Destined Martial God

Chapter 1630: Out of difficulties and breakthroughs (two more)

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In Bone City!

"Soul comes!"

Feeling the sword technique being used by the Heavenly Demon in the Bone Tower, the power is enough to easily break the defense of the Bone Tower and get out of trouble completely.

In order to avoid hurting his soul fire when the defense of the bone tower was broken, the Emperor Wu bone floating above the bone tower immediately stretched out his bone fingers and called to the bone tower.


The white dragon, who was winding the bone tower with all its strength, heard the call of the Emperor Wudi's white bone, quickly released the dragon's body that wrapped around the bone tower, and then roared into the air.

When the white dragon was a hundred meters away from the Emperor Wu's bones, the entire dragon's body exploded directly, and then quickly condensed into a fist-sized soul fire, and returned to the hollow eyes of Emperor Wu's bones.


At this time, the bone tower that had lost the help of the white dragon was immediately broken into countless broken bones under the attack of the heavenly magic demon's more powerful swordsmanship.

Reaching out to hold a piece of broken bone that came from a quick shot, after Shen Nian quickly swept through the broken bone, Yu Haoran was surprised to find that the broken bone in his hand turned out to be the dragon bone of the peak state of Wu Jiupin.

In addition, a small part of the energy remaining in the broken bone can assist Ying Longaotian to break through the level of respect as soon as possible.

Immediately use Yuanli to imitate the giant hands that cover the sky, quickly collect the scattered bones scattered around, and then put them all into Aotian's beast pet space.

"Master, give me three days, and I will definitely be able to break through the top level of honor!" I also found that Ying Long, who has a powerful auxiliary energy for himself, remained in the broken bones, and immediately assured Hao Ran.

"Aotian, after finishing the Bone City experience, I will spend some time in Luma Mansion, so don't put too much pressure on yourself, just practice with peace of mind!"

After nodding his head and telling Aotian, Yu Haoran quickly looked up and watched the demon Emperor Tian from the suppression of the bone tower.

Regardless of appearance and body shape, or clothing and breath, the 诛 天 魔尊 in front of him is exactly the same as the 诛 天 魔尊 condensed from the residual soul in Yujian space.

The only difference is that the immortal sent out from the front of the Tiantian Dezun is more powerful and sharper.

Yu Haoran had a very real feeling in his heart as he watched floating in the air and holding the sword of the heavenly demon.

That is, don't look at the Emperor Tianzun's cultivation of only the top Wuzun nine pinnacles. Even the mighty power of Wudi's first pinnacle state is not necessarily his opponent.


Feeling the gaze, Gutian Mozun floating in the air slowly opened his eyes, looked at Yu Haoran carefully, and his eyes sighed with satisfaction.

"It seems that Can Soul has good luck, and he was able to find such outstanding mantras."

"Master, time is short, no matter what doubts you have in your heart, or wait until you successfully break through Wudi's realm."

The overly calm performance of Wudi's white bones made Yu Haoran immediately realize that either he had the means and card to suppress the Emperor of Heaven, or that the four white-haired old men in the realm of Wudi were about to arrive.

Therefore, forcibly suppressing the urge to understand each other's relationship, he quickly reminded the other party to make breakthroughs as soon as possible.

"I know!"

After breaking away from the repression of the bone tower, the Tiantian Mozun immediately sensed the changes in the environment of the heavens and the earth. As Yu Haoran introduced, the rules of heaven and earth in a completely dormant state let Wuzun and the Emperor of the Emperor Realm not be subject to any restrictions.

At the same time, he also vaguely detected a dangerous approach.

Therefore, for the reminder of Hao Ran, Wutian Mozun nodded solemnly, and then cast a sword against the north side of the ancient city.

After a severe sword slash, more than 10,000 white bones in the realms of Wu Zun, Wu Sheng and Wu Huang were chopped into powder, and tens of thousands of floating soul fires were pulled by the suction formed by him, and finally all merged. His body.

In order to break through Wudi's realm, in addition to sufficient soul power, a huge amount of heaven and earth aura is also required.

Fortunately, when he faced an endless thunderstorm in the Qianlong Fortress of the Central Region, in order to be able to quickly recover the consumed power, he transferred all the spirit veins stored in the Domain Tower to the storage ring in advance.

Therefore, in the face of Emperor Demon Emperor's urgent need of a large amount of heaven and earth aura to successfully break through the Emperor Wu realm, Yu Haoran took out all the veins and high-grade spirit stones without hesitation, all thrown at Emperor Demon Emperor who was impacting the realm.

"Master, these spirit stones and veins can help you."

Turning his head and looking at hundreds of thousands of fourth- and third-order spirit stones, and twenty-two seventh- and sixth-order spirit veins, a joy flashed in the eyes of Wutian Mozun.

As he waved his spirits and veins away, the relief in his eyes grew stronger.

The Emperor Wu bone who had been quietly floating in mid-air, after seeing the spirit stones and veins thrown out by Yu Haoran, two white soul fires in the hollow eyes suddenly beat a few times, and then completely quieted down.

With the help of the spirit stone, the veins, and the soul fire containing pure soul power, Tiantianzun can directly impact Wudi's realm without any care, and he does not need to care too much.

Therefore, after reserving a part of the divine thoughts on the Emperor Wudi, Yu Haoran turned his head to the ethereal rat on his shoulder and asked.

"Little spirit, will the breakthrough of the holy realm lead to the advent of heavenly consciousness and heavenly rules?"

"will not!"

Shaking his head, the ethereal rat turned to look at the south of the ancient city, a hint of worry reminded in his eyes.

"But it will attract the attention of the heavenly consciousness, and then take the shot of the heavenly consciousness when it breaks through the level of respect."

After hearing the reminder from the ethereal rat, Yu Haoran suddenly thought of the silver-haired chessboard, the white-haired old man in the sunburning robe, and the eyes like the rules of heaven.

However, when Tiantian Dezun successfully broke through the bottleneck of the realm with the power of spirit veins and soul fire, and broke through the realm of Emperor Wudi strong, after he exuded a terrifying momentum enough to stir the heavens, his hesitant thought was immediately firm.

"Little spirit, with the three souls of Wu Zun's realm, impact the Holy Realm level at the fastest speed." Taking out three bones of Wu Zun's realm from the bottle, Yu Haoran solemnly reminded.

"I know!"

When I looked up to see Emperor Tianzun breaking through the realm of Emperor Wu, there was a tendency for the void within a thousand miles of the White Bone City to collapse. Immediately, I guessed that Hao Ran's intentional ethereal rat opened his mouth and swallowed three bones of the soul of Wuzun.

Then, it fell off Hao Ran's shoulders directly, and then landed on an open space swept out by the collapse of the bone tower.

At the same time, Yu Haoran immediately performed the numerology inference of Fuxi Bagua diagram, and began to try to stir up the Bone City's Qi machine, weaken and shield the breath fluctuation caused by the empty spirit rat breaking through the level of the holy realm, to avoid causing heavenly consciousness. note.

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