Destined Martial God

Chapter 1689: Despicable means

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Osmanthus forest in the sea!

The enemies refused resolutely, making the respected terrified, and continued to propose unwillingly.

"Revenge, if this deity tunes in to help the three mages in the peak realm?"

"Grand respect, even if you transfer ten masters from the peak realm of the Grand Master, in addition to shortening the running time of the matrix, it is not possible to send the strongest of the Emperor Jiupin peak realm into the plastic spirit space." Qiu The division shook his head to veto his unwilling proposal.

"Enemies, if it's the Eastern Huaiyun in the realm of emperors?"

Think about the importance of the three treasures cultivated in the plastic spirit space to the Yuxu Palace.

Thinking of the cruel punishment that might occur to those three treasures if they flashed due to the mistake of their own layout, the heart was instantly feared to occupy the honored landlord, and they planned to break the war in backwaters.

"Dear Lord, you should know the special relationship between Dongfang Huaiyun and Yu Haoran. Wouldn't she please come to help Yu Haoran escape the plastic space as soon as possible!"

Although Dianzun has a high status in the Yuxu Palace, he has the right to question his stupid idea as the elder of Yuxu Palace.

"Chou Shi, if the brother and sister of Dongfang Huaiyun's mother and mother are in the hands of my deity!" There is no irritation at all due to the questioning and refusal of the enemies. The deity looks a little reminder. .


Although the means of threatening the other's relatives is despicable, compared with the three treasures cultivated in the plastic spirit space, any means of despicableness is insignificant.

Therefore, the enemies whose anger quickly subsided, not only did not accuse them of shameless practices, but began to consider the feasibility of the plan.

"Di respect, in addition to Huaiyun in the east, you also need to ask Qingyun and Qingfeng for help."

After careful thinking, while the enemy agreed to execute the other party's plan, he also further filled the loopholes in the plan.


After agreeing to the plan added by Qiu Shi, the landlord immediately left the sweet-scented osmanthus forest to invite Huaiyun to the east by tearing the void.


Qingyang City, in front of the house of the heavenly world chamber of commerce!

"This is the breath of the killing fairy sword!"

Looking at the mansion where the defensive formation was forcibly blasted in front of him, Ta Ling felt a little for a while, and then he murmured with surprise in his eyes.

"The three immortal swords, Jutian Sword, Juxian Sword, and Juxian Four Swords have all been born. Presumably, Xianxian will also be born soon."

"If you can gather the four Xianxian swords, and then cooperate with the Xianxian array created by the Brother Tongtong, you will be able to kill Xuanhuangdao, the refining pot, the void and Haotianyin."

Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the surprise that came out of the heart, Ta Ling flashed into the mansion of the broken wall and began to use the divine thought to check the clues left by Yu Haoran's disappearance.

Soon, Shennian discovered that an open space in the backyard of the mansion had not only the sharp sword qi remaining from the killing fairy sword, but also the breath left by the positioning teleportation array during the opening process.

Standing at the position where Hao Ran was teleported by the formation method, Ta Ling began to feel carefully with his eyes closed.

"In addition to the breath of the positioning teleportation team and the killing fairy sword, there was the atmosphere of Yunxiang's girl and Bian Shengrui, which shows that Yu Haoran fell into the positioning transport team that was arranged in advance by the opponent without any precaution. . "

"From the fact that the Red-Beasted Beast attacked with the qi of the Sword of Slaying Sword, Yu Haoran did not have any attacks. At that time, he should be fully guarding the security of Yun Xiang and Bian Shengrui.

According to the various breaths remaining on the scene, Taling began to restore what happened once.

"According to the formation of the array formation and the rank of the teleportation array, Yu Haoran should be teleported somewhere 50,000 miles away."

"However, due to the fierce attack of the sword killing sword and sword gas, the power of the matrix transmission was damaged by half, and the final teleportation position should be about 10,000 miles."

By this calculation, Ta Ling already knew where to look for Yu Haoran.

He flew up in the air without hesitation, and then went straight to the position where the teleportation array could eventually teleport, but when Ta Ling passed the osmanthus forest in the west of the city, he unexpectedly felt the breath of an early emperor Wu Jiupin.

Although Qingyang City's geographical position is very advantageous, there are not too powerful top forces around it. A strong man in the early days of Emperor Jiupin suddenly appeared here. I am afraid that anyone will feel a little suspicion.

Therefore, although the speed of flying in the air did not stop, the powerful divinity in the realm of the Three Devil and Demigods directly swept over the area where the mighty powerhouse was located.

"this is…!"

Suddenly the flying body stopped, a look of shock appeared in Ta Ling's eyes.

Subsequently, without any hesitation, he appeared in the center of the osmanthus forest and sea, and then, by virtue of the terrifying power of the Three Deities and Deities, directly sealed the spirits of the mighty powerhouse and the array mage.

After successfully sealing the powerful and powerful mages, Taling immediately walked to the copper realm and looked at Yu Haoran and the Chiyan beast displayed in the bronze mirror.


In the spirit space!

After confirming that this sealed area belongs to the enemy's Yuxu Palace, Yu Haoran's idea of ​​finding hidden secrets became stronger.

"Brother, where do you find the doubts about this valley?"

"Brother Yu, that cyan rock on the west side of the valley." The red hated beast said that his hand reached a kilometer away from the west side of the valley, a cyan rock about two meters high.

Shining body appeared in front of the cyan rock. After looking up and down, I didn't find anything strange.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately mobilized the gods at the peak of the Emperor Wupin Sanpin and began to directly check the situation under the blue rock.

It may be because of the seal array method that covers the sky and the sun, there is a very powerful interference force in the ground, which leads to the divine thought that can only extend to a depth of over ten meters beyond expectations, and cannot continue to go deep.

"Little spirit, back in the sleeve!" Take out the earth line beads obtained from Sima Chenkai, and Yu Haoran turned his head to the ethereal rat on his shoulder and instructed.

"Brother, wait a minute!"

After giving a signal to the red annoying beast, Yu Haoran used the earth line beads to directly integrate into the bottom of the blue rock. At the same time, he began to sink continuously, and used the divine thought to check the surroundings.

When the sinking depth was just over a hundred meters, the strong vitality that emerged in the immediate surroundings made him immediately stop the sinking movement and use the divine thought to feel the vitality around him carefully.

Although the fluctuation is very weak, through the careful feeling of the divine mind, he can still detect that the vitality is continuously being lost.

It is only that the vitality that is added later is equal to the amount of lost vitality, so that the vitality emerging from the ground seems so peaceful.

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