containing pure space energy, he successfully realized the law of the West and the law of nothing.

This also allows him to successfully master the power of eight auxiliary laws, and there are four more distances to feel and practice space laws.

After being reminded by the second avatar, Yu Haoran slowly spit out a stale gas in his chest, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Subsequently, he directly mobilized Shennian to notify Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin to gather at the square.

At the same time, Ta Ling and the second avatar also quietly left the space of knowledge of the sea, and then used the formation banner that Ta Ling had just refined to completely merge the Manma Mansion with the formation of Fengrun City.

This can not only enhance the defense of the horse house, but also increase the power of Fengrun City's attack formation.

After Qin Lingfei, Jian Wujin, Yu Siqi, Xiang Muling, and the Red Dragon Beast arrived at the square, Yu Haoran opened a gap in the mansion's defensive formation, and landed in the other house of the city's main house with everyone.

"Master, I want to go ...!"

Back to the familiar environment, especially after seeing the traces of barbecue left behind, Xiang Muling, who was hungry, immediately missed the delicious beasts outside Fengrun City, which made her want to question , But embarrassed to speak.

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