Destined Martial God

Chapter 1561: Bleeding soul (four more)

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Central area, above Qianlong Fortress!

After seeing Qianlong Qiyun, who was also unclear about the promotion time, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes, Yu Haoran continued to ask.

"Senior, do I need to do anything?"

"Young man, can you continue to enter the virtual domain now?" Looking at Hao Ran's eyes, the colorful dragon asked with anticipation.

"Anytime, anywhere!" As long as there is no accident in Ta Ling, it is not trouble to enter the virtual realm, so Yu Haoran replied truthfully.

"Young man, since I don't know if the promotion of life form is smooth, so I hope you can enter the virtual domain every ten years to observe the progress of my ontology."

After receiving a positive answer from Yu Haoran, the expectations in the eyes of the colorful dragon were immediately replaced by surprise, and his voice begged more excitedly.

"If something goes wrong during my promotion, I hope to help you within your ability."

"No problem!" Yu Haoran didn't even think about Qianlong's plea for luck, and nodded in agreement.

After all, the concern for the battle between the Southern Realm and the Five Realm Qianlong Ranking is the key to his ability to finally survive the endless thunder robbery and advance to the realm of Emperor Wudi.

He only entered the virtual domain once every ten years, which was not a request at all in his opinion.

"Thank you!"

Qianlong Qiyun for the first time in his life lowered the huge leader, thanked his descendants for a far worse strength.

"Senior you are too kind, this is what juniors should do." Qianlong Qiyun, who is like a god, thanked himself so solemnly, which made Yu Haoran flattered and quickly waved his hand.

After disregarding Yu Haoran's persuasion, Qianlong Qiyun thanked him seriously, and spit out a jade bamboo slip from the huge dragon's mouth, which flew directly to Hao Ran and explained with a smile.

"Young man, this jade is simply your reward for taking care of my promotion in the future."

Although he wanted to refuse the reward given by Qianlong Qiyun, Yu Haoran finally reached out and grasped the content of the jade in the peeping sense of the recorded content in the jade.


After seeing a piece of mysterious control method and the control target recorded in Yujian, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a shock like a raging sea.

When he looked up to ask Qian Long for luck further, and asked why it did this, he found that the colorful dragon and the list had long since disappeared.

"Yu Haoran, what exactly is recorded in Yujian?"

Yu Haoran's dramatic ups and downs made Ta Ling also very interested in the information recorded in Yujian.

Therefore, after seeing Yu Haoran's consciousness withdraw from Yujian, he quickly asked.

He sent Yu Jian directly to the Taling who knew the sea, and Yu Haoran flashed back to the stand on the south side. After briefly introducing his next experience with Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi, he left the space to leave the potential. Longbao, then head straight for the Leng family in the Qinling Mountains.


Deep in the Qinling Mountains!

Using the charm to return to the cold clouds of the Qinling Mountains in advance, he did not immediately return to the family, but instead detoured to a very hidden cave deep in the mountains.

Utilizing the goddess of the top Wuzun Jiupin peak, after confirming that no one was around, he quietly entered the cave, and then used a special jade pendant to open a mechanism hidden in the cave.

Through exquisite organs, Ling Yun finally came to a blood pool full of **** smell at the bottom of the mountain.

Looking up at the huge blood phoenix that passed through the nine key points by three huge chains above the blood pool, Leng Yun's eyes showed greed and madness.

"As the saying goes, if the tiger poison does not eat food!"

Feeling the cold cloud that appeared in front of the blood pool, the blood phoenix was so weak that it could be killed at any time, a complex look of sadness and anger appeared in the blood red eyes, and the tone was filled with endless sadness.

"Leng Yun, just in order to get a drop of blood in the blood of the blood phoenix, you put your own daughter, I will bleed the soul in the future with the achievement of the **** phoenix, I now doubt whether you have a kind heart People. "

"What do you Huangmao know?"

In the face of Xue Feng's ridicule, Leng Yun could not help refuting with sneer.

"The blood phoenix is ​​not only a descendant of the blood line directly connected to the **** beast Phoenix, but also a mysterious existence of the blood line after mutation."

"The blood phoenix not only possesses a powerful existence that surpasses the ancestor beast phoenix and achieves the supreme peak, but also has the potential to impact the eternal immortal realm."

"If I can use the blood of the blood phoenix and fuse the blood of my ancestors in my body, not only will I have the hope of being promoted to the Emperor Wudi in a short period of time, but in the next hundred years, I will be able to impact the immortality of the ancestors by immortality The realm of Valkyrie. "

After hearing Leng Yun's refutation, a look of expectation suddenly appeared in Xuefeng's eyes.

"Father, if you are willing to let me go, then when my cultivation is promoted to the top of the top Wuzun nine grades, I will be able to extract a drop of blood and phoenix essence for you with the huge blood.

"Refining a drop of pure blood phoenix essence blood will make you just fall from the top of the top Wuzun Nine Pins to the early stage of Wu Sheng, and you will give it willingly."

Facing Xue Feng's proposal, Leng Yun sneered and laughed.

"Lin Mengyao, stop dreaming, I can't make you escape."

Leng Yun's questioning counterattack made Xue Feng's eyes ...!

No, let Lin Mengyao look disappointed and sad.

She glanced down at the blood pool filled with her own blood, and replaced her with coldness, reminding sneerly.

"Leng Yun, even if you use the means of pumping souls and bleeding, you want to extract a drop of pure blood phoenix essence blood, it will take at least twenty years."

"With your talent and blood of your ancestors, I am afraid that for twenty years, I have broken through the realm of Emperor Wu long ago. What is the use of the refined blood and phoenix essence?"

"Lin Mengyao, your reminder is very timely, so I must use special means to speed up the speed of blood phoenix energy refining." Faced with Lin Mengyao's reminder, Leng Yun praised with a smile.

"Leng Yun, what do you want to do?" The information revealed in Leng Yun's compliment made Lin Mengyao's face change suddenly.

"Since the speed of drawing blood and bleeding blood is too slow, I might as well use the method of burning spirits to speed up the process of extracting blood."

The cold cloud that slowly lifted off, although a happy smile bloomed on his face, but the cruel means of speaking made Lin Mengyao extremely frightened, and he couldn't help but struggle.

"Lin Mengyao, You Xuan Xie Tie cooperated with the third-order nine-pin soft soul to disperse, how powerful is the power, how many years have you been trapped in your life, don't you have a little bit in your heart!"

Although Lin Mengyao, who is constantly struggling, will definitely not be able to escape in the end, but his struggling body will affect his secret method of burning the soul.

Therefore, Leng Yun stepped on the back of Blood Phoenix, while using his powerful strength to suppress the struggle of Blood Phoenix, reminded with a sneer.

"So, Lin Mengyao, give up the unnecessary struggle, obediently contribute the blood and phoenix essence in your body, help your father to immortal gods, and then lead the Leng family to become the masters of the Tianxuan continent."

"Leng Yun, an inhuman animal like yours will sooner or later die." Lin Mengyao, who knew he was in danger today, couldn't care about the **** of blood and kindness, and cursed with hissing exhaustion.

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