Destined Martial God

Chapter 1717: Qingrou

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In the mansion of the Yuan family!

At the same time, the mermaids, who inherited the blood of the ancient gods and beasts, are like the gods and demons of ancient times. They are the darlings who have been protected by the heavens and the earth.

The body of the Mermaid Snake is not only pure and beautiful, hot and charming, but also the aroma that is emitted from the body, which can sink countless souls.

At the same time, the newly born mermaid cub has the power of the seventh-order kingdom, and the adult mermaid has the power of the fifth-order sacred realm.

Although the darlings of the heavens and the earth are the same as those of the ancient gods and demons, the disposition between them can be described as a world of difference.

The ancient protoss are sinister and cunning, the ancient demons are cruel and bloodthirsty, and the birth of the two races represents the advent of disaster.

The mermaid, however, has a very gentle temperament, neither has the ambition to dominate the world, and rarely conflicts with other races.

It is precisely because of their mild temperament that they are almost isolated from the world, resulting in very few records about them in the world, and at the same time allowing their heritage and strength to be fully preserved.

It can be said that the families and races that truly compete for the Celestial Continent are neither the four great beast families that confess to being the guardians of the continent, nor the five inheritance families of the hidden world, but they have not suffered the impact of ancient, medieval and modern antiquity. Mermaid ethnic group.

After hearing Ta Ling's introduction to the mermaid group, Yu Haoran was deeply respectful, and couldn't help looking at the woman in a long skirt in Tsing Yi, but she was completely confused by the intense murderousness in her eyes.

"Ta Ling, did you just say that the mermaid has a gentle temperament and never actively conflicts with people, so why does she suddenly appear in Fengrun City today and hate the clan of the Yuan family so much?"

"Yu Haoran, if I didn't guess wrong, the Yuan family should have quietly captured a mermaid who is related to her and is still young when the tide broke out in the East China Sea a month ago."

Looking at the Yuan family leader sitting at the desk through the attic window sill, a lingering speculation was revealed in the Taling air.

"Otherwise, she is a mermaid who has just grown up and has not mastered the secrets of bloodline inheritance. How dare she risk her life and dive into Fengrun City."


After hearing Taling's speculation, Yu Haoran immediately thought that at the auction held by Tianxiang Pavilion in Xianyang City, the auction was hit by the beauties who had been hit hard, such as cloud, self-blame and guilt, which made him feel a strong murderous power. .

As the darling of the world, the mermaid's sense of breath is quite keen.

Just when Hao Ran's heart began to show strong killings, the woman in Tsing Yi's long dress had already detected it, and turned without hesitation to leave the other hospital.

"Girl, please stop!"

After signalling Ta Ling to quickly arrange a matrix capable of shielding sound and breath, Yu Haoran stepped out from behind a crooked tree.

"Who are you?" Seeing Yu Haoran coming out from behind the big tree, the woman in Tsing Yi's long dress suddenly changed her face, and immediately took out a three-strand steel fork of the holy realm top quality instrument, and asked like a frost.

"Girl, don't get me wrong, I don't have any malice." Yu Haoran signaled with a spread of hands.

Xiu Mei frowned slightly. The woman in Tsing Yi's long dress didn't relax at all because of the kindness shown by Yu Haoran. She still clenched the three steel forks in her hands and asked with vigilance.

"Who the **** are you? How did you find me?"

"My surname is Yu, and my name is Haoran. He is the grandma of the Great Qin Empire."

Respecting the mermaid's style of work, and angry at what Yuan's family did, Yu Haoran took the initiative to help the other party, so in order to ease the other's vigilant attitude, he chose to reply truthfully.

"As for why I can resist the delusion of Poseidon's fantasy dream, it may be related to my own concentration and strength!"

"You know who I am!" When Yu Haoran mentioned the confusion of Poseidon's fantasy dreams, the face under the black silk gauze of the woman in Tsing Yi was instantly pale, and her voice asked with a hint of panic.

Because a woman in a Tsing Yi dress knows her own very much, and what a fatal temptation for a greedy and selfish human being.

"Girl, two years ago, I tried to save a badly damaged mermaid. After treating her injury, she volunteered to let her go."

Knowing the cause of the other person's panic, Yu Haoran took the initiative to take a few steps to release his goodwill, and immediately took Ruyun as an example to prove his character.

"So, the girl doesn't have to worry about any wrongdoings she might have about you."

After hearing Yu Haoran's example, the nervousness and panic of the woman in Tsing Yi's long skirt eased a little, but she thought of the cunningness and insidiousness of human beings, and still kept asking highly vigilantly.

"What are you doing here?"

"I have resentment against this person." Yu Haoran replied without redness and heartbeat, reaching out to the lighted attic room.

After hearing the reply from Yu Haoran's lies, the woman in Tsing Yi's long skirt immediately flashed a surprise, and then said in a pleasurable tone.

"Yu Shaoxia, since you have hatred with each other, then Qingrou wants to ask you a favor, I wonder if you would like to?"

"Girl, please!" Although he had guessed what the other party asked for help, in order to avoid misunderstanding, Yu Haoran pretended not to know.

"Help me save someone."


"My sister, Qingsi."

"no problem!"

While nodding in agreement, Yu Haoran directly appeared in the study with the power of flashing the dual system rule, behind the clan of the Yuan clan, and while the other party was aware of the danger, he was directly stunned in the same way, Homeopathy seals his spirit.

Looking at the position where Yu Haoran had just disappeared, Qingrou's eyes flashed a look of horror.

As the most powerful monster in the deep ocean, the mermaid race that has not suffered the impact of ancient and medieval destruction, there are strong people in different realms in the ethnic group.

Although Qingrou's realm is not very high, her special status has allowed her to personally experience the breath of Wu Zun, Emperor Wu and the realm of Wu realm.

The breath that Yu Haoran had just leaked while using the power of the rules and soul, let Qingrou know that he is a powerful man with the strength of the Emperor Wu.

When thinking of the clear eyebrows, giving a young man who wants to feel close, even when he has the terrifying power of Emperor Realm, Qingrou feels extremely horrified, and a curious idea emerges in his heart.

Driven by curiosity, she suddenly wanted to really understand the young man, and wanted to know how great he was.

"Girl Qingrou, please come in!" After successfully sealing the spirit of the Yuan clan patriarch, Yu Haoran invited to Qingrou standing in the other courtyard.

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