Destined Martial God

Chapter 1605: Under Ma Wei (second more)

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Qinling Mountains, the top of the peak!

Looking at the peak tower that was not damaged in any way, I recalled the special wedding ceremony with Lin Mengyao. Even if the time had passed by a month, Yu Haoran, who had revisited the place, still felt a little pain.

"Yu Haoran, that young man is here!"

The towering spirit that was not so emotional inside, since returning to the Qinling Mountains, he began to search for the **** cave house mentioned by Qingyi with the divine thoughts restored to the peak state of the three demigods.

Although no clues were finally found in the Cave of the Gods, the barnyard rushing fast was discovered in advance.


Ta Ling, who had just reminded Yu Haoran and was about to take back the divine thought, suddenly made a sound of surprise.

"Ta Ling, what's wrong?" Yu Haoran stared at the depths of the mountain and asked quickly.

"In a short period of time, the young man's Xiuwei was successfully promoted to the early stage of the imperial kingdom Sanpin. It seems that the snake has had good luck recently!" Ta Ling explained easily.

As Yu Haoran's Yuanli, soul power, and physical rank were successfully promoted to the Emperor Wudi's realm, not only could he be more suitable to withstand the secret method of possession, but he could also exert the power of the seven emperors of Wudi through the possession.

If he was in control of the flesh himself, he would be able to give full play to the strength of the Emperor Wu Jiu Pin, so even if Qing Xiu was first promoted to Wu Emperor San Pin, there was no threat to Haoran.

"Perhaps Qingye got a good chance when destroying the Leng family's mansion." Yu Haoran guessed with the same ease.

"Young man, you really are punctual!" The green rushed quickly to the peak tower, and when he saw Yu Hao standing at the top of the peak tower, a happy smile appeared on his face, and he quickly greeted.

"How dare you let seniors wait!"

After Yu Haoran gave a polite gesture, he looked up and asked.

"Senior, are you leaving now?"

"Okay, little friend, please follow me!"

After nodding his head, the barley rushed straight up into the mountains.

"Little spirit, be quiet, I will let you out after entering the cave." Similarly, as Hao Ran went up into the mountains with the green pheasant, Yu Haoran comforted the ethereal mouse temporarily hiding in his sleeve.

"Squeak!" After responding twice, the ethereal rat crawled honestly in its sleeve.

Qingling said that the **** cave house is not far from the peak tower built by the black bear using gravity. It only took less than ten minutes for Qingyu to slowly land in front of a group of rocks.

"Little friend, the cave house left by the gods is in this chaotic stone group." Pointing at the chaotic stone group in front of him, Qingyu reminded with a smile.

Yu Haoran nodded, and then Shen Nian cooperated with the naked eye to observe the stone group carefully, but the end result was nothing.

At the same time, the towering spirit observed by the extreme divine mind at the same time, obtained the same results as him, neither found the clues of the cave of the gods, nor felt any fluctuations in the atmosphere of the formation.

"Senior, forgiving younger eyes, I really don't see any peculiarities in this group of messy stones." After recovering the thoughts and eyes of the messy group, Yu Haoran shook his head and smiled at Qingyu.

"Little friend, please wait a moment."

After responding with a smile, Qing Yan rushed directly into the chaotic stone group, and then spit out an ambergris containing high temperature, sprayed directly on a small, inconspicuous blue rock in the middle of the chaotic stone group.

The cyan rocks contained in the high-temperature ambergris spray were not melted, but a strong cyan light burst out.

After the blue light erupting from the bluestone began to cover the entire group of chaotic stones, the chaotic group of chaotic stones was gradually replaced by a dense green forest.

"I vomit blood!"

After seeing the original group of chaotic stones replaced by a dense forest, Ta Ling suddenly realized, but couldn't help complaining a bit.

"No wonder I didn't find any anomalies in this group of rocks. Originally, this little green snake was using the potential of the earth's veins in the mountains, combined with the obstructive eye method laid by the power of the law of mystery, and the naked eye and divine thought could not find any anomalies. "

Utilizing a furry tail, he tapped on Hao Ran's arm, and the ethereal rat signaled that it had discovered the abnormality of the group of rocks.

After patting the empty spirit rat across his sleeves and praising its cleverness, Yu Haoran looked at the back of Qing Ye, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Young man, how!" Shining back to the young man next to Yu Haoran, asked with a smug smile.

"If it wasn't for the predecessors to remove the blind-eye method combined with the earth's veins and the law of the mystery, I'm afraid the younger ones need to go deep into the chaotic stone group to discover the clues." Yu Haoran seemed to be modestly praised, but implied a general reply.

Although the caves left by the gods in the depths of the Qinling Mountains have the heritage of the human martial arts and the demon monster, they have mutually complementary characteristics.

That is to say, in the heritage and collection left by the human warrior, there may be treasures suitable for barley.

On the other hand, the heritage and collection left by the beasts and monsters may also be suitable for his treasures.

Then the means that Qing Ye just showed is to use Ma Wei to remind him, after reminding him to enter the cave left by the gods, he must clearly identify the primary and secondary identities.

Yu Haoran seemed to be mild and powerful in his retaliation, and at the same time Qing Qing's heart burst into anger, his eyes flashed a sharp cold light.

However, thinking of the defensive formation of the Spirit Cave, you still need to have Yu Haoran, who has the realm of the battlefield, to crack it. Qing Ye can only temporarily suppress the anger that emerges in her heart, and then smiles and invites.

"Young man, please!"

"Senior, please!"

After Hao Ran politely responded, he took the initiative to step into the dense forest.

Because after the cluttered rock group was replaced by the dense forest, he and Ta Ling both used the divine thought to discover the location of the deity cave.

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether there is Qing Qing's leadership.

Suddenly Yu Haoran's anti-office-based move made Qingyu stunned, and then unconscious anger appeared in her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, after a forcible suppression of the strong killings that came out of the heart, Qingyu quietly took out a specially made blue jade charm, bounced directly to the ground under his feet, and quickly entered the dense forest.

"Yu Haoran, it seems that little green snake is a little bit motivated!"

The aggressive murderousness that appeared in Qing Yan's eyes, as well as the movement of quietly bombarding the jade charm on the ground, were clearly reflected in the spirit of the towering spirit.

Turning his head to look at the Qingling who followed quickly, Ta Ling's eyes flashed with a sharp murderous reminder.

"If I don't take the initiative, then I'll leave it to a small death, otherwise!" Without stopping to go deep into the dense forest, Yu Haoran's tone seemed calm, but it was quite overbearing reply.

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