Destined Martial God

Chapter 1703: Qinghu Mountains

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Qinghu Mountains, in front of Qinghu West Bank!

Although Yu Haoran's cultivation and strength are very strong, and he has a very high popularity and reputation in the Great Qin Empire, but as a dignified monarch, he ruled the Great Qin Empire for decades.

Emperor Qin could not allow anyone to challenge the dignity of his emperor, nor could he point his finger at the formulation of a policy of conquering territory.

That is, he is the most valued and trusted, and at the same time, he is helpless. If it is replaced by other people, I am afraid that Ling Chi will have been executed.

There is no dispute between each other, and no one wants to change their minds.

In desperation, both people can only choose to take a step back.

The 100,000 troops on the left who followed Yu Haoran's battle in the Four Elephant Sects formally became the private guards of Luomafu, responsible for opening up the territory of the Eastern Region.

The Qin Emperor was the tens of millions of soldiers who personally led the Qin Empire and was responsible for conquering the territory of the Central Region.

At that time, based on the results of the battle between the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons, the final retreat and garrison direction will be decided.

"Master Ma, this is the march record just calculated." As the first commander of the left army, Han Guangbei, who was re-appointed as the captain of the guard, handed over a jade Jane who had taken over from the elite. In front of Hao Ran, then said respectfully.

"Report directly!"

The jade slip, which is used to record diet, daily necessities, combat results, and casualties during the march, has a variety of secret codes. It takes a lot of effort to be able to understand. He does not want to consume unnecessary energy. And I don't want to waste most of my time.

Therefore, Yu Haoran didn't take the jade bamboo slips that Qian Guangbei delivered to his eyes, but just said with a faint look.

"Master Qi Qi, after five days and five nights and nights, the army advanced a total of 97,635 kilometers, during which a total of three monsters at the level of the emperor and strange animals at the level of the state were killed. Sixteen heads, 480 alien beasts at the Holy Land level, countless alien beasts below the Holy Land. "Mind read the records in Yujian, and Han Guangbei reported in detail.

"What about the casualties?" After seeing Han Guangbei, like those officials who usually fool the military department, just reporting the good news and not worrying, Yu Haoran frowned, and asked unhappyly.

After seeing the unhappy look in Master Ma's eyes with frowning frowns, Han Guangbei secretly made an unpleasant smile and immediately put away the flattering smile, and continued to report with a slight sentiment.

"The elite soldiers in the Wuzong realm have hit 63 people and killed 125. The king of the Wuwang realm has hit nine people and 14 have died. The emperor of the Wuhuang realm has hit one person and killed one."

"There were no casualties to the generals and commanders above the level of Wu Sheng!"

After the report was completed, Han Guangbei quietly observed Yu Haoran's face, and found that Ma Maye's face was relatively calm, and he couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Since ancient times, righteousness does not support wealth, mercy does not lead soldiers!

As long as it is a war, there is no way to avoid human casualties.

What's more, they still enter the Qinghu Mountains where the natural environment is very harsh and high-level alien beasts run rampant.

Therefore, the casualties of more than 200 elite soldiers still lies within Hao Ran's expectations and tolerance.

"Keep vigilant and fully restore the strength and soul power consumed by day and night." After looking over the 100,000 elite soldiers who were in a good mental state, Yu Haoran commanded with a serious look.

"Subordinates obey!"

The shouting of 100,000 elite soldiers at the same time not only shakes the mountains, but also frightens the high-ranking strange beasts within a few hundred miles, and finally has to temporarily leave the potential repair site.

When the 100,000 elite soldiers began to restore their strengths with the help of spirit stone and elixir, Yu Haoran nodded to several generals such as Lan Rong and Lin Yuanxiang.

"General Lin, have the bodies of the dead brothers been collected?" When walking to a quiet place, Yu Haoran asked Lin Yuanxiang, who was in charge of the logistics of the army.

"Thanks to the large number of storage rings donated by Master Ma, all the bodies of the dead brothers were kept in the storage rings." Lin Yuanxiang hurriedly bowed and reported.

"Properly protect the storage ring containing the remains. In the future, Ben Ma will give them a beautiful funeral, so that their families are proud and proud." Yu Haoran commanded with a heavy look.

"Thank you Master Ma for your kind brothers who died in battle!"

Most of the more than one hundred soldiers killed in the Qinghu Mountains were mostly scouts responsible for vigilance, belonging to General Qi Weixian's subordinates and confidants.

Therefore, after hearing Hao Ran's orders, Qi Weixian thanked him immediately on one knee.

Waving his hand to signal Qi Weixian's rise, Yu Haoran instructed Lan Rong, who was still a general.

"General Blue, immediately fill up the vacant military post, do not affect the subsequent campaign."

"Subordinates obey!" Lan Rong immediately turned around to learn about the vacant military post.

"Okay, you guys go first!"

After shaking hands to Lin Yuanxiang and others to signal their withdrawal, Yu Haoran turned his head and nodded to the Red Beast that was fighting with the army, and then went straight to the center of Qinghu Lake.

As the most central location of the Qinghu Mountains, the Qinghu Lake, which is about 10,000 miles wide, not only contains sufficient aura of heaven and earth, but also the most powerful esteem and imperial realm in the mountains.

If you want the 100,000 troops on the left to cross the Qinghu safely, and if you want to successfully avoid a safe route that can be reached at any time in the future, you must find a way to kill the dignity and emperor in Qinghu. Beasts, the beasts that shake the sublime are afraid to act rashly now and in the future.

Taking the red hated beast to fly directly to the center of Qinghu Lake, Yu Haoran first let the tower spirit use the divine spirit of the Three Deities semi-god realm to thoroughly check the strength distribution of the strange beasts in the lake.

In the absence of the need to use the spirit of the spirit of the possession of the tower spirit, only with him and the red hated beast to use the trapped fairy sword and the fairy sword, can be able to deal with the highest grade of Qinghu, the strongest three-head water system After the realm of the imperial realm, Yu Haoran took out a bottle of Dan directly from the storage ring, and then poured out nine prickly-smelling elixir from the elixir.

Just when Hao Ran had just poured out the elixir in the elixir, the red sick beast could not help but changed his face, immediately closed his six consciousness, and quickly turned his head away from paying attention to the nine elixir.

Because he had used the elixir in the mouth, he was too aware of the fatal temptation of the elixir for strange animals, and he was more aware of the serious consequences of swallowing the elixir.

Ignoring the strong stench from the elixir, Yu Haoran directly used Yuanli to smash the six elixirs, and then scattered all the elixir powder to Qinghu.

As the powder of the elixir melted into the lake water, the calm lake surface gradually began to wave. A blue catfish, more than thirty centimeters long, quickly emerged from the lake surface, then opened its mouth to **** the powder of the elixir melted into the lake.

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