Destined Martial God

Chapter 1675: Shengshengzaodan

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In the house of the heavenly human chamber of commerce!

The waiting time is not very long, about 30 seconds, and only 30 meters away from the underground passageway, a python with a diameter of nearly three meters suddenly protrudes from the only big tree that has not been broken.

"Fake!" The red annoying beast that came later, reminded with a hint of surprise when he saw the python head protruding from the top of the tree.

Had it not been for the reminder of the red beast, Yu Haoran had not even realized that the lifelike python in front of him was a prop without any breath of life.

Take out nine high-quality first-grade spirit stones from the storage ring and send them into the slightly opened python mouth.

Subsequently, the python opened its mouth slowly, eventually forming a dark channel.

"Master Ma, this senior, please!" Bing Shengrui pointed slightly proudly, pointing at the wide open mouth of the python.

"Good means!" Utilizing the shortcomings and weaknesses of human nature, he designed a real, false, and false secret passageway. Yu Haoran praised the insidious and deceitful means of the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven.

In this regard, Lian Shengrui just smiled, and then stepped into the python's mouth.

After stepping into the big mouth of the python, Yu Haoran used the subconscious mind to look at the entire passage, and found that the distance between the passages was not long, about 100 meters.

In a stone room at the end of the aisle, Shennian was a great powerhouse in the early days of Wu Sicheng and a Emperor Wuyi.

A guy who just entered Wudi's realm can completely suppress the heavenly human chamber of commerce that lost the Emperor Wudi's power. This made Yu Haoran clearly realize the importance of the top force, and he couldn't help reminding him.

"Brother, it seems that the simultaneous development of military and financial resources is the correct way for the development of the Chamber of Commerce!"

"Master Ma reminded me that Bianmou remembered!"

Bian Shengrui, who has just experienced a change in the chamber of commerce, is more aware of the importance of top force to a chamber of commerce.

If the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce has ten powerful emperors in Wudi's realm, Wu Sicheng has neither the opportunity nor the courage to dare to use the means of poisoning.

Before Yuxu Palace wants to seize the wealth of the chamber of commerce, it will also weigh it carefully, it is not worth the risk to offend the ten powerful emperors in the realm of Wudi.

"Brother Yu, did you take it, or did I take it?"

After seeing the Emperor Wu Yi in the stone room using the same God's thought, he also looked at Yu Haoran full of anticipation.

"Continue your torture you didn't complete!"

It's no wonder that the red hated beasts would have the same bad smell as Wu Zhengjun. The bloodthirsty from the bones makes the character and work style of one person and one beast too similar.

However, this kind of character Yu Haoran likes very much. He follows his temperament and allows him to vent his long-standing tyrannical gas as soon as possible by torture his opponents.


With the consent of Yu Haoran, Chiyanju laughed happily twice, then rushed directly to the stone room at the end of the passage.

After Hao Ran brought Yun Xiang and Bian Shengrui into the stone room, he found that Wu Sicheng had been stunned, and the red beast was breaking the opponent's phalanx one by one.

"Brother Yu, here you are!"

Seeing Yu Haoran entering the stone room, the red hated beast directly throws the storage ring to him.

"Brother Chi, go out and play!" Considering that Yun Xiang was beside him, worried that the method of torture by the red hated beast would cause her discomfort, Yu Haoran quickly reminded.

But to his surprise, Yunxiang actively requested that the Emperor Wu Xungong be tortured with Yu Xugong together with the red hated beast.

The thought of the five emperor emperor Emperor Qingpao who forced her mother was ordered by the Emperor Yuxong ’s powerful Emperor. After this talent was regarded as the murderer of her mother, Yu Haoran finally sighed and nodded in agreement .

"Master Ma, I have something to talk to Wu Sicheng alone!" After Yun Xiang left the stone room with the red hated beast, Bian Shengrui stretched out his hand and fainted Wu Sicheng, also asked Yu Haoran.

"Bian Xiong, in the friendship between you and me, you don't have to do this at all!" Looking directly at Bian Shengrui, Yu Haoran solemnly stated.

The powerful man in Yuxu Palace will surely die, and the calamity of the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven will be over. Regarding Wu Sicheng, the culprit, whether to kill, bury, torture and interrogate, there will be time in the future.

Bian Shengrui used Wu Sicheng as an excuse to leave the stone room, just because he didn't want to bother, or peered into the process of picking treasures.

"Master Ma, some of you will be yours in the future. Some things that need attention should be adjusted as soon as possible." After shaking his head with a smile, Bing Shengrui led Wu Sicheng to leave Shishi.

In this regard, Yu Haoran nodded with satisfaction.

Then, his eyes began to look at the stone chamber in front of him.

The area of ​​the entire stone room is not large, it is more than sixty square meters. The decoration of the stone room is also very simple. A row of special black iron frames is erected on the east and west sides.

Each layer of the iron frame is either a jade box, a dan bottle, or a wooden box.

Count down, there are nine treasures on the iron frames on the east and west sides.

However, considering that the Yuxugong strongs who entered the stone room in advance, the selection of treasures took more than five minutes, and it must be that the treasures in the stone room are stored in the storage ring.

Without rushing to check the treasures in the storage ring, Yu Haoran stepped to the iron frame on the east side, and then reached out to pick up a Dan bottle on the iron frame.

After reaching out to open the stopper of the Dan bottle, a familiar smell of Danxiang awakened a memory of his past life.

"Shengshenghuahuadan!" The terrifying ethereal rat, which was also familiar with the scent of elixir, shouted in shock after looking at Yu Haoran's shoulder.

Immediately, it asked a little nervously.

"Yu Haoran, has the Dongfu left by the Qinghuo elderly been opened in advance!"

"Little spirit, don't be nervous, this Duffy Piedan!"

After signalling that the ethereal rat doesn't need to be nervous, Yu Haoran poured out the elixir in the bottle and explained with a smile.

"The bio-chemical chemistry of Qinghuo Laodong Cave is second-order and nine-grade, and the grade of this medicine is only second-order and first-grade."

"That's good, that's good!"

Feeling the energy contained in the elixir, it is really not the previous life. After the life and nature of the elixir that Yu Haoran found in the cave left by the Qinghuo old man, the ethereal rat could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Later, it thought of the anti-natural effects of Shengsheng Zaohuadan, reminding him with a look of surprise.

"Yu Haoran, now with the help of a second-order, one-product-life-benefit-benefit, you can build a **** body in the martial arts realm in advance, and directly possess the horror power of the demigod realm."

Thinking of the heavenly consciousness still restricting the birth of the gods in the martial arts realm, thinking of the dilemma of the heavens that had been pursued and killed in the previous life, and the gates had nowhere to go, the ethereal rat gritted its teeth.

"In this way, we will be able to return to Death Marsh and regain the opportunities we once lost."

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