Destined Martial God

Chapter 1520: Ignore temptations and threats (four more)

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Taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran directly mobilized all the elemental power and soul power into the dual laws of life and death. He was ready to use the law of life and death directly when the sea of ​​fire was completely absorbed by the yin and yang different fires. Know the consequences of framing yourself.

Feeling the horrifying power of the burning flame of the Sunburst Flame, Qu Yunlong retreated to the edge of the ring, and his face suddenly showed a very proud smile.

But as the burning sun scorching flame suddenly contracted strength and began to hit the hood above the ring, the smile on his face was immediately replaced by doubt.

As the performer of the boundless rule of fire and sea, Qu Yunlong can see everything happening in the sea of ​​fire.

Therefore, when seeing a small flame of the size of one black, one white and two peas coming out from Yu Haoran's abdomen, not only can it attract the fire-based energy formed by the law of martial arts, but it can also devour the energy of the Sunburst Crystal Fire. This immediately made him feel bad.

Especially when he saw the black and white two flames completely enveloping the burning flame of the Sunburst Flame, he immediately felt remorse and resignation.

In order to avoid the thunderous fury of Hao Ran afterwards, when Qu Yunlong was going to open up and admit defeat, the burning flame of Scorching Sun Crystal, which was enveloped by two black and white flames, suddenly began to show his power, which immediately closed his mouth that had just opened. on.

Seeing the burning sunfire that had already entered the tiger's mouth, she even wished to escape dying. The angered yin and yang fire instantly attracted the fire system energy in the whole sea of ​​fire, and completely devoured the burning sunfire.

"Life and death!"

Just after the yin and yang different fires instantly absorbed the energy of the sea of ​​fire, and after the entire reincarnation returned, Yu Haoran, who was already ready, immediately exerted the law of life and death and martial arts.

Seeing the re-suppressed Sunburst Crystal Fire, when Qu Yunlong's eyes revealed his disappointment, he opened his mouth to admit defeat, and suddenly heard the sound of the law of martial arts in his ears, making him unable to change his face.

"I think…!"

Without any hesitation, Qu Yunlong immediately looked up and confessed to the list in mid-air, but just as the words were about to blurt out, the power of the law of life and death and martial arts directly merged into his body. He couldn't say what he had lost.

"this is…!"

Just when the Huotai Huohai was instantly absorbed by the yin and yang different fires, Zhou Chuzheng's Zhong Li Shuiqin had been successfully resolved and returned to Wu Zhengjun.

When she saw the black and white flames above the ring, she had a vague sense of familiarity, which made her unable to help remembering to herself.

"Brother Yu, Yunlong is willing to admit defeat, please immediately take back the power of the martial arts law of life, death, and death!" Thinking of each other's agreement before the fight, Qu Yunlong quickly calmed down the inner fear and shock. With the opportunity of rapid recovery of vitality, there was a hint of flattery on his face. Reminded.

"Qu Yunlong, what choice would you make if you face an opponent who is also deliberately trying to take your life?" Yu Haoran sneered, ignoring Qu Yunlong's gratifying reminder.


Facing Hao Ran's chilling question, Qu Yunlong suddenly didn't know how to answer.

If the answer is to remove grass and roots, Yu Haoran will certainly use this excuse to refuse to recover the power of the law of martial arts.

If it is to answer the forgiveness of the other party, I am afraid that after being ridiculed by Yu Haoran, who is sharp-spoken, he will eventually escape.

After thinking about it, Qu Yunlong knew that relying only on the flattering request, Yu Haoran, who was in a rage, could not eliminate the anger, so he put a smile on his face and said indifferently.

"Yu Haoran, let's talk straight! What kind of treasures and conditions do you want to do before you are willing to recover the power of the laws and martial arts in my body?"

"Qu Yunlong, my request is simple, that is to make you completely a pile of ashes, let the world know how painful it is to dare to deceive and frame me in Hao Ran's end!" Ignoring the temptation put forward by Qu Yun Long, Yu Haoran looked Replied with a touch of sorrow.

"If I die under the rule of life and death, not only will you not get any benefits, but you will also be hunted down by Liu Yunzong's countless top powerhouses."

In the face of Hao Ran's slightest rejection, Qu Yunlong, without any panic, continued to remind and threaten with an indifferent look.

"Yu Haoran, rejecting my request just now is definitely not a wise choice."

"Qu Yunlong, perhaps the stigma of the strongest young generation in the Eastern Region for many years, has made you too arrogant and confident, and too apt."

Facing the reminders and threats from Qu Yunlong, Yu Haoran shook his head with a sneer to fight back, and looked up at the yin and yang fire that was about to complete the engulfing process.

"After killing Qu Yunlong, I was able to get a higher-quality and higher-grade burning sunfire, how could it be nothing!"

Reaching out to the yin and yang fire above the ring, he beckoned, and when it was devoured, and the yin and yang fire transformed into the shape of the burning sun crystal fire fell to the palm, Yu Haoran said with surprise.

The original black and white flame eventually turned into a pure white burning sun crystal fire. The strange attributes of the black and white flame made the bell that flashed with aura of light finally remembered the origin of the black and white flame.

"The sixty-sixth place in the Tianxuan Continent's Different Fire Rankings has the Yin-Yang Different Fire that devours and transforms the power of all the different fires in the world!" Road.

"Zi ...!"

Zhong Lishuiqin's shouting cry made everyone at the scene take a breath because of extreme shock. At the same time, all the strong fires at the scene could not help but immediately converge the atmosphere of the fire to avoid the attention of Yin and Yang.

Huang Fu's infant under the ring was somber and watery.

When she challenged Hao Ran in the gold medal at the other court, facing Shang Baizhan's questioning of her qualifications to win the Central Qianlong list to compete for the championship, Huang Fu's infantry dared to fight back with strong confidence. The refining fire can increase the power of the law martial arts tenfold.

And this is her true confidence that she intends to confront Yu Haoran and try to defeat him.

Today, in the face of the yin and yang fires that can devour all the fires in the world, she cannot face Hao Ran's strength and confidence in the face of the power of using special fires to enhance the power of the martial arts.

Turning his head and glancing at Zhongli Shuiqin, who called out the yin and yang fire, Yu Haoran gradually realized that she had something very similar to herself, that is, she seemed to know everything and knew everything.

The reason why I can know everything and know everything is not only the rich experience of the past century, but also the Tata Ling, which has existed since the beginning of the world.

Zhongli Shuiqin's ability to do this is not only related to her preferences for reading books, but also to the Zhongli family behind her.

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