Destined Martial God

Chapter 1733: Changes in Zi Xuan

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After Shining out of the study, Yu Haoran greeted the red hated beast sitting on the rock on the rock, and then grabbed Xiang Muling's arm to rise into the air, heading straight for the direction of the Qinghu Mountains.

Because the distance between the east and west sides of the Qinghu Mountains has far exceeded the length that the Rip Nether Secret can span, in order to avoid unexpected delays in travel and time, he can only temporarily use the power of the dual-speed law to assist. The way to fly to the South.

It took him almost twenty minutes to cross the entire range of the Qinghu Mountains.

Then, using the method of tearing the void, it took nearly five minutes to return to the Maoma mansion.

After introducing the origin and identity of Xiang Muling, Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuhen were introduced in detail, and he told the red beast to wait in the mansion's residence first, and Yu Haoran went straight to the backyard of the imperial city.

"Slave has seen Grandma!"

Seeing Yu Haoran descending from the sky, several handsome women in Cining Palace immediately kneeled down to see the ceremony, but a look of doubt appeared in their eyes.

Implicated by the lord of the ancestral palace, Qin Bojun, Yu Haoran's attitude towards the queen mother has always been lukewarm. In the past year when she married the princess, let alone take the initiative to greet the door. He will not even give the queen mother any face to face. Good complexion.

"Is the queen queen here!" Yu Haoran asked indifferently as he waved a handful of handsome ladies to get up.

"If you return to Master Ma, the queen mother is retreating in Ziyuan Pavilion," a leading maid replied.

Retreat Dive!

After hearing the reply from the lead maid, Yu Haoran frowned.

The reason why he didn't rush to the Central Region was because he needed to understand in detail the various performances of the Northern Expeditionary Army after the war, and to find weird clues from it.

According to the military discipline established by the founding emperor of the Great Qin Empire, each battle of the empire must leave two very detailed and complete records.

First, it is convenient to calculate the rewards and punishments of elite soldiers.

Secondly, there are successful lessons and lessons learned from the war.

Sanlai is also an important textbook used by the Ministry of Defense and the Royal Family to teach Xunzi's children.

Two complete records, one filed in the town division of the Ministry of Defense, and one treasure housed in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of the Royal Palace.

Whether it is the township division of the Ministry of War or the Tibetan scripture pavilion of the imperial palace, if you want to enter, you need the imperial edict and the hand of Qin Emperor, or the phoenix card of the Empress Dowager Zixuan.

At the moment, Emperor Qin was in the army of the Northern Expedition in the Central Region, so he could only come to the Empress Dowager Zi Xuan to ask for the Fengyi card. Otherwise, with the attitude that he would not wait to see Zi Xuan, how could he come to visit him actively?

"Master Ma, the queen mother resigned before her retreat, saying that this time the retreat lasted for one month."

Yu Haoran's bold and arrogant personality can be said to be unknown in Xianyang City, no one knows it, so after seeing his frown frown, the leading maid immediately became nervous.

"Today, there are less than three days until the Queen Mother is out of customs."

"It's too long!"

Not to mention three days, even for three hours he could not continue to delay.

Therefore, after Yu Haoran complained a little impatiently, he directly mobilized the divine spirit of Wu Pin's five-pin peak realm and intended to forcibly enter the Ziyuan Pavilion, and the door of the Ziyuan Pavilion was suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, Zi Xuan, like a girl, walked out of the Ziyuan Pavilion with a cheerful look.


Yu Haoran couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Zi Xuan walking out of the Ziyuan Pavilion and Xiu Wei reached the top of the top Wuzun five-pin peak.


Yu Haoran's surprised voice immediately shocked Zi Xuan, who had just been promoted to the top of Wu Zun's Five Pins. After a fierce question, she immediately used her mind to track the source of the surprised voice.

"Horse horse, why come to my Cining Palace?" Zi Xuan was very surprised when she saw Yu Hao who appeared in Cining Palace. She then appeared in front of him and asked with confusion in her eyes.

"Half a month ago, you were just the practice of the pinnacle of ordinary Wu Zun, and now you are the state of the pinnacle of Wu Zun.

Ignoring Zi Xuan's interrogation, Yu Haoran asked with a frown.

"Tell me immediately what kind of incomparable opportunity you have obtained in this time."

"Yu Haoran, don't you feel that your request is too much!" Wanting to know the reason why you have been cultivating in the recent period of time, the original attitude is still a gentle Zi Xuan, and his face immediately sulked and asked.

"Sorry, I'm too abrupt!"

Zi Xuan shouted and asked Yu Haoran immediately to realize that she had just made a mistake and quickly bowed her apology.

"Forget it!"

The arrogant and disrespectful Yu Haoran was able to confess and apologize, which calmed down the anger and dissatisfaction of Zi Xuan's heart. She gradually waved her face and gestured.

"Mrs. Queen, I now need to enter the town division of the Ministry of Defense to view some very important information, so I will borrow your Fengyi card for the time being."

Zi Xuan's rapid improvement in a short period of time further confirmed Yu Haoran's inner conjecture, which made him even more worried about the safety of Emperor Qin and the Northern Army.

At the same time, with the contradictions and grudges accumulated between him and Zi Xuan, it is undoubtedly more difficult to find a breakthrough from her than to climb to the sky.

Therefore, Yu Haoran was too lazy to continue to question her anti-sky opportunities, and directly pointed out the reason for her presence in Cining Palace.

After hearing Hao Ran asking for the Fengyi card to be able to freely enter and exit the Ministry of Defense and the Imperial Palace, Zi Xuan could not help frowning, because it did not conform to Da Qin's law at all.

But thinking of Yu Haoran's lawless personality, she knew that if she did not give Feng Yi the opponent's card, she would inevitably provoke her anger.

With Yu Haoran's powerful strength, if he forcibly breaks into the army division, no one in Xianyang City can block it, and at the same time, it will intensify the conflicts between them, which is not conducive to the ongoing northern expedition.

Therefore, even if he was not willing to answer the party's request, Zi Xuan still took out a token carved from the sleeve of his sleeve for the tranquility of the royal family.

"Thank you!"

After reaching out to receive the token handed in by Zi Xuan, Yu Haoran thanked him with a hand in his hands, and then went straight to the army.

Yu Haoran's eagerness to go to the Ministry of Defense immediately aroused Zi Xuan's suspicion, and then thought that she could not help but change her face when he questioned the reason for his rapid development.

"Broken! Yu Haoran is likely to have discovered the plan of the god."

After the secret passage was unsound, Zi Xuan immediately took out a top-level Chuan Xun jade charm, and then found Yu Haoran as she progressed by leaps and bounds, and went to the military division town hall to check the detailed conquest of the Beizheng Army, and passed the pass in detail. Xun Yufu told the Emperor Qin who was in the army.

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