Destined Martial God

Chapter 1493: Brothers look back (one more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

With the reincarnation of the Four Seasons Law, the martial arts fired energy that strengthened the breath of life, and the extraordinary injuries and repairs in the summer quickly recovered again, which also made everyone on the scene truly see the power of the four rules of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"Brother Yu, are the martial arts techniques of the four seasons reincarnation and the four seasons of reincarnation just performed? Is it the power of the law that you have majored in?" The rapid recovery of the internal injuries and the spirits made Xia Qi feel extremely excited, but he couldn't help it. Asked in shock.

After all, Yu Haoran can really make a name for the entire Tianxuan continent, and get the courtesy of the magical giants like Yuwen Cangqiang, because he is far better than the martial arts.

Then, it is too normal to use the law of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter to assist alchemy as a major repair!

And the summer question is also the question that everyone on the site has been waiting for a long time.


Shaking his head, Yu Haoran shook his head and explained, while restoring the vitality and soul power consumed by the martial arts technique that had just been performed in the four seasons of reincarnation.

"The power of the four rules of the Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter series was obtained after I was acquainted with the Qian family of the Qian family when they walked to the ruins of Dongfu after the battle for Qianlong in the Southern Region ended."

Ignoring Xiaqi's eyes, a shocking look appeared like a raging sea. Yu Haoran turned his head to look at Ji Hanyu under the ring, and his eyes finally stopped on Ji Wenlong's voice.

"Actually speaking, the reason why I was able to unexpectedly understand the law of the four systems of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and successfully created the four seasons of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation in four seasons, thanks to the support of Brother Ji Hanyu from Yuxu Palace."

"Ji Hanyu!"

He also glanced at Ji Hanyu with a gloomy face, and Xia Qi showed a look of doubt.

In fact, it wasn't just Xia Qi who was puzzled. Everyone at the scene, including Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin, was also very puzzled.

After all, as Yu Haoran became more and more famous and his reputation was getting higher and higher, the grievances between him and Yuxu Palace were gradually exposed.

Given that the two sides are almost close to the hatred of water and fire, when they meet each other, Ji Hanyu will definitely try his best to get rid of Hao Ran, how can he help him to realize the four rules of spring, summer, autumn, and winter!

In response, Yu Haoran just smiled indifferently and did not explain the conflict that occurred in Meihua Meilin.

However, although Yu Haoran did not give a detailed explanation, they have experienced the scourge of Mei Meimei together, and also came to watch the five steps of the Qianlong list battle, but they were quite embarrassed about Qian Yunyu and An Yufei. Explained.

"What strong support, if it was not for Dan Di's profound formation practice, I would have died in Meihua Meilin's Four Seasons Reincarnation Formation, and the culprit is Ji Hanyu ...!"

Gan Bumai did not deliberately lower the voice of explanation, which also made everyone at the scene sighed by Haoran's comprehension and luck, and shocked by the amazing achievements of the other party after understanding the whole thing in detail.

Wudao Xiu is about to become the strongest of the young generation in Tianxuan mainland. Dan Tao Realm is already the first person in Tianxuan mainland.

Today, the displayed realm and talents are not lost to martial arts and dandao. It is impossible that Hao Ran is the demon genius of the whole department!

Eastern Huaiyun, standing among the many players in the Eastern Region, looked at Yu Haoran with surprise in his eyes.

Because she did not expect that Yu Haoran could not only easily crack the upside-down Qimen array and the Four Seasons Reincarnation array method, but also could use the two array methods to perceive the two rules of martial arts in the same line.

After hearing Qian Bumai's detailed explanation, Ji Wenlong and the elder of Yuxu Palace's elders' faces instantly gloomed.

The elder Yuxu Palace was very dissatisfied and looked at Gan Bumai, complaining that the other party had made Yuxu Palace unsightly under the wide public hall.

And Ji Wenlong stared at Ji Hanyu with chills in his eyes. He blamed him not only for not finishing the killing task arranged by his father, but for Yu Haoran's amazing gains, which gave Yuxu Palace an intractable enemy.

Ji Wenlong's cold eyes glared, and Ji Hanyu, who had accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction and anger in his heart, suddenly erupted.

Thinking of the cards he had prepared in advance, he suddenly glared at the opponent with confidence.

Ji Hanyu's glaring without any fear made Ji Wenlong stunned.

Because since Ji Hanyu became sensible and learned the identity of his illegitimate child, his inferiority and weak character made him always look like a cat when he faced himself. Do n’t say that he looked at him directly, even Even when I was talking, I was unfavorable.

After the sacrifice of God, the endless anger that followed appeared in his heart, and he couldn't help asking his face somberly.

"Ji Hanyu, do you want to rebel?"

"Yes, I just want to rebel. How can you Ji Wenlong take me?" Ji Hanyu, who was affected by dissatisfaction and anger, immediately responded with a tough attitude.

"Ji Hanyu, did you eat the heart of the bear, or did you have the support of a stronger force behind it, which actually caused you to commit the following crimes and betray them in a humble way?"

Ji Hanyu's tough fight back made Ji Wenlong feel embarrassed and even more angry, faintly unable to control the emergence of murderous stride towards Ji Hanyu.

"The following offenses are expensive and inferior!"

When Ji Wenlong questioned, he mentioned that the identity gap between them was precisely the pain that Ji Hanyu had felt since he was sensible.

Because he was an illegitimate child, the Yuxu Palace went up to the ancestors and elders, down to the core and ordinary disciples, and dared to treat him in the yin and yang.

It is also because of illegitimate children that even if he was tested for the talent and potential of the evil level, he did not have the qualification to inherit the Lord of the Heavenly Palace.

It was because of his illegitimate child that Ji Wenlong dared to slap and scold him.

Therefore, when the other party unveiled the painful scars, Ji Hanyu's heart left the last trace of fear and respect to Ji Wenlong, to his father, and to Yuxu Palace.

His face instantly struck Ji Wenlong, and Ji Hanyu snarled and laughed.

"Ji Wenlong, don't you pretend to be five people and six people in front of me, as if you are a gentleman, in fact, you are also a **** and a **** full of evils."

"Ji Hanyu, you want to die!"

Ji Hanyu's growl and accusations, especially the truthful accusations, have completely inspired the murderous spirit that Ji Wenlong has been suppressing.

After a heavy drink, he quickly walked towards Ji Hanyu.

"Ji Wenlong, even if I want to find death, do you dare to touch my finger now!"

Seeing the murderous Ji Wenlong coming, immediately took out a jade Jane Yuhan from the storage ring and threatened with a sneer.

"This jade book contains a detailed account of every evil thing you Ji Wenlong has done, how to use the mean and shameless methods to get those women, and who secretly cooperates with those in the magic path to sneak attack and kill talent and far potential Some of your older brothers are far better than you, or you sneak into a lady's boudoir of a certain inherited family to peep at others and take a bath. "

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