Destined Martial God

Chapter 1590: Wisteria Sparrow Golden Tree in the promotion (second more)

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Thousands of butterflies in the valley!

"go away!"

It is important to find space spar, but compared to his own life, space spar is insignificant.

Therefore, in the face of Ta Ling's interrogation, Yu Haoran turned without hesitation and decided to leave Qiandie Valley.

But just as he turned around and was about to leave, a breeze blew up suddenly in the originally peaceful Thousand Butterfly Valley.

As the breeze blew across the surface, the incredibly charming fragrance floating in the valley gradually moved.

With the breeze blowing more and more, the more the paddling and fierce, the soft and charming charms gathered faster and faster, eventually all condensed in front of Wisteria Sparrow Jinhua.

"Advance!" Shouted in shock, after also feeling the erratic towering spirit in the valley, taking the risk to check the status of Wisteria Sparrow Golden Flower.

Then he sighed again.


"Unfortunately, it is a poisonous tree poisonous flower. Otherwise, you can rely on the spirit of the spirit that was condensed when the other party was promoted to the first grade and the first grade.

Yu Haoran didn't sigh of disappointment because of Ta Ling, there was a pity in his heart.

Because he found that the fragrance of the fascinating souls gathered by the wisteria finch and golden flower seemed to suddenly avoid himself deliberately.

Like the aura of heaven and earth, the scent of the fascinating soul is as much a poisonous gas as it is an energy that can assist the breakthrough under special circumstances.

Therefore, it is impossible for Qianroubaimei to have its own spirituality and consciousness.

Well, those who can control the fragrant and charming soul, only have the wisteria finch golden flower, or the wisteria finch golden tree, which possesses the sage only when it germinates.

Turning his head to watch the crazy wisteria golden tree that devours the venomous and fascinating venomous wisteria, and watched the continuously falling flowers on the branches, the doubts constantly appearing inside him, his eyebrows could not help wrinkling .

Because according to his understanding of Wisteria Sparrow Golden Tree, not only is it not a peace-loving kind person, but it is also affected by the fragrant and charming spirits. It is completely an evil tree that kills people like hemp and eats no bones. .

Then, why does it control the concentration of concentration to complete the fascinating fragrance of souls that can faint oneself and bypass itself!

I don't remember having any intersection with it, and no friendship with each other.

"Yu Haoran, hurry up and hide, Void and Blood Xiangxi are coming out!"

It is precisely because of the adventure to use God's thoughts to view the changes in the Thousand Butterfly Valley, Taling can timely discover the change in the void in the valley, and know that the cause of the change in the void comes from the void.

After hearing the reminder from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran ignored the doubts that came out of her heart for a while, and immediately hid between several lush vegetation and poisonous flowers, and quickly converged.

Just because Haoran had just hidden his body, the void above the Wisteria Sparrow Gold Tree suddenly cracked a gap, and then the blood looked very tired and rushed out of the void.

"this is…!"

Seeing the blood rushing out of the void, Yu Haoran flashed a thought in his mind as he held two watermelon-sized, crystal-clear crystals in his hand.

Perhaps it is because the wisteria bird Golden Tree was promoted to the first-order and first-order realm, which caused a lot of movement and could affect the perception of the spirit and spirit of the Void Realm. 'S confusion.

"Yu Haoran, the two spar in the hands of Xue Xiangxi are not only the spar containing space energy, but also the high-quality spar with the fifth grade and the third grade."

"Ta Ling, does the space spar also have a detailed classification?" After hearing Ta Ling's explanation, Yu Haoran immediately asked with interest.


Ta Ling nodded as he watched the blood taken from Jiedu Dan continuously.

"Yu Haoran, in fact, the space crystal is the same as the spiritual stone you have taken before. It has a detailed division of ten steps and nine grades. The spatial energy gap between each stage is basically the same as that of the different grades of spirit stones. same."

"Ta Ling, I remember when Xue Xiangxi entered Thousand Butterfly Valley, you said that the instrumental spirit in the void had the ability to create independent space and avoid surveillance by the rules of heaven."

Through comparison between space spar and spirit stone, Ta Ling let Yu Haoran quickly understand the classification of space spar.

But when he also noticed that Xue Xiangxun continuously devoured the third-order and nine-grade detoxification dan to weaken the influence of Qianroubaimei's fascinating incense on the soul, the questions that erupted in his heart made him unable to bear to ask. .

"So, the ready-made instrumental spirit of the void can completely create an independent space, completely shielding the influence of the wisteria sparrow golden tree gathering the delicate and charming charms!"


Faced with Hao Ran's questioning, Ta Ling, who also did not know the reason, frowned and wondered how to answer.

"Empty, the power of Qianroubaimei's fascinating incense is getting stronger and stronger, I can't hold it!"

The power of Qianroubaimei's fascinating incense enhanced by the martial arts rules of the Four Seasons Reincarnation is no longer solvable by the third-order nine-pin detoxification Dan, let alone when it was upgraded by the wisteria bird golden tree. Mei Mi Hun Hong.

The reason why Xiangxiang Xu did not immediately faint, although it had something to do with the Jiedu Dan he was taking constantly, but the fundamental reason was the powerful cultivation of the peak of his three emperors.

However, as he absorbed more and more charming fragrances, his physique was more and more resistant to Jiedu Dan, and his drooping eyelids made it impossible for Xue Xiangxun to use his ideas and know the void in the sea. The spirit communicates and reminds by speaking directly.

"Xiang Ye, for a minute, I succeeded!"

Appearing in Haoran and Taling, it is expected that the response from the void is not only the way to speak with the mouth, but also the sound is transmitted from the void of the void.

"I understand!"

Carefully recalling the past experience of collecting space spar into the depths of Thousand Butterfly Valley, a familiar picture that surged into my heart, so that Taling understands the instrumental spirit of the Void Mirror, and why not create a shield that can shield the independent space of the fascinating soul The reason, also know what he is doing at the moment.

"Ta Ling, what's going on?" Yu Haoran immediately asked.

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Ta Ling did not respond, but stared at the gap in the void behind the blood, and a look of struggle struck in his eyes.

Mind controlled the spirit to enter the tower of the domain, watching the towering spirit staring at the gap in the void, Yu Haoran immediately guessed his thoughts, and immediately made a decision to shoot immediately.

With the continuous improvement of Xiu Wei, especially after getting involved in the practice of cultivation, Yu Haoran can vaguely feel that he has a very special sense of destiny between him and the four other reincarnation guys, as if in the other four The guy has what he is missing.

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