Destined Martial God

Chapter 1515: The nature of the hero (four more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

"Return to the original owner!"

Looking at a five-colored energy column emerging from Zhou Mengling's head, Yu Haoran reached out and pointed at An Yufei, who was sitting next to Qianbu Mai, and continued to yell.

Along with Yu Haoran's second drunken sound, the multicolored energy column ran directly to An Yufei with a look of terror on her face.

"Yu Fei, don't panic, I don't have any malice towards you, and the multicolored energy column will not hurt you."

Seeing An Yufei's panic-looking look to evade the multi-colored energy column, Yu Haoran quickly signaled and explained.

"Yu Fei, the multi-colored energy column represents talent, potential, perseverance, perception, and blood, which are exactly what you used to be. Now I just take it back for you."

Yu Haoran's gesture and explanation of the energy column, although An Yufei was still full of doubts, but she was not trying to dodge, and let the multicolored energy column directly blast into her body.

When the multicolored energy column was integrated into An Yufei's body, a very powerful breath burst from her body, which not only prevented her from controlling the volley of her body, but also the special mask on her face was completely shattered to reveal the mask. Peerless look.

"Isn't this Mengling Master!"

Feng Tingting, who had seen Zhou Mengling's true face in Lushan, muttered after seeing An Yufei's peerless appearance.

Zhou Chuxian, the ancestor of the Zhou family on the east stand, couldn't help but a look of panic.

"Yu Dandi, what's wrong with me?"

Although she can clearly feel her talent, potential, perseverance, understanding, blood and cultivation are constantly improving, this uncontrolled improvement makes An Yufei feel a little overwhelmed, and her voice is slightly crying. Yu Haoran asked.

Not answering An Yufei's question for the time being, Yu Haoran went straight to Zhou Mengling.

"Yu Haoran, please, don't do this to me."

The constant weakness of the body and the rapid decline in cultivation and strength made Zhou Mengling vaguely guess what Hao Ran wanted to do.

Losing the talents of the arrogant girl has already lost her transcendental status, and also lost the hope of hitting a higher level in the future.

If it is exposed to the exact same appearance as An Yufei, then she will certainly be the object of blame by all people, which is a consequence she simply cannot bear.

Therefore, looking at Yu Hao who stepped in front of himself, Zhou Mengling couldn't help crying.

Unfortunately, in the face of Zhou Mengling's plea, Yu Haoran stretched out her hand without giving any attention to it, intending to remove the white silk gauze on her face.

"Brother Yu, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will not only obediently send the celestial sword, but also willingly to be your niece. I will do whatever you want, including that kind of thing."

Seeing Yu Haoran reaching out and pinching a corner of the white silk gauze, Zhou Mengling, who immediately broke the psychological defense line in panic, gave humiliating requests and conditions, which also made the audience in the eyes of many players obsessed with Zhou Mengling's fairy temperament Envious and jealous.

"I'm not interested in you!"

After an indifferent reply, Yu Haoran directly peeled off the white silk gauze on her face, exposing her peerless appearance like An Yufei.

"Ah! What's going on?" After seeing Zhou Mengling and An Yufei's peerless looks, most people at the scene couldn't help but shouted in fright.

"Soul robs the magic, the mystery of ancient magic and magic!" Looking at two people with the same peerless appearance, feeling the breath of Zhou Mengling, An Yufei's breath continued to increase, and Xiuquan clenched Zhongli Shuiqin can't help but whisper to himself.

"Yu Dandi, what is going on here?"

Because of his strange changes, An Yufei seemed very panicked.

Now, after seeing Zhou Mengling who has exactly the same appearance as her, a more flustered emotion emerges in her heart, which directly makes her cry and ask.

"Yu Fei, in fact you are not surnamed An, but surnamed Zhou, the biological daughter of Zhou Youze, the head of the Zhou clan, and the twin sister of a mother and a compatriot Zhou Mengling."

Fly slowly into the air before An Yufei, Yu Haoran said with a touch of pity.

"Also, the concentration of your talent, potential, perseverance, understanding, and blood of your ancestors will far exceed your sister Zhou Mengling."

Looking at Yu Haoran flying to himself, listening to his account of his life, An Yufei, who stopped crying, quickly asked.

"Yu Dandi, why did I leave the Zhou family?"

"Although your talents are outstanding, you have inherited the tenderness and kindness of your mother and become an obstacle to your father's restoration of the Zhou Dynasty's glory plan."

"While your sister Zhou Mengling's talents are average, they have inherited the fierce and venomous character of your father, and can complete his glorious plan for restoring the Zhou Dynasty."

Seeing that the mood was gradually calming down, Yu Haoran began to speculate on why Zhou Youze was doing different things to their sisters according to her understanding of human nature.

"So, under the arrangement of your father Zhou Youze, the fate of you and your sister Zhou Mengling has changed dramatically."

"Yu Dandi, since my talents are outstanding, why is it so ordinary now?"

It was just because of his personality that he was abandoned by his biological father. This made An Yufei feel extremely distressed, and he wanted to know the reason for his own appearance.

"In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, your father used the soul-depriving divine magic created by ancient gods and demons to continuously deprive you of your talent, your potential, your perseverance, your understanding, your blood, and your spiritual integration. Your sister, Zhou Mengling, is causing your cultivation to progress slowly. "

"Sure enough, it's soul-hunting magic!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's questioning in An Yufei, when referring to the ancient soul and spirit co-created by the gods and demons, while Huo Shanyu gritted his teeth and whispered to himself, his strong murder directly locked Zhou Mengyu.

However, she did not immediately attack Zhou Mengyu, but intended to learn more about the plans of the Zhou family and the ancient protoss alliance through Yu Haoran's handling of the Zhou family sisters.

"Just to restore the glory of the family in the Middle Ages, can you abandon the happiness and future of your biological daughter?"

Regarding Zhou Youze's approach, An Yufei felt extremely chilled, but she really did not understand what his father did.

"For a true hero, affection and love are just one part of his plan."

"If it works for his plan, affection is affection, and love is love."

Recalling several real heroes I have seen in previous lives, and wanting them to be willing to give away their wives and daughters in order to gain enough strength, Yu Haoran couldn't help but sigh.

"If it becomes an obstacle to his plan, then affection is not affection, nor is love."

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