Destined Martial God

Chapter 1684: Hidden dangers of congenital constitution

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Feeling the spatiotemporal chaos in the fissures of the void and the destructive forces formed by several spatial faults, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and swallowed the three-colored void fruit while starting to absorb the energy in the space crystal.

It is because when Hao Ran realized the power of the auxiliary laws of space law with the help of void fruit, space spar, and space fault, the red beast looked at the source of poison with great anger.

Because just when Yunxiang successfully used the ghostly soul-erupting venomous energy to erupt, she was successfully promoted to the initial cultivation of the third emperor of the Emperor Wu, and she woke up from the breakthrough in the realm. Guardian, how can this not make the annoying beast that sees friendship and lives alive.

"Du Yuan, do you really have the heart to be a woman and give up our friendship that has been with us for hundreds of years?" The anger in my eyes was gradually ignited, and the sound of frosty beasts asked like frost.

"Brother Chi, I just want to practice with my master's peace of mind, and I didn't say that I would give up the friendship between you and me for hundreds of years!" The interpretation of the road.

"Poison Source, in the Poison Lake in the Devil's Secret, I promised you personally that in the future, I will certainly search for all the poisons in the world for you and help you to advance to the Poison Source in Dacheng's Realm." There is no reason The explanation of the poisoned source's grievances, the red beast's look eased slightly, he still reminded indifferently.

"Brother Chi, all the poisons in this world add up, not as effective as the one day I practice with my master."

The promise made by the red hated beast just showed a little tenderness and hesitation in the poisonous and cold snake eyes.

However, considering the unique breath emanating from the source of the source, it can only choose to tell the truth after the promotion effect of the source of the poison source.

"Poison source, believe it or not, I'll kill her now!" The anger caused by the friendship betrayal made the red hated beast completely disregarding Yunxiang's special physique and the effect of upgrading the poison source. Pointing at Yun Xiang, Chi Guoguo threatened.

"Brother Chi, this is a matter between you and me. Why is it involved with the master?" Immediately blocking the source of poison in front of Yun Xiang, he looked at the Red Beast with a dissatisfied look.

"good very good!"

The poison source who never dared to turn his face to himself, now glaring at himself for a woman, which completely ignited the murderous red beast in his heart, and when he was about to wave the celestial sword in his hand, the voice of Yu Haoran invited suddenly.

"Brother, can you come up with a narrative?"

Whether it's the life-saving grace or the style of dealing with people, the red hated beasts respect Hao Ran.

So in the face of his invitation, Chiyanju took a deep breath and sat directly in front of him.

"Brother Red, do you know that the poisonous brother born from the gathering of the five poisons has a deadly hidden danger in the innate constitution?" With the deepening of pure energy contained in the space spar, Yu Haoran successfully realized the power of the auxiliary law. Opened his eyes, barely separating a part of the consciousness.

"Brother Yu, did your disciples have eliminated the hidden dangers for it just now!" The anger returned to anger, and the red hated beast was still very concerned about the safety of the source of the poison, so after hearing Yu Haoran's question, he asked nervously. .

"Brother Red, Yunxiang just eliminated the poison source just for the hidden dangers in the soul during the promotion process."

"And the hidden danger I just mentioned refers to the source of its five poisons."

Having said that, Yu Haoran glanced down at the source of the poison that was communicating with Yunxiang, a look of compassion appeared in his eyes, and then began to explain the crisis it faced in detail.

According to the Record of the Poison of the Toxic Way, the place where the five poisons converge can generally only spawn the spar that contains the source of poison, not a creature with independent consciousness.

The reason why the poison source can be successfully bred is probably related to the special environment of sealing the magical realm.

What should be conceived is not conceived, it should appear instead!

This completely violates the consciousness of the heavens. The law formulated by Tiandao should be the moment when the source of poison has just been conceived, the rule of heaven will be lowered to destroy a purple god.

It is also because of the blocking of the mysterious realm that the heavenly consciousness and the rules of the heavens have blocked the source of poison fortunately.

But everything has two sides!

Although it was shielded from the magical secret realm, it let it escape the bombardment of the purple **** thunder, but it was also because it had not suffered the thunder of the purple **** thunder, and it had not been rewarded by the rules of heaven. .

The defect is reflected in the inequality between the realm and the life!

As a spiritual creature born of heaven and earth, its life span is longer than those of long-lived beasts, but the defects of its congenital constitution make it have the same life span as ordinary human beings.

In fact, the rules of the Demon Secret Realm use special means to let the poison source directly enter the state of epiphany, allowing it to advance to the level of the sanctuary. Although it allows its spirits to form heart demon and impurities, it also counts as saving its life.

Otherwise, according to the age of its survival and the grades that have been suppressed, I am afraid that when the void fruit in the sealed demon realm is born, it will be the end of its life.

"Brother Yu, weird flowers that can prolong lifespan. I wonder if we can eliminate the physical defects of the poison source?"

After hearing Yu Haoran's detailed explanation, Chiyanju was worried, and immediately began to think of ways to help it.

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran glanced down at the harmonious communication of Yunxiang and Poison Source, and said solemnly to the red sick beast.

"There is only one way to let Du Yuanyuan avoid the end of his life, and that is to make constant breakthroughs and breakthroughs."

"As long as the life is successfully transformed into a beast before the end of its life, then the defects of the congenital constitution will be eliminated automatically after breaking away from the constraints of the law of heaven."

"Brother Yu, what is the Holy Source?"

After hearing Yu Haoran's suggestion, Chiyanbei knew that he would be temporarily separated from the poison source for a long time in the future, but before separation, he needed to know the source of Yunxiang ’s holy body. Supplementary effects of source constitution.

"Brother Chi, because the source of the source involves Yun Xiang's own secret, I am not in a position to explain it in detail, but staying with Yun Xiang is the only chance for Brother Du Yuan to survive."

Although he directly refused to disclose the details of the source body, Yu Haoran also gave a promise to let the red beasts be assured.

"At the same time, I can also solemnly promise to you that I will do my utmost to help Yunxiang and Poison Source improve their cultivation and strength at the same time, helping Poison Brother to transform into a beast as soon as possible.

"Brother Yu, I'm in a bad mood now. I want to be alone. You can continue to use the power of the Void Fruit to comprehend the law!"

With Yu Haoran's unequivocal promise, the red hated beast finally relieved his heart, but the centuries-old relationship with him made it impossible for him to fit into the long-term separation from the poison source.

Therefore, the complex expression of the red hated beast went straight to a valley thousands of miles away.

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