Destined Martial God

Chapter 1610: Emperor Yi Cannian and Bone Bed (2 more)

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Inside the cave house, in the hut!

The portrait hanging on the wooden wall is not only one person, but a group of people surrounded.

Among them, a middle-aged man wearing a dark gray robe, a burly figure, and a brave face, clenched his fists in front of a dozen men and women who were all in front of him.

After seeing the people in the portrait, Ta Ling shook his body very obviously, and then he walked to the portrait with a look of sadness and nostalgia in his eyes.

Although I really want to know the origin of the figure in the portrait and what kind of relationship it has with Ta Ling, the crystal jade bed on the east side gives him a sense of calling from the bloodline.

After a short period of consideration, Yu Haoran decided to check what happened to the jade bed that he had brought to his bloodline.

The closer you got to the jade bed, the stronger the call felt in the blood.

The stronger the feeling of calling, the more brilliant the color of the jade bed.

When the jade bed was still nine meters away, although the calling sensation in the blood veins began to gradually weaken, the blood flowing in the blood vessels began to boil slowly.

Seven meters!

Seven meters away from the jade bed, Yu Haoran faintly felt the boiling blood in his body, making him suddenly feel an impulse to turn into an ancestor.

But considering the size and height of the hut, he temporarily suppressed the urge to transform.

Five meters!

Five meters away from the jade bed, the intensely boiling blood in the body made Yu Haoran feel as if his body was burning, and his heart's urge to transform into an ancestor was even stronger.

Fortunately, his strong state of mind and tough perseverance finally made him stifle the impulse to transform.

However, when he was three meters away from the jade bed, the boiling blood in his body began to really burn, and his mood and perseverance couldn't suppress the impulse to turn inside.

When Yu Haoran started the transformation of the ancestral witch, the crystal-clear jade bed suddenly formed a suction, forcibly sucking him into the jade bed.

After Haoran recovered the ancestral witch's body nearly three kilometers away, he first looked up at the thatched roof, then lowered his eyes at the jade bed, his eyes were shocked.

Because I do n’t know what strange ability the jade bed has, no matter how much his ancestor's height has increased, the height from the roof above his head has never changed, and the area occupied by the space has not increased.

"Sit down and bend your knees!"

It was that when Hao Ran looked down at the jade bed, a strong and vigorous voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Who are you?" After not obeying the voice in his head, Yu Haoran quickly made a defensive gesture and asked with a serious look.

"I am a trace of thought remaining in the bone bed under your feet!" The voice in his head replied without concealing his origin.

"Bone bed!"

After hearing the reply from the voice in his head, Yu Haoran instinctively wanted to leave the bones in the air.

However, the strong suction formed by the bone bed prevented him from moving his legs at all, and he couldn't jump up smoothly.

"My name is Dijiang!"

Facing Yu Haoran who wanted to get out of the bone bed, the voice in his head said his name.

Just after hearing the name of the voice in his head, Yu Haoran immediately extinguished the thought of leaving the bone bed, and then sat down flexing his knees.

Dijiang, the strongest ancestor of the twelve ancient ancestors who successfully developed Dantian, the ancestor-witching tactics he now masters is also the memory and inheritance of this strongest ancestor-witch.

"Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that after entering the space of the Witch God, not only did you not die, but you were transformed into the purest blood ancestor and witch by the ancestral tree, and obtained the memory of our twelve siblings." After sitting, the voice in my head couldn't help sighing.

"Senior, since you are a trace of divine thought left by senior Dijiang, you must know the origin of this bone bed under the feet of the younger generation!"

Although the origin of the bone bed under the foot has been speculated, Yu Haoran still wants to get confirmation from the opponent's mouth so that he can proceed to the next question.

"This bone bed is made from the bones of my Dijiang." Dijiang replied with no joy or sadness.

"Senior, as the supreme existence of the ancient supreme level, who dares to desecrate your bones so boldly, and who has the ability to make your bones into a bone bed?" After receiving a positive response from Dijiang Cannian, Yu Haoran Feeling endless anger, a trace of doubt appeared in his heart.

"Everything is a cricket!"

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Dijiang Cannian did not have any concealed explanation.

"If I didn't get my own consent, even the beast king of the supreme realm in ancient times would definitely not dare to profane my body easily."


Turned into a bone bed willingly, Yu Haoran did not immediately understand why Dijiang did so.

"In order to wait for you, in order to wait for the descendants of pure ancestors and witches!" Dijiang Cannian replied immediately.

"Why are you waiting for so long?"

As a sorcerer in the realm of Shu Dao, Yu Haoran understood the meaning of Di Jiang Cannian's reply, but he did not know what the other party was waiting for.

"In order to be able to reproduce the supreme glory of the ancient ancestor and witch, and also to break the curse imposed on the ancestor and witch." Di Jiang Cannian's voice gradually rose, his voice growled even more excited.

"How can we do this?"

Yu Haoran, who restored the glory of the ancestral witch and broke the curse, didn't care much. What he really cared about now was what kind of benefits he could get from it.

"Second generation, after the transformation of the ancestral tree using Wu Yuanguo, do you think you are already the most authentic ancestor of the bloodline?" Did not immediately answer Yu Haoran's question, Dijiang Cannian asked with a slight contempt.

"Predecessors, the ancestors of the ancestors of the younger generation still have defects!" Did not care about the tone of Dijiang Cannian's contempt, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a delicate inquiry.

In fact, at the moment when the physical level broke through the realm of Emperor Wudi, he felt that there was something wrong with the ancestral witch's body, especially when he performed the ancestral boxing tradition, and often couldn't perform the essence of the inheritance boxing technique.

"Younger generation, how can a warrior be able to exert his physical power perfectly?"

Yu Haoran's unrelenting response made Dijiang Cannian very satisfied. After putting down the tone of contempt, he began to point out the physical defects of Haoran's ancestor and witch.

"Combination of blood and bones!"

Regardless of previous life or this life, the cultivation of the basic boxing method Mang Niu Boxing is to better exert the physical potential and strength, so Yu Haoran instinctively replied.

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