Destined Martial God

Chapter 1680: Weird

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In the house of the Chamber of Heaven and Earth, in the treasure house!

Now that the walls of the stone room used to cover up have been shattered, Bian Shengrui and others no longer need to keep tabs, walk directly behind Yu Haoran, and accompany him to inspect the three remaining treasures on the iron frame.

A dan bottle, a cyan-colored bone, and a common jade box.

Perhaps it was because of the illusion stone containing the origin of gold that he finally made up his mind to find the towering spirit, which caused his mind to be a little hesitant, and he forgot to use the divine thoughts and arts to check whether the flask was safe.

Reach out for the Dan bottle and open the stopper directly.

Immediately afterwards, a chill that erupted Dantian and the spirits from the bottle was exuded.

Immediately mobilized Yuanli and soul power to protect the pale Yunxiang, and then quickly closed the bottle stopper. Yu Haoran began to carefully check the Dan bottle, and gradually found that the seemingly ordinary Dan bottle turned out to be Wannianxuanbing. Carved from ice marrow.

Combined with the extreme coldness that erupted in the Dan bottle just now, he can vaguely guess how the anti-sky treasure is stored in the Dan bottle carved by Wannian Xuanbing Ice Marrow. Simultaneously. I also know how this treasure can change Qin Lingfei.

However, the origin of that treasure is too large, and there are also great risks in the process of using it.

Therefore, without being 100% sure of the origin of the treasure, and without the help of the towering spirit, he was still afraid to use this treasure to enhance Qin Lingfei's cultivation and strength.

After closing the bottle, Yu Haoran's gaze was cast on the ninth treasure on the iron frame, that is, the bone with a blue color.

Judging from the appearance alone, it should be the humerus belonging to a certain kind of strange animal, but the wounds at both ends are broken, which makes it impossible to distinguish according to the length of the humerus, which kind of bone is the strange animal.

Originally, I wanted to use the divine mind to look at the energy remaining in the humerus to determine the species of the alien beast. Soon after breaking through the realm, Ying Long Aotian who was trying to consolidate his realm suddenly heard an urgent voice.

"Master, that's a humerus of my ancestors."

"Aotian, what grade does this humerus reach? How can it help you?"

Turned out to be the humerus left by the ancestors of Ying Longaotian, Yu Haoran was surprised, and instinctively wanted to know if it was good for Aotian.

"The realm of the top of Jiupin in Shenjing, with a residual energy of 1%, can help me to impact the realm of Jiupin in Emperor's kingdom in a short period of time." Aotian couldn't suppress his inner joy and replied.

After using the power remaining in the dragon's corpse to hatch from the world, in addition to escaping the white mist space formed by the sleepy sky cable, it really counted as its own master, and the rest of the time was completely a decoration.

Even its best flight was abandoned because its master was proficient in tearing the void.

Unlike a black bear who is heartless and heartless, as the darling of the wind that can travel endless void, Aotian's heart is very proud. It can't stand this feeling of neglect and decoration. It wants to accompany its owner to bathe in blood Fight.

"Give you!"

He was able to assist in the promotion of Emperor Jiupin Peak in a short time. After hearing Aotian's reply, Yu Haoran directly used the divine thought to send the dragon's humerus to the animal pet space.

Then, his eyes turned to the last treasure, the ordinary jade box.

Taking into account the seemingly ordinary Dan bottle just now, it is actually carved from the ice marrow of Wannian Xuanbing. Yu Haoran did not open the jade box in a hurry, but after careful discrimination with the naked eye, it was determined to be an ordinary jade box.

After making sure that there is no danger in the jade box by using divine thoughts and techniques, he reached out and opened the jade box, and found that a green leaf was placed in the jade box.

After reaching out and taking out the green leaves, Yu Haoran carefully examined the thoughts and the thoughts, but in the end, he did not find any peculiar effects, as if it were just a common leaf.

If it wasn't for the ethereal rat back in the sleeve, reminding this leaf that there was a very subtle mysterious atmosphere, he even had the idea of ​​dropping it directly.

After putting the green leaves back into the jade box, and then putting the jade box into the storage ring, Yu Haoran closed her eyes slowly.

Shengshenghuahuadan, five first-order spirit stones, small wine glasses capable of transforming and improving the state of mind into liquor, flame flags from the ground, and the magic gold stone that has the origin of gold, all these treasures are used to quickly improve the repair The treasure of strength and strength.

Since the Chamber of Commerce in the heavens possesses these rare treasures, and lacks the top powerhouses, why not use these treasures early!

This was the first place he felt weird.

Among the ten treasures in the stone room, in addition to the ordinary leaves and the jade Jank sealed by the formation method, the remaining eight treasures happened to be in short supply right now, so it was his second chance that this happened. Weird place.

So, after opening his eyes, he looked directly at Bian Shengrui's eyes and asked.

"Brother, why didn't you use the treasures accumulated in the stone room to increase the number and strength of the top strongmen in the chamber of commerce?"

"Master Ma, how could you have never thought about it!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's question, Bian Shengrui explained with a grin.

"But since the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, there has been a very serious struggle for power and financial resources between the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the elders. Everyone wants to use the treasures in the secret library to improve their subordinates and confidants. In the end, these top treasures are completely reduced to furnishings. "

Bian Shengrui's explanation eliminated the first weird feeling in his heart, but the second weird feeling may not be able to be confusing until his practice has been promoted to the rank of master.

Therefore, suddenly Yu Haoran was divorced, and Yun Xiang and Bian Shengrui nodded to the red beast.

"Get out of here!"

"not good!"

After passing through the 100-meter-long passageway, Yu Haoran stepped away from the python's mouth of the blood basin and suddenly felt the energy fluctuations that suddenly appeared around him. While yelling, he immediately took out the trapped fairy sword and looked around.

After hearing the reminder from Yu Haoran, he also took out the killing sword and rushed out of the passage, then stood beside Yu Haoran, alerting to the enemies hiding around him.

Although he could feel the fluctuation of powerful energy, the broken walls and empty scenes around him made him frown.

"Brother Yu, this is the combination of the top fantasy array and the positioning teleportation array. It seems that someone wants to send you to an ambush trap." Yu Haoran couldn't see through the strange scene in front of him, but he is proficient in the sea space The second clone of the law, after careful and observation, immediately reminded eagerly.

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