Destined Martial God

Chapter 1658: A yin and yang fire that can devour feather wings

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In Xianyang City!


Looking at the imperial palace that had been evacuated half a month ago, and watching the secret barriers that had been blasted out of the palace, Yu Haoran couldn't help but sighed.

In ancient times, the protoss was insidious and cunning, good at conspiracy, and coveted to serve the joy of ease.

Facing the golden palace and millions of weak human beings in Xianyang City, I am afraid that they will not only destroy the magnificent palace, but also protect Xianyang City as a foothold.

However, the future Xianyang City is not the former Xianyang City, nor is it the Xianyang City belonging to the Great Qin Empire!

Yu Haoran's sigh also made Qin Lingfei, who had learned about the ancient demon's disposition from Zhong Lishuiqin, already guessed the end of Xianyang City. The sadness and perseverance that erupted in her heart made her tears.

"Ling Fei, you immediately bring No Trace, Zhengjun and Shuiqin back to the Puma Mansion, and then turn on the defense and movement matrix I taught you."

After reaching out to remove Qin Lingfei's eyes, Yu Haoran said solemnly.

"It would be best if my sister and I were able to drive the ancient protoss out of Xianyang City. If not, I'm afraid we will also take the Manma House away from Xianyang City and the Great Qin Empire."

"Horse, elder sister, pay attention to safety!" Nodded heavily, Qin Lingfei told Yu Haoran and Yu Siqi when she turned and left.

"Sister, let's go!"

Looking at her eyes closed, Yu Siqi, who refused to waste a little bit of time to practice, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and rushed directly to the front door of the imperial palace where the palace was blasted out.

Standing in front of the passage of the mysterious barriers, slowly closing my eyes, while waiting for the appearance of ancient protoss, while familiarizing with the laws of degree and the current laws as soon as possible, so as to be able to use the power of these two laws just realized to improve yourself Strength.

Time passes by every minute!

Half an hour later, with a handsome young man with outstanding temperament and slightly thin figure, when he rushed out of the end of the passage at lightning speed, he suddenly opened his eyes to Yu Haoran, and cooperated with the strength of the dual system of speed to show his ancestor The Witch Inheritance Boxing method directly blasted the young blood of the Protoss who were built to have only the pinnacle of Wusheng Nine Pins.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!"

It was after Hao Ran easily bombarded the Protoss youth at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, a proud voice came from the end of the passage.

Ignoring the sound coming from the end of the channel, Yu Haoran looked at the two pairs of holy white feathers that had fallen to the ground in the blood mist blasted by himself, and a horrified gaze flashed in his eyes.

Just to be able to achieve a single blow, he not only directly performed the ancestral boxing techniques of the ancestors and witches, but also inspired the physical power of the ancestors and witches. The power of the boxing techniques finally reached the top of the top seven ranks of Wu Zun.

With such powerful strength, it is impossible to directly destroy the two pairs of white feather wings on the back of Wu Sheng Jiupin Peak Protoss youth, which is enough to prove the strong white prosthetics and powerful auxiliary ability for the Protoss.

Perhaps it was because it was confirmed that there was a strong ambush outside the secret realm, and the ancient era almost experienced the extermination of the tribe, and the protoss that began to act cautiously did not continue to send powerful tribal adventures.

This also allows Yu Haoran to have time to inhale the two pairs of holy feather wings together into the palm of his hand.

Later, when he planned to use the divine mind to carefully examine the holy feather wings in his hands, the yin and yang fire that had been quietly above Dan Tian suddenly became excited.

Then, before he understood what was going on, two black and white flames appeared directly in the palm of his hand, and then quickly merged into the two pairs of holy feather wings.

In just three seconds, the two pairs of white feather wings that even the top Wuzun Qipin peak boxing method could not destroy completely turned into a pile of white powder.

It seems that knowingly consuming the fire energy contained in the holy feather wings without authorization will make their owners angry, quickly return to the yin and yang fire in Dantian space, and spit out two small flames like peas.

The small flames spit out by the black flame merge directly into Dantian, and the small flames spit out by the white flame enter the space of the sea of ​​understanding along the meridians, and then quickly merge into the soul.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just after the two small flames spit out by the yin and yang different fires merged into Dantian and Divine Soul, respectively, the two thunderous sounds rang out from Yu Haoran's body.

With the thunderous roar, the Yuanli Realm and the Soul Realm were promoted to the beginning of Emperor Wudi's second product at the same time.

Feeling the double breakthrough of Yuanli Realm and Soul Realm, Yu Haoran's heart immediately emerged with a surprise like a river.

Just just swallowing the two pairs of white feather wings of the young people of the Protoss in the realm of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, can enhance the power and soul of the Emperor Wu.

Then, if the three pairs of white feather wings of Wu Zun's realm and the four pairs of white feather wings of Wu Di's realm are absorbed, how will it bring about a world-wide ascension to their own realm of power and soul power!

Of course, what really makes Yu Haoran feel ecstatic is that the ability of Yin Yang Yi Huo to swallow the wings of Jiehuo seems to be the strongest means that ancient gods have.

If it is the strongest means to lose the holy feather wings, then the ancient protoss in the same realm is not his opponent, which will give him the opportunity and strength to drive the ancient protoss back to the ancient **** trial field in the future, or it may be Let them disappear completely in Tianxuan continent.

After taking the two elixirs used to consolidate the realm, Yu Haoran looked with anticipation at the barrier passage, hoping that the ancient Protoss could continue to send Wusheng and Wuzun realms, so that he could continue to improve himself through the yin and yang fire Realm and strength.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

After the discussion of the nine gods in the secret territory and the eight gods in the realm of martial arts, a powerful emperor of the nine emperor peaks of the emperor led two emperor seven emperors, three emperors three emperors, and four emperors one emperor At the same time, the passage of the secret barriers.

Looking at the ten Emperor Wudi powerful men who rushed out of the barrier channel at the same time, while Yu Haoran was quickly lifted off, the look of anticipation was replaced by disappointment, and the disappointed look revealed a reluctance.

If the second avatar didn't use all the flags left by Taling in the demon-encrusted realm, then he would have been able to use more than a dozen offensive formations in cooperation with the ancestral witch's inheritance boxing methods, leaving one or two. With the body of the Emperor Wudi's pinnacle.

Seeing outside the mysterious barrier barrier channel, there are only one young man, one woman, two top Wu Zun Jiu Pin peaks, and no one can imagine the thousands of troops and horses. Alas.

Later, with a cautious personality, he immediately used the extreme thoughts to search every corner and every inch of land in Xianyang City.

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