Destined Martial God

Chapter 1544: Self-defeating repair, restart (second)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress!

Worried that a small part of the consciousness reserved in advance is not comprehensive enough for the physical examination, so after discovering the consciousness that gradually recovered from the numbness, Yu Haoran quickly rechecked from beginning to end, and then looked dignified Said Taring.

"Taling, you and I are all wrong!"

"Yu Haoran, what happened?" Ta Ling, who was in a good mood, immediately asked nervously after hearing Hao Ran's reminder.

"Ta Ling, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the legend of ten products in one realm. Wu Sheng and Wu Zun also have a perfect realm of ten products." Yu Haoran replied bitterly.


Yu Haoran's bitter reply made Ta Ling take a look for a moment, followed by a shocked look in his eyes.

At the beginning, when he found that Xiu Wei and the physical grade could not successfully advance to the tenth grade, he and Yu Haoran discussed this issue for nearly a day and night.

The end result is that it is limited by the power of the law.

Now, Yu Haoran tells himself that the result of the discussion is wrong. Wu Sheng and Wu Zun also have the hope to impact the ten realms of perfection. This shocked the Taling spirit, and a deep regret erupted in his heart.

This is because in the first two stages of the four stages of martial arts practice, Yu Haoran wasted all his efforts on the successful realm of warriors, warriors, warriors, warriors, warlords, and the ten emperors of the martial arts.

Originally, I wanted to complete the realm with the ten products that no one has successfully cultivated, and the hope of impacting eternal existence was shattered. This also caused the endless remorse of the towering spirit, and then fell into deep self-blame.

"Yu Haoran, I'm sorry, it's all because of my carelessness that makes you lose the hope of hitting a higher level in the future."

"Talling, don't blame yourself. It has nothing to do with you."

Abandoning the impact on the perfect state of Wusheng Shipin and then using the huge blessing of Qianlong to transport the top Wuzun realm is not only the result of the discussion and negotiation between him and Ta Ling, but also the reality of the cruel environment.

Therefore, in the face of Ta Ling's self-blame apology, Yu Haoran quickly relieved.

Then he put away his complex emotions and solemn questions.

"Talling, how long can you withstand endless thunderstorms if you use the tower of the ontology domain?"

Just when he re-examined his body with the idea of ​​regaining sobriety, Yu Haoran not only found that skipping the perfect state of Wu Sheng's ten products had a great impact on physical grade and cultivation.

At the same time, he also found that there was a gradual impact of the deadly hidden danger between the realm of promotion of Taixuan Xin Jing Gong and the promotion of his own destiny.

Therefore, after repeated reflections, he decided to self-defeate the practice of the top Wu Zun and the nine pinnacles, and then use his own destiny mentality to restart the practice from the realm of martial arts.

However, the premise requires that Taling take the initiative to defend himself from thunder and lightning for a period of time.

After all, if he practices from the beginning, he needs to disarm the ancestor and witch's body, and lose the spirit and spirit, and he will not be able to drive Ruyi Bell for protection.

"With the defense of the ontology tower alone, it can last for three hours."

Yu Haoran's relief did not make Ta Ling completely awake from regret and self-blame, nor did he find the absoluteness revealed in Yu Haoran's tone when he resisted the endless thunder and calamity, but only instinctively replied.

"If you use the original power, you should be able to persist for five to six hours!"

Self-destructive repair is only to destroy Dan Tian Yuanli, to understand the spirit of the sea, the physical grade, and has no effect on the spiritual realm and the power of the law of control.

With the power of Lingmai Reiki, Qianlong Qiyun and thunder and lightning, it takes about two to three hours to get Xiuwei back to the peak of Wusheng Jiupin.

At that time, continue to use the strongest ancestral and witch tradition of the God Melt-Thai Method, and the full version of the enlightenment Dafa, to impact the perfect martial arts ten martial arts and physical grade, it must have taken a lot of time.

After all, when he examined his body carefully just now, he had touched the perception and means of breaking through the perfect state of Wu Sheng and Wu Zun.

After careful weighing and combining with the rich harvest after re-cultivation, the last trace of hesitation in the heart of Yu Haoran disappeared, while actively dissipating the transformation of the ancestral witch, while commanding to Ta Ling.

"Trouble, then trouble you for the time being to resist the endless thunderstorm for me."

"Yu Haoran, what do you want to do?" Yu Haoran's instructions, and the initiative to withdraw the transformation of Zu Wu, suddenly caused a bad idea in Ta Ling's heart, and he yelled loudly.

In the face of the endless thunder robbery known as death robbery, self-destructive repair is almost equal to a direct death. Yu Haoran knows that the cautious Taling will definitely strongly oppose, and may even directly interrupt the self-destructive repair. move.

Therefore, after forcibly extracting the three souls and seven souls from the spirits, and directly beginning to destroy Dan Tian, ​​Shi Hai, and the flesh, he finally revealed his plan.

"Taling, I want to start over!"

"You are crazy!" Due to the destruction of the spirits, the entire space of the sea began to collapse, carrying Yu Haoran's three souls and seven souls back to the towering spirit of the tower of the ontology domain, roaring exhausted.

At the same time, countless strong men around the stands, like fools, watched the body shrink rapidly, and repaired as Hao Ran who was constantly falling.

"Sister, what is Ma Ma doing?" The mood that finally calmed down, after seeing Yu Haoran Xiu constantly falling, the emotion relapsed into the frightened Qin Lingfei, his face pale and asked.

And Jian Wujin and Wu Zhengjun's complexion instantly paled like paper.

Yu Siqi, who opened her eyes suddenly, did not answer Qin Lingfei's questioning, and at the same time took out the sword in the emperor's realm, she immediately emptied and rushed to endless thunder.

"If you don't want to die, stop right away!"

But it was because Si Qi had just emptied three meters, a powerful force directly suppressed her, and then the sound of Zhongli Shuiqin's indifference came from her ear.

"Sister Shuiqin, what is Ma Ma doing?"

Relatively indifferent, Yu Siqi, who never speaks, is enthusiastic, and the knowledgeable Zhong Lishuiqin is more accessible.

Therefore, after seeing Zhong Li Shuiqin appearing in the stands on the south side, Qin Lingfei immediately rushed to her and asked in a hurry.

"Phoenix nirvana, rebirth of fire!" Watching Yu Haoran, who was about to complete the self-destructive repair process, Zhong Lishuiqin sighed with a complex look.

"Hylophone, speak carefully!"

Phoenix Nirvana, the explanation of the rebirth of the fire is too general, and equally anxious to know Yu Haoran as the reason for the fall, Wu Zhengjun had to take the initiative to question.

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